Chapter 16: Outsider's Perspective

Lade is starting to feel his body began to tire out, as he tags out with another player in the backend group.

However, he suddenly froze in place, as his hearing then picked up on something. 'Something is happening. The zombies are acting rather odd.' Lade thought, showing a pessimistic look.

As the sounds of the infected zombies, on the other side, has noticeably gotten louder.

Their zombie growl has gotten a lot more aggressive, and violent sounding, almost as if they were engaged in a fight.

Lade then turned his body to his face the direction of the barricade doors. His face then turns a bit grim, as he said. "Something is attracting the attention of the zombies. For the better or worse. We will soon find out..."

The instance that Lade said that, the entirety of the backend group, then look in the direction of the barricade doors.

Peter and Trequan were being overly cautious, as they gave a pessimistic look. "What is going on over there? Could it be another group trying to reach us? Or are they being chase..." Peter said, whilst taking it with a grain of salt, at this point, anything can happen.

The sound of the zombie growling in intensified, as every survivor on the third floor expected for the worst.

"We're all gonna die! Its the end for us! We are doomed!" One of the survivor's screamed.

Peter has grown a bit annoyed by their constant yammering. Ge shouted, "Quit it, or I will use you as bait to draws the zombies away!" At Peter's words, the survivors all become silent, shutting their mouth.

Peter then turned around and grunted. 'Well, that should shut them up for the time being...' He thought to himself.

They are afraid of meeting an unkindly death, being rapidly devoured by a zombie, as their flesh and skin are ripped apart.

The agony and pain they would have felt at their very last moments. The extreme agonising pain of being consumed.

However, the same thing can be said for the other side, as zombie flesh is being torn apart, rip to bits, and shredded by Alex's sword.

With John's wind crescent blade tearing through many rows of infected zombies, as their black viscous blood are splattered everywhere, littering the floors, walls, and ceiling.

The wind crescent blade tore through the group of zombies, destroying the barricade doors, and leaving a big hole in the wall.

The figure of John and Alex then exits the staircase, through the big hole in the wall, they created.

Alex was extremely tired, on the near brink of passing out. His eyes were half-closed, but he forced them to remain open, out of pure resolve in order to not fall asleep. His hair was murky and dishevelled, covered in the blood of his enemies.

His once white collared shirt has dyed partially black, because of the black zombie blood.

Peter, Trequan, and Lade were extremely shocked, as they immediately recognize the person in front of them. 'Is that, Alex? But who is that he is with?' The three thought at the same time, in unison.

Alex then swiftly rotate his body, a full 180 degrees turn, facing the direction of the incoming large horde of infected zombies. He raises his hand out.

"John!" He then called out to his companion by his side.

"On it!" John nodded in response.

"Ignis Pila! Ignis Pila! Ignis Pila!"

As Alex chanted the spell incantation for the tier 1 fire magic spell fireball, and three smouldering red hot fireballs then materialises, right in front of him.

Trequan and Peter then look at him, with astonished expression. 'Is that fire magic? So he could use magic, huh...' Peter thought, as his gaze is fixated on Alex's back figure.

'The question is, where the heck did he get the magic skill from... The reward box, or monster loot drop.' He thought to himself.

Peter then watches as Alex flung the three fireballs, he just summoned, at the incoming large horde of infected zombie.

However, what they didn't expect, was that John, Alex's companion, could also use magic, but not on the same degree and destructive level as Alex's fire magic.

"Wind Slash!" John said the skill name out loud.

As luminous green light coalesced around his body, turbulent winds wrapping around his right hand, forming a wind crescent blade, made of air.

John then fires the wind crescent blade that forms around his right hand, at the flying fireballs, as It cuts straight through the air in an instant.

"He could also use magic as well,"  Peter said so himself having grown slightly surprised, but what happens next left them all in awe.

John's wind crescent blade then struck one of Alex's fireball, causing a massive chain explosion. The struck fireball then implode on itself, rapidly growing in size, and increasing in temperature, as oxygen is added to the fire, fueling the flames.

The imploded fireball, then triggers a chain explosion, as the imploded fireball engulfed the other fireballs, increasing the explosive radius, and the size of the devastation.

"What are those fucking idiots doing? Are they trying to destroy the whole school? That massive explosion could literally destroy the whole third floor that we are standing on." Lade screamed in anger, raging at the two demolitions that cause a scene, despite knowing the consequences.

Whilst, Peter from the sidelines, stared at the two figures in awe. 'Such power and destructiveness. They must be an extremely high level in order to cause this much damage.' He thought to himself, whilst coming to a logical conclusion.

The massive explosion blew up the ceiling of the staircase, whilst at the same time, destroying the structural integrity of the stairs. Unable to support the full weight of the large horde of infected zombies, the upper staircase then caved in, having fallen apart due to heavyweight of the collective zombie hive exerted on it.

The upper half staircase leading to the third floor crumbled, sending the horde of infected zombies at the top, falling down, and crushing those that were beneath it.

Alex then stood still, with his back facing the backend group. His figure seems so towering and unreachable in that very moment. However, the sound of his heavy breathing broke that immersion.

Lade then slowly walked up to him, unable to hold back his anger. "What the hell, man! You've destroyed our experience farming!" He was shouting at Alex, behind his back.

"Lade! That is enough!" Peter shouted at Lade, but his words went unheard.

It went through lade's ears, and out the other.

However, when Lade went up to him and was about to tap him on the shoulder, to get his attention. Alex's legs then gave out, as he falls down on his knees, with his face-planting on the floor.

Though Alex has blacked out, he is still very much in a semi-conscious state. So he could hear whatever is going on around him. 

"What..." Lade said so, with a surprised look on his face.

"Alex!" John and Peter both said his name out loud, as John then runs up to him.

Alex's body has fallen flat on the floor, but he is still firmly holding onto the handle of Heaven's Piercer, and the Iron Reward Box. As his fingers have become rigid and hard due to the constant swinging of the sword.

John was the first one that reaches him, as he got down on his knees to check for any pulse and his breathing.

John smiled, with a sigh of relief. 'Thank God, he has just only passed out.' He thought to himself.

From the sidelines, Peter then walks up to the two, clearly worried for Alex's wellbeing. "Is he alright?" He asked John.

Though they are not the closest of friends, Peter can still be considered as a classmate, who he shares a common interest with 

John immediately replied, giving Peter some peace of comfort. "He's alright, just past out from over exhausting himself... He should be back to good health when he gets some plenty of rest."

"Well, that is great," Peter said with joy.

A thought suddenly crossed John's mind, as he asked Peter. "By the way, can you help me carry him to someplace safe so that he could rest properly. Instead of you know, sleeping on the ground, with his face lying  flat on the floor..."

"Ah! Sure thing. It's not a problem." Peter nonchalantly said as he and John carried the passed out Alex, one person on each end.

They placed Alex in an odd posture, with his top body leaning against the wall, and his head facing down, almost like he is inking of something.

Alex's bronze Jian sword was stabbed into the ground, his hand still holding onto the handle of the blade.

"Well, what do you think? He looks cool in that pose, right." John said so to Peter, asking for his personal opinion.

"Well, it's not really my place to critique, but he does look a bit cool in that pose." Peter got nothing more to say, and just go along with it.