The Final Day in Liverpool

Today I went to a local pub underground to announce something to the remaining citizens of Liverpool... "Want a drink doc?" The bartender asked me if I want to drink alcohol. "No, I'm good so you called everyone here?" After saying that to the bartender, he pointed at the next room where the location a few remaining people are waiting. With everyone in a room, I began the announcement. "Everyone... The fact that I called you all here for an important announcement that might hurt you or maybe not, I guess.

I want to announce today that Liverpool has now fallen and I want you all here to be transferred to London where it is safe." The secretary of the mayor talked. "Well, what can we do about it we're the last people alive in this town but you did save thousands before the fall of Liverpool and I will give credit for that." The bartender began to talk too. "Hey, doc what are we gonna go now? I mean London is getting way too many people and it might be a tight situation over there." I replied to him. "Well, where do you wanna go now? London, Birmingham, Oxford, Sheffield, York, and Bristol. Are the remaining places that still stands to this day.

I already called a Tram to pick everyone up, and to be taken to the central station where you can choose where to go I'll be heading to Birmingham." We left Liverpool abandoning it with those who died within the town. It's sad to leave the place where I became notorious and known for. The memory will live in Liverpool and yet I need to settle some instances in Birmingham I got someone to meet up there to talk to help with my plan in Birmingham...

The person I'll be meeting there is Johnson L. Lichnen, a fellow researcher I knew back then that didn't become a plague doctor. He's a person with the same goal as me... To take down our greatest enemy yet but that person isn't in Birmingham yet since that person is always out for urgent matters.

I arrived in Birmingham with my friend Mr. Johnson... "Hey, buddy how's it been? I heard you closed down Liverpool such a shame that another town as fallen under because of the plague. Hey, let's go to my place." I've never been to an underground house before since my lab was at the surface it's way different here especially the environment. We arrived at my friend's house it's way bigger than what I expected. "Hey, Neal you seemed surprised about my home here," I replied.

"Well, it's just that we're underground and you have a huge house on it is just marvelous. Now, got any clues about her?" He replied while holding a folder with the new info he retrieved. "Not much, but she hasn't been moving lately since her urgent matters always slow her down." I was amazed at how bland the report he gave me but what do I expect not much activity had occurred in the past month.

Like seriously I made a lot of trials perfecting my cure that took more than a month to refine it and yet she hasn't done anything yet? I mean, to be honest, it would seem that she likes to do this to cover her up even more and yet we are at her trail. "Hey, Neal I got my self an informant over at a pub near my house he used to be a worker for her, we might have a chance at this."

I agreed to go and meet the informant to get more info while I did some more curing of the remaining infected people on the town while I'm at it, we can't move on yet without a solid proof about our target while I'm still fighting the plague. But I can relax for now since the levels of toxicity are returning to normal so I can do this properly without worries of being called again to work on a stabilizer for the plague, not that I hate it or anything it's just getting us a narrower window of time since we don't have any much left.

After the informant gave us more info we got and had a drink by the pub we went to. "Neal, I pity you. I know that she's gone now for more than 3 months. But it feels like it was just last week. And I mean you're still hanging on to her? I'm not making you pissed or anything it's just I know you love her and everything, I proud of you man. Being that the man of your word you've been always been ever since you were hired by her majesty herself, and now a plague doctor? What luck!"

Well... This is expected when we go out for drinks, I mean my tolerance for alcohol is very very high and yeah I do have a cure for being drunk but let Johnson have his time since its a long time since we last went to a pub. She was there during that time... Helena... I guess I'm glad to be alive in your stead to continue fighting this conflict that has been the root of everything we have here today. Even if we have the greatest doctors around that can cure this disease...

The greatest threat today is something we look upon on as a symbol of hope and success. And I mean that after his time at the pub I brought him back to his house and began to decode the things we have while his maid fixes him up. "I guess next year is England's endgame..."

Fall is inevitable, I will become death again once we begin our plan... Destroyer of my own work, I will become the person I was once many years ago.