A Meeting and An Emergency

Meanwhile at the Main Kirkstoic Manor...

"Everyone, we must assess the current situation in an organized fashion. I want everyone to be involved in this meeting is everyone in the head staff here?" Said by my Father who's acting a bit differently today. "Now, now everyone takes your seats and we will begin our meeting today." Said by my Mother who's acting to calm everyone down. As everyone slowly quiets down Father began

his opening words. "Hailey, would you kindly begin your case in your side." I nodded and stood up and began my report. "January 15, 20XX A.D. time was around 3:30 PM me and my Assistant headed to a house near Bristol where it was reported to us by a medical outpost as an emergency. The patient was a woman in her 30s, blonde hair, her height was around the 5'7 range, normal weight and so on. I began the tests on her for around 10 minutes. And I got a positive saying that she has the symptoms for the Type 3 Time-Evo representing the fourth-day group of symptoms. High fever and extreme paleness while her blood is normal. The family of the patient said that the patient has been sick for 5 days now and they didn't know her sickness would be an ancient if not a very rare case indeed." After that, I sat down and everyone started to mumbling. Then Father replied to me. "Thank you for the report you may go back to your Lab to continue researching on the subject we hope that you may find something on your research."

After that both me and my Assistant headed back to the Lab as quickly as possible. "Assistant grab Vol. 42 of the 4th generation we may need that as our leverage for our research since they have something we have in common in our search." Tom nodded and headed to the archives. I open my lab and quickly swept my table to prepare for my research, I began experimenting with the samples of the patient. "Ma'am I got the book!" Said Tom. "Sure bring it here." I began flipping the pages of the book... Hmm, something's not right. It says here that type 3 symptoms are supposed to be horrible than what I've seen. I continued flipping the pages of this one thousand page archive for one year and yet the details here are completely different from what I got. Did it evolve? Did it mutate in some form? How did that survive the plague cleanup during the 4th generation's last work before the transition? "Ma'am? I have received some papers for you to read to help you with your research." Said Tom. I replied. "Sure, Tom... Do you think that they were nearing the point of demise since this sickness is about to turn into our greatest no... Our Worst case of the Evo Virus?" My Assistant replied. "Ma'am, what are you thinking?" I replied. "I think we've found ourselves with our greatest fear. It's returning and returning quickly. Tom I've got to be honest with you I don't think I can exceed the expectation of this title..." Then a person came into the lab and called Tom for something. "Good luck Ma'am." Said Tom as he leaves for a special meeting. I continued to crunch some numbers to support my theory that Evo Virus in the Time-Evo Plague has evolved and combined with the traits from the other types... As I combine and connect the results of my experiments I decided to leave for today to rest myself for a big day tomorrow.

Meanwhile Tom's meeting... "You called sir? Is this about Miss Hailey?" The man was her father. "Tom McClain... I do have a request for you. Can you extend you're support for my daughter Hailey. The golden week is nearing and you'll experience what a Kirkstoic would look like if they had a piece of their Founding Father. You'll be careful around her because she might change during this time period... Well everyone of us to be honest. I'm giving you this responsibility since you've been with her for two years now in service am I right?" I nodded. I'm mean I've heard stories about Neal Kirkstoic became different after he returned back to Ireland to plan out their siege to bring back Britain. "Tom, pay attention to Hailey's actions you'll need it and also watch your back kid." I better do what Sir said to me. I'll prepare for the inevitable I guess... Miss Hailey whatever you may change during that week I hope you'll not depart from your duty as the Kirkstoic's plague doctor. I've got to prepare myself too in case of emergencies. But for the meantime let's tune-up the ole' stallion.

Sunday 3:22 AM... I and my Assistant quickly started our experiments with the samples until I got a call from a specialized doctor saying. "Miss Hailey... The patient died..." Then I quickly replied. "WHAT! Quickly, evacuate everyone in the hospital I'll go there and investigate! Make sure everyone is well disinfected. We'll arrive there in thirty minutes! *Click*" Then Tom got curious about the call. "Ma'am, should I start the bike?" I replied. "Quickly Assistant we've got our first casualty in many years of absence of the Evo Virus." Tom started his motorcycle and we left there with haste. "Tom we need to be in the motorway as fast as possible. Find a route that we'll be faster on." Assistant replied. "Sure, Ma'am! Hold on tight!" He twists the throttle as hard as he can on the backroads that we took. After a few minutes, we found ourselves in the motorway then Tom finally opened the taps on his motorcycle. As I felt the G-forces moving our weight shifting it to the back I saw the speedometer and we're around 250 KM/H time passes by when you're going over 200 KM/H... I fear that what will see there would be our greatest problem that humanity would again face. As we howl down the road going fast in a motorcycle, I thought to myself I can't make my own decisions or make it with

any precision it feels like I'm just cramming things and ideas down in my throat. I can't think straight my mind is getting blurry with choices and anxiety of handling this kind of problem at such an early state... This is what Mom was warning me about, but I'm hoping the best for our success at recording and curing this disease before it begins. But to be honest no one knows where it begins... No one, not even us knows where this sickness, this culprit that has the potential to kill an entire population without beginnings. We just hope that when we get there everything would settle down and clear up as I do my job or... If it gets to me first.