Chapter 12: Leveling Up

The wind crescent blade that was summoned by John, completely sliced through a row of infected zombie, in a straight line.

The short white-haired zombie girl was completely torn to shreds by John's summoned wind crescent blade, as she was the first one to get hit at close range. The power of the wind slash crescent blade diminishes over time, as the distance gained away from the conjurer.

'Damn! That skill is surely powerful and overpowered in narrow spaces. Judging from his carefree complexion, it hardly consumes any mana at all.' Alex thought to himself, whilst staring in awe, witnessing John's impressive display of power.

Alex then swallows his saliva, taking a large gulp of air, as he readied himself for the incoming battle.

"How many of those so-called 'Wind Slash' can you use at this moment, John?" Alex asked John a question.

John immediately responded, giving a rough estimation of his mana pool. "9... At most 10, if I were to completely used up all of my mana." He said to Alex.

Alex then smiles devilishly, with his back turned, as he gripped on the handle of the sword tightly. "It's time to grind for some exp and level up." He said so with excitement in his tone.

John reluctantly said, being slightly influenced by his actions. "Sure why not. Let's put our lives on the line, why not?" He said so sarcastically, as Alex responded back to him. "I'm happy that you share the same idea as me!"

John sighs... 'It's not like I have a choice, besides giving the best opportunity to increase our levels within a short period of time... It can be very advantageous to our survival.' John thought to himself, coming to a reasonable conclusion.

"Let's get this party started! Shall we commence the mass genocidal killings!" Alex said so with enthusiasm.

Whilst, John from the sidelines, then look up at Alex's murderous figure. 'Oh boy. It would seem that he got addicted to killing zombies too much. He is gaining levels at an astronomical rate... Is this what it's  like to be a gamer.' He thought helplessly to himself.

"Well, never mind..." John whispered quietly to himself, as a horde of infected zombies then rushed over towards them.

Alex immediately took action, whilst holding nothing back. He ruthlessly slashes through a group of infected zombies, with his Heaven's Piercer, cleaving their bodies in half.

He took a few steps back, as the upper half of the cleaved infected zombie tumbles over. The lower half torso then tumbles over lifelessly, as they stepped upon by the next in line row of infected zombie.

However, some managed to get trip over the cleaved carcass of their fallen infected zombie companion. 

Alex took this meaninglessly good opportunity to kill a couple of infected zombies, that were held back by their fallen companions. As he vertically slashes through four infected zombies, in a row, destroying their heads, and skulls with his sword. 

Blood splattered everywhere, as brain matter and cranium skull bone fragments send flying backwards. It hit some of the infected zombies behind them, piercing their eyes, or smearing theirs in black zombie blood. Momentarily blinding them.


[You have killed an Infected Zombie {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Zombie {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Zombie {Normal}! ]

[Your base level has increased by 1! ]

[You have killed an Infected Zombie {Normal}! ]


[Your skill proficiency with a sword has reached a designated point. The skill [{Basic} Swordsmanship Lv1] has been acquired! ]

[Your skill proficiency has reached a designated point. The passive skill [Inferior Mana Recovery Lv1] has become [Inferior Mana Recovery Lv2]! ]

'What's this! It looks like I've obtained a couple of new skill!' Alex thought to himself, as he focuses mainly on the battle unfolding before him.

'There is no time to check my status, whilst in battle unless I want to get in the same predicament as before.' He thought to himself, as a single slip up could cost him his life, dearly.

Alex continued his genocidal slaughter of many infected zombies, whilst he is racking in a heap of experience points at the same time.

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[Your base level has increased by 1! ]


However, there was a mutated infected zombie, hidden amongst the horde of zombies. It wasn't until it was a couple of feet away from Alex, was its presence made known.

It stood roughly on the same height as John, just a head taller than Alex. The infected zombie was extremely chubby, with its overall appearance being normal, for the most part. Except for it's lower jaw being extremely large and massive, having grown to considerable heights. Even his skin and lower jaw muscles could not contain them.

His white reinforced lower jaw bone, pushes out, tearing the skin off on the bottom of his face, almost like it was a silicon mask.

Sharp teeth protruding upwards, like a shark, with two additional tusks replacing the canine fang. However, his upper jaw looks normal, apart from it being slightly a bit sharper than normal.

The white jaw bone zombie charges towards Alex. Alex was immediately alerted by its presence, as he throws his sword scabbard backwards, tossing it over towards the side. Freeing up his other hand.

With both of his hand, one at each end of the bronze Jian sword, as he tries to parry the white jaw bone zombie's attack.

The white jaw bone zombie charges forwards, whilst opening its mouth far and wide, much like a shark. It was ready to bite Alex, with its razor-sharp large teeth. However, the bronze Jian sword blade was lodged deeply within its mouth, vertically, whilst the sharp edges of the blade are cutting into the sides of its mouth.

*Zombie Growl!*

The white jaw bone zombie growls as it starts biting on Heaven's Piercer, much like a dog biting on its chew toy.

It slowly starts to chip away at the sword edge and reducing its durability.

Alex was extremely angry, as yelled at the thing. "Oh, Hell No! There is no way I'm letting you Fuckers destroy my precious blade! You Fucking Bastard!" Alex resorting to cursing the white jaw bone zombie.

In his fit of rage, with all of his strength, Alex then kicks the white jaw bone zombie in the balls. Destroying his precious jewels in the process.

"It's not like you would need them anyway, because you're a zombie and all." He nonchalantly said to the white jaw bone zombie.

*Undying Scream!*

The white jaw bone zombie then lets out a high pitch scream, as its jaw loosened up, enough for Alex to pull his sword out, but things didn't stop there.

As Alex retracted his bronze Jian sword, with his left hand, turning it slightly 90 degrees, with the bronze Jian sword tip facing the direction of the white jaw bone zombie's mouth.

"Since you like chewing on my blade so much, then how about you eat this!" Alex taunted the agonising white jaw bone zombie.

With all of the strength, he could muster up in his body, Alex thrust Heaven's Piercer into the mouth of the white jaw bone zombie. 

The bronze Jian sword blade entered the white jaw bone zombie's mouth, piercing through its nasal cavity, and into its brain, reaching through to the other side. Its lifeless black sclera, white like pearl eyes then becomes still and unmoving.

Its zombie high pitch screech then dies down, as Alex then pulls out Heaven's Piercer. Chunks of the white jaw bone zombie still stuck to the bronze Jian sword blade.

[You have killed an Infected Host {Chomper Variant}! ]

[Your base level has increased by 1! ]

"Alex! It's ready!" John shouted at Alex to get his attention.

Alex retreated backwards, as he leapt from the ground in large strides. Due to the physical modification that is done by the system, what is otherwisely impossible for the original Alex, is now possible with the current Alex.

He moves around the place, as if he is some kind of martial artist or cultivator, in a xianxia or Chinese kung-fu movie.

Once he is out of range, John casted his wind spirit magic skill 'Wind Slash', as wind attribute energy gathers around his hand.

He then forms a slashing motion with his hand and swung it down. Neon green light gathers, forming a green crescent blade that is fired in a straight line, at the incoming horde of zombies.

The wind crescent blade then diced through rows of infected zombies, in a straight line, whilst pushing most of the zombies in the front back.


[You have killed an Infected Zombie {Normal}! ]

[Your base level increased by 1! ]

You have killed an Infected Zombie {Normal}! ]

[Your base level increased by 1! ]

You have killed an Infected Zombie {Normal}! ]

[Your base level increased by 1! ]


[Your skill proficiency has reached a designated point. The Wind Spirit Magic Skill [Wind Slash Lv1] has become [Wind Slash Lv2]! ]

Numerous blue screen began to pop up, one after another, appearing right before John.