An icy sting rammed her heart

Suddenly an icy cold shiver ran down his spine. He had the feeling that he could lose something at any moment. Alexandre's instinct forced him to look in Lily's direction.

A strange figure stood barely half a meter away from her. The woman's pupils seemed unusually wide. Her face was thin and empty. Panic rose in him. No one but he saw the threat this woman posed. She was dressed luxuriously, but the noble clothes seemed so fake on her, as she seemed to fit so wrongly to this place. A creeping fear crawled out of a dark corner of his mind.

He quickly put the toddler down and hurried to his wife. As soon as he reached her side, he grabbed her thin arm before quickly pulling her close before hiding her under his body.

He felt a sharp pain that pierced his side. With his last ounce of strength he pushed the rattled figure aside. The woman cried out. Her painful howling cut through the air. In the background, Alexandre heard a loud buzzing of voices, a horrible, tumultuous ruckus.

He felt a burning sting in his side. "Lily!" he called out in panic. He could hardly stand on his feet. The sharp pressure increased with every breath he took before he too collapsed in Lily's arms causing them both to fall to the ground. Pain rammed through his body. Robbing him of air to breathe.

His eyelids lowered. Her gentle warmth surrounded him. She was all he could feel. He buried his face deep in her chest and listened to the wild beating of her heart. He was afraid, but at the same time, her arms held security. Alexandre felt the pain slowly slipping away from him, fading along with his consciousness. A deep drowsiness lay heavy over him. He passed out in her embrace, safe at her chest, floating in a void as if drifting in cool water.

All the pain was gone. Only a soft voice still called out to him in the distance. Like a tender song, eerily beautiful.

Time seemed to stand still, everything around her was drowned out by Alexandre's whistling breath. He lay heavy on her. She could hardly breathe, his weight pressed down on her, squeezing her chest, pressing out all air of her lungs.

But all she could feel was Alexandre's damp shirt. The wet cloth shoved all of her own pain out of her mind. The shirt, which seemed to get wetter and wetter under her shaking hands from second to second, was all she could think of. Dazed, she raised her hand to her face and stared at a bright red palm. She shivered. Fear swamped all over her body.

"Alexandre?" Lily held him tight as if her life depended on his. She felt the slackening of his massive body. She held on to him tighter. Her head buzzed with the sudden turn of events. One minute ago they were happy, and now...

Alexandre's heavy body pressed itself against her, he was too heavy, she could hardly hold onto him. Yet she held him with both hands, pressing his head against her body. She forced herself to breathe, even though it was hard. But every breath was taken with caution. Carefully she tried to control each of her breaths, quietly and flatly. She did not want to move a muscle too much. She was too scared. Any movement too much could hurt him even more. His wound would open up more, and blood. So much blood. He lost too much blood!

The blood sucked dark red into his white shirt. With frightening speed, the warm wetness spread over her, too. Noticing how his blood soaked her dress.

Lily hardly made a sound. She felt her numb. Panic had overwhelmed her. In the background she heard thousands of sounds, the screaming of a child, strikes, the screaming of people, footsteps... Everything melted into a dull mass.

All she could think about was... "Alexandre!" Her voice sounded shaky and hollow, even to her own ears.

Still no answer.

She felt heat leaving his body.

An icy sting rammed her heart. Tears were gathering in the corners of her eyes. Her hands held his limp body. His face looked sallow and pale, twisted by pain. Tormented, she kept calling Alexandre's name.