A little unbeatable spy

She reached for her phone a second time. Her fingers were nimble as she typed in the number she knew inside out, digit by digit.

Still, her fingers trembled as they wrapped around her mobile phone.

Her mouth felt very dry and her stomach was filled with a dull feeling. She held her breath, doubtingly staring at the number on the screen. Should she really call. Having a good cry on her shoulder.

She knew she couldn't always call immediately if she was in trouble once again. But Lily didn't know any better way to help herself. Guiltily, she listened to the sound of her cell phone dialing the number.

"Good afternoon, dearest bride. Lily, did you know your husband is spending a fortune on your wedding? I mean, the bridesmaids' dresses alone cost about a quarter of my wardrobe."

Horrified, Lily opened her eyes. "Nelli this is absurd."

"You have no idea, baby! How expensive a dress of Madame Ploutiette is! The rest of the normal population has to spend months, if not years waiting on an endless waiting list. Honey, you are about to get five dresses at once! The filthy rich jerk must be richer than Croesus. I haven't forgiven him his action in Zurich yet, but the dress is a good start! As a small thank you, my bridesmaid's speech will not turn out so badly. Listen..."

Lily heard a rustling in the background as if her friend was flipping through a book, probably looking for something in the little black notebook she always carried with her, in which she recorded every thought.

She cleared her throat. "This might be the most difficult decision of your life, but in the end I congratulate you on finding someone who is completely unethical, but handsome and filthy rich. So I would like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties of your life..." Her friend hummed happily into the phone, but with a hint of dirty malicious joy.

The bride-to-be on the other hand could only shake her head speechlessly, if Nelli really said that then... "This would going to be the worst Maid of Honor speech in history!"

"Thank you for your sweet compliment. Of course, I'll save the more exciting points for your wedding. Stay tuned!"

Lionelle's cheerful and frivolous manner made it easier for the girl to talk about her problems. "I have some news..." Lily blurted things out.

"Let me guess - your husband found his heart." Nelli teased her. Her friend wasn't satisfied with Alexandre. Nelli still hadn't forgiven Alexandre the way how he had handled things back in Zurich. "In case you will cause his cold heart to beat, you surely will be able to collect his black credit card. Then you will have the opportunity to take this poor old friend of yours on a shopping tour without limits. As a small compensation, of course. Because of your husband, brother took all my credit cards away. And you know shopping is a stress management program for me and I had a lot of stress. That crazy Claudio is a proper stalker!" Nelli hummed theatrically.

Lilly pulled her eyebrows together. "If the ice block at home falls in love with me, of course I'll pay you compensation." Giggled Lily into the phone.

"Great! I already have an idea how we can win his heart. Just wait. I have a little gift for you."

Lily was all smiles. Talking to Nelli relieved her of all worries. She knew that her friend couldn't really help her with her problem. Still, she enjoyed the carefree banter between friends.

"So sunshine, what troubles your little heart. Your big sister can give you a few tips on how to wrap the men in the house around your little finger."

"Maybe I'll come back on your offer later. But unfortunately, that's not why I'm calling you."

"Don't!? What a shame! I was hoping to become the next source of upper-class gossip."

Lily sighed out loud. "It's more of a family issue."

"Let me guess your dear sister."

The girl moaned loudly, her friend always hit the bull's eye. "Can you believe being threatened by your own little sister?"

"Well, with Nadine... um... Nothing surprises me anymore. So what does she want?"

"Actually, she wants to remain as my bridesmaid. Other claims she keeps for later."

"That shrewd little witch! And what was she threatening you with?"

In a gloomy mood, Lily explained Nadine's clever plan to her best friend in every detail and the shit she was in thanks to Alexandre's lie.

"Ha! That snake, don't worry, sweetheart! Good that you called me first. I haven't been idle these last few years." The roaring laughter of Lionelle scratched at the speakers. Lily's heart started bouncing up and down in her chest. The first glimmer of hope shone through her cloudy thoughts. The confidence in Nellis words gave her security. "Wh-what do you have in store?"

"Not much... Just some very suggestive photos of your oh so sweet sister!"


Nelly was full of pride. Her voice sounded excited, gloating over her little discovery. "Well, she wouldn't expect that. These are older pictures... but they obviously show your sister and dear Pascal in a very lascivious pose."

Lily could hear her friend clapping her hands. She could picture how Nelli's eyes were glistening in malice. "I also have many more snapshots of the two lovebirds that can dull a reputation. Your sister always seems so smart. But for the past two years, this little unbeatable spy hasn't let Nadine out of her sight. You never know what the pictures might be good for!"