I'm sorry marrying me is such a huge hassle

After entering the private showroom Lady de Valois already pulled her over to look at the designs of the wedding dresses. "Your grandmother and the bridesmaids are currently trying on a few dresses for themselves. Please be patient a little longer. We dawdled around too long, all right, Madame Ploutiette's dresses are too beautiful, so it's easy to lose track of time." An apologetic smile danced around the beautifully curved lips of her mother-in-law.

"Maman, am I now invisible for you?" Grumbled Alexandre, who had to trot behind the ladies.

With eyes glinting with rage Isabelle de Valois made a 180 °C turn on her heels. "Indeed." She hissed at him. Her voice was as soft as a gentle breeze, but the power in it made his body shake among. " Normally, I wouldn't seek the company of a scoundrel like you. Since you are my son, I hardly have a choice." With her finger raised she pointed at him. "As you requested, I didn't mention Adrien with a single syllable. But let's be clear. If you don't tell the de Clermont family about Adrien, I'll force your father to erase your name from the family register and put Adrien in as sole heir." Furiously she turned on her heel, then stopped once more and looked at her son over her shoulder. "By the way, your father is also very disappointed with your behavior, but hopes you'll join us for dinner soon." Once she was finished, his mother would guide Lily to a lavender baroque salon settee. Alexandre himself had to take a seat next to the ladies on a lonely armchair.

Maman pulled Lily over to show her the wedding dress designs that were already on the coffee table.

These were especially customized and hand designed wedding dress. Whether it was style or fabric, these were the finest and most beautiful pieces. Each and every dress was beautiful, stylish and fancy. A dream every girl longed for. There were a lot of eye-catching designs that made it difficult for Lily to make up one's mind for.

Meanwhile, an employee entered the room with a tray full of drinks and canapés in her hand, which she arranged on the coffee table next to Madame Ploutiette's designs.

"Madame Ploutiette will be with you at any moment, she is only preparing the last details. If you need anything else, my colleagues and I will be at your service until then." Explained the girl and offered drinks and canapés.

Indifferently, Alexandre leaned over to his mother. "At the reception, I was wondering about your sense of style. Seems like it's not so bad after all." Alexandre smudged.

His mother just raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes I wonder how I could give birth to such an impertinent brat." Isabelle de Valois hissed.

"Well, I think I turned out pretty well."

Suddenly, Lily reached out for him, her eyebrows drawn together as she pinched him into the side with a warning glare. "Look I know you are upset over something today. But could you please stop trying so hard to be this much of a pain?" She murmured.

Since she apparently didn't want to add anything more, Alexandre stubbornly pushed his hands into her trouser pocket. "I'm sorry marrying me is such a huge hassle."

"And, yet I'm still here, trying to find the right wedding dress."

A grin crept across Alexandre's face. "Alright, I guess I'll just keep you company today." So he gave in mischievously. All of a sudden, impulsively, Lily kissed him on the cheek. Once she broke away again, his cheeks were glowing. That was the first time she took the initiative. Slowly the grin on his face grew wider. Relaxed he could lean back into the cushion. "All according to your wishes, Love."

So Alexandre allowed his gaze to wander freely within the room. Near the wall two shop assistants were standing. Each with a black frill blouse and a red-grey striped skirt dressed. At a oval glass table not far away, a collection of lace, net embroidery and fine silk ribbons were displayed.

Near the fitting room stood a rack full of white bridal veils. Alexandre imagined how he would slowly lift her veil in the church. What would her face look like on that day? He knew she would shine beautifully in any white dress. Alexandre's gaze wandered, as if enchanted, to Lily. Lingering at her sight. At the moment Alexandre was a bit lost in his thoughts and did not care about anything else. Why was she so adorable?

Suddenly he felt that it was nice to be around her. He never felt so peaceful. Even if he knew that there was still so much trouble waiting for him, he felt this slight tingling, this warmth that spread from his chest across his body down to the tips of his fingers.