Bracelet Making (Ellie)

Ok I'm awake I thought I died for a minute I couldn't feel anything everyone else was awake except Beth


Zac and Charlie had come into the room and try to pull a prank on us but I got both up in time to notice

"aww you caught us," says both Zac and Charlie in slightly annoyed voices

Zac went to the kitchen and made everyone breakfast I ate breakfast at the table with everyone we just discussed how we were going to make more bracelets

Then I went back to my room to get dressed I was thinking about how I fell for Zac but I don't have a reason maybe it was just because I like his personality

When I got back we went back they had all went to the study room

"How do we know this is going to turn out as the last one beth says in a slightly worried voice

"What if it goes wrong"

"It won't stop being so worried Charlie says"

"Anyway back to what we were doing," Bella says

"Ellie you go over to that machine in the corner and make 5 bracelets Bella

says in a rushed voice"

"why are we so rushed about this" Zac says

"Because I just want to get this done with" Bella says

"Ok now Beth go make another 5 bracelets" Bella says"

"And Zac go make another 4"

Me Charlie and Roxy will make some over here"

"Ok I'm done I say"

"Same with me Beth says"

At the end we all got them done it was hard work but we did it now we can go get lunch