His very own deadly combination

"Are you drunk?"

"Yes! Drunk with love."

Nelli rolled her eyes, "Oh, Romeo," and took a step towards him. She was a head smaller than him, but under her gaze he felt like a little boy again. Nervous. When she looked up at him, looking him straight in the eyes, he discovered this smile, like a loaded gun. A smile that squeezed sweat out of his pores. Making him tremble. She had him in her hand. He'd never felt so helpless. At her mercy. Hoping she wouldn't crush his heart. She was still holding it in her hand. But how long, how long would she keep holding it? He did not know. With every second, the uncertainty grew. It was only seconds, but with every single second she kept silent, it felt like she was squeezing his heart in her hand. He never had felt like that before. When did it start? No, it had hit him like lightning. Suddenly she was always in his thoughts and the more often he met her, the more he wanted her. It was a paradox. He knew that himself. Actually, Claudio had never really loved before. But now love had seized him. He couldn't even understand it himself. After all he didn't believe in love at first sight. He mocked people who did. And yet he was caught by love. Nelli had stolen his heart and brought him to his knees. She was his very own deadly combination, of a rotten mouth, temperament in her veins, and a soft heart, that he wanted to own. Yes, she was not fragile like a flower, but fragile like a bomb, and if he survived her, hell would be a pleasure cruise compared to her. But he did not want to taste anything else, he was already addicted, because he knew he would not find another like her. So he had to get her at any cost. He knew this was love.

"You like me?" She was so close to him that he felt her warm breath brush across his face as she looked up at him. "For my personality?" There was a sparkle in her eyes. But there was skepticism in her words.

"I know, I was surprised too."

"What did you fall in love with? The fantasy in your head of how I should be? The personality that goes with that face. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that will always be a fantasy."

"I love you."

"Lying is not a good look for you, sweetheart." Her delicate hands reached for his gray tie and pulled it tightly around his neck. Before she stroked his chest with her soft hands, seductively slowly she smoothed the white fabric of his shirt. She was so close to him, only inches away from him. Her scent, a mixture of vanilla and orange, wafted in the air like a cloud of aphrodisiac. Suddenly she banged loudly the wall next to Claudio's head with her flat hand. He winced, completely perplexed. All the air had escaped his lungs. "Your stalker tendencies are getting on my nerves! Whatever your obsession with me is. It' s only in your head. I don't want to be your toy or your wife. I like a man who's faithful to me, not a bed bunny. Get it!"

Claudio chuckled. Where would he find a woman like her? "I'll just be your exclusive bed bunny." He grabbed her, turned her around and pressed her soft body with her back against the wall. "Stop me if you can. But I want you. Only you. None of my fantasies do you justice."

Nelli struggled in his Arms. Suddenly the tide had turned. Claudio was unpredictable and didn't get the message that he had been turned down. He gladly overheard the NO? Did he enjoy that? Had she flipped a switch on him that turned him on? God, how she was sometimes disgusted by men. One smile too much, one careless look and men thought they had been given a free ticket to chase after the woman of their desire like a madman. Whether she wanted it or not. It pissed her off, made her furious, the more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

"Let go of me now!"

"Not until you give me a yes."

"Dream on!"

He laughed. "Every night I dream of you, but reality is better than any dream."

"With your sweet talk you may be able to lure other girls into your bed, but I've heard much more original lines. You better think of something new, Casanova." She struck him hard against the chest. But he did not move an inch. He seemed to come even closer.

God, it probably turned him on, the more she resisted, the more he wanted her. What a psycho - Nelli thought and decided to pursue a different strategy.

"You like me?"

"That's what I'm saying."

"How! What did I do?" Wrong - she corrected herself in her head.

"I don't know." He said with a shrug. "I just think we would make a wonderful match." He said softly.

Suddenly Claudio stumbled back a few steps and the strong figure of her brother was already in front of her.