Chapter 14: Escaped Route

John then looks down at Alex, as he lightly smiles. "I knew that you will eventually be caught on." He said to Alex.

Alex was feeling a bit perturbed, and confused, as he suppressed his negative feelings. "What do you mean, John?" He asked John, with a sense of confusion.

John just laughs it off, with growing happy tears in his eyes. "Hahaha! I'm just messing with ya, bro! We're friends right! So friends cover for each other! Whilst, you were busy cutting down zombies in place. I have been collecting the monster drop loot in your place." John said to Alex, whilst wiping away his happy tears off.

Alex wasn't all that happy, as he grunted. "Dude! Is that for messing with ya? Previously before or what... So what did you get?" He asked John.

And John immediately responded as he pulled something out from the pockets of his blazer. "I've got four skill crystals. Three white quality (common) skill crystals, and blue quality(uncommon) skill crystal. Just a couple of gold coins drops from the monster drop loot."

John said as he proceeds to pull out 4 hexagonal shaped quartz crystals, out from his blazer. 3 white ones, and 1 blue one.

"What kind of skills would you get from the skill crystals?" He asked John, having grown rather curious on the matter.

John in return responded right back at him. "The white quality skill crystals are 'Shield Bash, Charge, and Basic Heal'. Whilst, the blue quality skill crystal is 'Tier 1 Agility Up'."

That last one piqued Alex's interest, as John could see the burning desire in his eyes.

"Can I have the blue quality skill crystal that contains the skill 'Agility Up?" He weakly asked John for the item, with his coarse voice.

John then laughs, as he tossed the blue quality skill crystal over to Alex, and he caught it with his left hand.

"It's not like I'm gonna steal your loot anyway. Most of the stuff that I've got was originally loot dropped off from the infected zombies you've slain." John lightly shrugs his shoulders, as he placed the three white quality skill crystals in the pockets of his blazer.


[Would you like to learn the Passive Skill [Tier 1 Agility Up] from the white quality skill crystal? Yes/No ]

[Skill Crystal: Tier 1 Agility Up]

[Rarity: Uncommon][Skill Type: Body Strengthening][Effects: +5 Agi][Skill Description: The skill increases your body movement speed. Plus +5 Agility stats per level up. Can only be levelled up by consuming skill points.]

Alex then immediately presses on the 'Yes' button, as blue quality skill crystals vanish, becoming white particles which are sucked into his body.

[You have learned the Passive Skill [Tier 1 Agility Up Lv1] acquired! The white quality skill crystal is consumed! ]

Alex could instinctively felt his body has become slightly lighter, even if it is not by much. It is still prevalent that his speed has increased.

Alex and John then rushed up the staircase, picking up their speed, as they tried to outrun the massive horde of zombies chasing right behind them. Slowly, gaining speed, as the number of infected zombies chasing after them, increases.

Alex and John hurriedly rushed up the stairs, at breakneck speeds, breaking a leg, at the speed they are travelling.

They run passed the second-floor, within seconds, rapidly reaching the third-floor. However, there was already a small to medium size group of infected zombies, congregating around the door, blocking their exit.

"Tch!" Alex clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"We're trapped! We are sandwiched in between with no way to escape... We are doomed, I tell you! DOOMED!" John said so having fallen into a state of panic.

"Oh, you Fucking Moron! Use your brain, you fucking idiot! If our path is blocked, then we will just make a new one! Use your powers, you dumb idiot!" Alex criticises John, shouting loudly at him, snapping him out of his panic state.

When Alex mentioned of his powers, John then suddenly thought of his wind spirit magic. 'Oh, how can I just forgot about it. I must have looked like an idiot from his perspective.' He thought to himself, having grown slightly embarrassed over the matter.

"My bad bro. I panicked, and sort of forget what I'm supposed to do." John said so apologetically, as he apologized to Alex.

"I was wrong as well. Sorry for shouting out you." Alex hurriedly apologizes back, as the group of infected zombies in front notices their presence.

John reacted almost instantly, as he gathers the air around him, turning it into a crescent wind blade, that which he fires at the small group of infected zombies that are blocking the exit.


[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[Your base level has increased by 1! ]


When John fires the wind crescent blade, the wind crescent blade struck some nearby zombies, killing them almost instantly.

Once the wind crescent began to show some signs of dissipating, Alex charges in with Heaven's Piercer, cutting the remainder of the infected zombies in his way down.

The bronze Jian sword dance within his hand, as he cuts down many multitudes of zombies, almost like a death god. Despite his exhaustion and overworked body.

*Zombie Screech!*

The zombies' screeches, giving out undying screams, as they are slowly being cut down, whittled, and amputated by Alex's bronze Jian sword.

Their numbers are vastly reduced, within a couple of seconds, as Alex cuts down the last one.


[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[Your base level has increased by 1! ]


Not before the incoming horde of infected zombies that were chasing after them, has managed to catches up to them.

"Shit! They have managed to catch up to us! Let's make a run for it..." John said so in a panic, as he hurriedly runs towards the exit.

And Alex then follows shortly after John, as they forced their way through the small opening in the barricade doors, enough to fit one person at a time.

"Shit! This fucking barricade!" Alex shouted out in frustration, as he draws his sword.

Alex then cuts the doors down, vertically slashing with Heaven's Piercer. It broke the barricade doors, sending bits and pieces of debris flying.

"John! Your skill..." Alex said to John, as he watches the horde of infected zombies drawing near.

John then looks back at Alex and nodded. "Got it!" He exclaimed.

Alex then turns around, facing the direction of the large horde of infected zombies, heading for his direction, respectively.

"Ignis Pila! Ignis Pila! Ignis Pila!" Alex chanted the incantation for the fire magic spell 'Fireball'.

Three smouldering red hot fireballs then materialise right in front of Alex.

With just a mere thought, he willed the fireball, like it was an extension of his body. Sending the fireballs flying towards the horde of infected zombies.

The three smouldering red hot fireballs shot through the air, almost like live hummingbirds.

John then receives the signal, as he gathers the air within his surroundings, to form a wind crescent blade, which he then fires off at the intending target, in order to set off the three fireballs.

The wind crescent blade struck the last fireball, adding oxygen to the flame. It causes the fireball to rapidly increase in size, it's shape becomes destabilize and abnormal, as it implodes on itself.

The imploded fireball caused a chain chemical explosion reactions, as the whole staircase went up in flames, being rapidly consumed by the fire.

The massive explosion blew the entirety of the staircase up, destroying the vertical staircase, as fallen debris from the ceiling and destroyed walls fall down. It crushes numerous infected zombies beneath it and trapped them underneath the debris.

However, due to the massive chain explosion, it has destroyed the structural integrity of the staircase. Thereby, causing the staircase to caved in on itself.

The staircase gave way, quickly falling apart, as the infected zombies at top tumble downwards, piling on the infected zombies beneath it. As the fallen debris and parts of the destroyed school building, lands on top of it, slowly crushing the ones at the bottom, who bears the front of the total weight.


[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host {Normal}! ]

[Your base level has increased by 1! ]


[You have reached the designated level (Lv20)! The [Class/Subclass] and [Skill Tree] has been unlocked! ]

[You have gained the achievement [Pyromaniac]! ]

[Achievement: Pyromaniac ]

[Bonus Stats: +5 in all Stats. Inventory Slots: +5. Additional Reward: +1 x Iron Reward Box, Fire Resistance {Z}. ]

[You have automatically learned the skill [Fire Resistance {Z}]! ]

[You have acquired 1 x [Iron Reward Box]! ]

A futuristic iron cube then materialises, which he then reaches out, and grab with his hand.

Not before his overly exhausted body tumbles over, having expended all the last bit of his mana and energy.

"Alex!" John cried out to him in alarm.

"What the hell is going on!" One of the people in the surrounding, who witnessed the whole thing, cried out in shock.