Chapter 0: The Continuation

Neo-World Program And Research... A concept of the 3rd Generation Kirkstoic that studied the great plague that caused millions to die from its unknown origins and the cause of the Great Neal Kirkstoic to return from the dead on how a piece of jewelry revived him from a certain death that might cause a great shift of history if it didn't happen. This research and development of the whole family broke off into certain groups that focused on a specific part of the study that made them separated into their world of studies.

The 5th Generation of the Kirkstoic is the generation that became obsessed on the unknown occurrences from their family line especially health-wise, their main goal is to find out how their great-great-grandfather died then got revived by an unknown source that keeps them awake that who's actually behind the revival of their great ancestor if that revival didn't work the family wouldn't exist and Britain would likely too. But the last words of their great-great-grandfather stuck around and became their family motto... "If saving once's life doesn't give you pain. Then you're not saving anyone as far as I know." Meaning without hardships there would be no cure to any diseases. If it doesn't hurt then it's useless then, that became their ideal mindset of being a doctor. If you don't bring yourself into tears again and again then nothing would progress. These words became their obsession, their motivation, their reason why they serve and cure their patients with their hard work and by having to go through the pain and the stress to perfect the cure for each disease out there... Time is their greatest ally in the family of patient people. They say that because of their sheer lengths of time being used to perfect their medicine so much so that their platform is known as the Kirkstoic Time-Based Medicine Synthesis or KTMS for short it's an open platform used by many pharmaceuticals that wanted that quality of a Kirkstoic-made medicine in a more approachable way so much so that KTMS had yearly revisions each year the platform became more accessible to the masses to get more affordable while being high-quality on their way. The person who made the platform is the current head of the 5th Generation. Mr. Leon Kirkstoic, a genius that started to formalize the KTMS with his mind on set on doing what he believes in. He believes that the Kirkstoic doesn't have to be the only family that creates and manufactures special medicine, medicine should not be restricted to one company so he did the right thing and made a platform for future medicines to follow for the sake of having as many companies competing for market supremacy than becoming the only company that creates such medicine preventing the hassle of demand on the company.

In the midst of the current century, the Kirkstoic's have created branches that span across the globe with each branch having its own member of the Kirkstoic as its head. During this time one of the families in the 5th Generation under the side of Julie, their great grandmother within it is Hailey Kirkstoic the third child of the family, daughter of Leon Kirkstoic. The child that they say will be the successor of Neal Kirkstoic on his research on plagues... But Hailey specializes in the field of physical

medicine and she will tackle this work without knowledge. Currently, Hailey is residing on her Mother which is currently living in the original Kirkstoic Manor in Liverpool while being a high school student and a school doctor from time to time if she's needed. Surprisingly each of her siblings is already doing their part as a Kirkstoic... The eldest child is her brother, Johnathan Kirkstoic which he's currently working as a military doctor on the field in the SAS. The second eldest child is her sister, that is currently residing in Canada as the head of the branch that holds both Canada and America, her name is Alisa Kirkstoic. And lastly her little sister, Jane Kirkstoic. As the youngest on the family, she's currently the youngest head of a branch that resides in Japan at the age of 14 she's a prodigy in pediatrics amazingly. Her mother, on the other hand, stays with Hailey though she works on the main laboratory as the head supervisor on the research and development of new medicines.

While researching under the Neo-World Program and Research about the reason and the cause of their great-great grandfather's revival after his death during his time in the field and on how he survived getting stabbed on the chest. If their research succeeds they can make a way to improve the handling of stab wounds and make a procedure that can be useful, easy, and can increase a patient's survivability. With that in mind, they have been researching this matter since the time of Johnathan's childhood. And their research is paying off with each discovery improving medical care one-by-one. While this is all happening Hailey, on the other hand, is busy with her own research since she is in charge of the research on the plague that causes such a horrible mess that it's still

being compared to ever war that came after it. Since the incident is so horrendous that it reminded the whole world what a simple cough can do if it's not prevented with measures that can prevent this from growing into a pile that ends up beginning another tragedy. With that now, Hailey is doing her part while being a good student and a good child on the family as she is known for making medicine from simple formulas, a feat only last seen during the 3rd Generation.