Chapter 18: The Wrath of the Players

"What you are doing is a crime? You are threatening my life. You will be arrested! I tell you!" The boy stutters as he speaks, whilst making a laughing stock of himself.

"Oh, really! So who is gonna arrest me then." He said to the boy, taunting him, whilst giving him a meaningful glare.

Alex then pulls on the handle of the sword, lodging the sword out of place, as he points the tip of his sword at the boy.

"You! You..." The boy then stutters, unable to fully form a proper sentence on his own.

"What is going on here? What happened?" Peter then storms in, entering the hallway, as he shouted in great alarm.

The boy snickers evilly, under his breathe, as he tries to play it cool. "He's trying to kill me! Everybody can be considered a witness! Look he is even pointing his sword at me! It's definite proof..." 

The boy then tries to shift the blame, twisting the obvious fact that Alex's pointed his sword at him to his advantage.

'Does that kid have a death wish or something.' Is what most of the people here would think.

"Is what he said true? Answer me, Alex.!" Peter asked Alex. 

However, John suddenly intervenes. "You can't be seriously trusting the statement of this brat, over a friend right... You know Alex is not that type of person." He said to Peter, whilst giving the boy a menacing glare.

Alex then shrugs it off, finding it a bit funny as he smiled. "I wasn't really planning on killing the boy... Just Chop Off His Hand! That's It!" He exclaimed loudly, so that his last few words could be heard, crisply.

"Alex! You..." Peter said so, with a serious expression on his face, like it was no laughing matter.

However, before Peter could even finish his sentence, Alex has already interrupted him, in midswing. 

"It's not like the boy doesn't deserve it. Just before, he tried to steal my sword, while I was not fully conscious, and was quite defenceless."

Well, this changes everything, as the players within the backend group, very well understand the severity of the boy's actions.

"So what do you think? There is no way that he would go up and start a fight. He is not that type of person." John said to Peter.

"Well, this changes things, if what Alex said is true, then we can't easily let this matter slide now, can we." Peter then said with a very grim expression.

"Why is that?" John curiously asked Peter.

"That is because to a Player, their weapon is very essential to their survival. Without it, then you are as good as dead unless you could use some magic to compensate for your lack of a weapon." 

"I see. I can certainly somewhat understand your reasoning." John nods his head in agreement.

"As you can see, weapons are a rare commodity here. Much more useful than actual magic, since it doesn't run on mana. It's not necessarily very consuming... Or would you have rather fight with your bare hands, that is almost like a guaranteed death sentence." Peter said as he continued his speech.

"I see, but I don't understand the clear issue that you are saying," John said, bewildered, unable to think of the clear picture.

"Well, let me explain. You are not thinking a few steps ahead, John. So you wouldn't understand since you are not a weapon user." 

"Think of it this way, when a player dies, their items and loot get transferred to those who first found them. So they can be useful to another. However, in rare incidents, when the item is of great value and preciousness. People would literally kill another, poison them, and used any means possible to get their hands on that valuable item." Peter said so seriously, as he exemplified his words.

John was extremely shocked. "You can't be serious." He exclaimed outwards in shock.

"Have you not heard of the term PK'ers. It means player killers. If you have played much PVP types of games then you would surely understand me." Peter said to John.

"You surely can't be serious right. This is real life. It's not a game." John retaliated, stating the obvious fact.

However, Peter immediately rebuked him. "Is it, John? Our whole sense of reality hasn't become a game. I've felt like I'm in an fps shooter game. Except we have only one life. Lose it and you're dead." 

He said it so with a serious tone, which then makes it all the more believable.

Upon hearing this explanation, the sown seeds of doubt have taken root within the hearts of the many surviving players, within the backend group.

As their eyes scowl among themselves, having grown suspicious of each other.

However, what they all have in common is intense hatred, for the boy, as their sense of fear and anxiety got the better of them. Redirecting all of their pent up frustrations and negative feelings they've been piling up at the boy.

Their menacing cold gaze all focused on the boy, causing the boy to flinched in cold sweat.

"We should kill the kid to set a good example!" One of the more younger players suggested.

"What are you crazy or something? Killing one of our own kind. Are you insane!" Another player counter-argued against the player who suggested the idea.

 "How am I crazy, you are just extremely naive." The player said with extreme annoyance, as he then looks down on the others. 

"Naive! Really... You are the one who suggested we should kill an innocent kid!" The player with a sense of justice said, which causes a slight smirk on the other player's face.

The other player almost broke down in laughter. "Don't make me laugh! The boy is not at all that innocent like you thought. Though he has not yet dirty his hands with their blood, doesn't mean that he won't eventually... You've all saw what the kid did right. He even tried to manipulate another to do his bidding. A natural-born liar."

The player said so with extreme prejudice against the boy, stating the obvious glorifying fact, without no sense of empathy.

"He. He is still a child... He has yet to truly understand the consequence of his actions." The player said so with reluctance in his tone, unable to find a good enough reason to defend the boy.

"Are you willing to place your trust and safety in their hands, when you realised they could easily betray you at any given time. Even kill you when you sleep. Would you still take the risk..." The player said, bringing up a strong case, against the opposing team.

"Well, I... You do have a point." The player that was once full with the sense of justice just now gave in, retract his statement.

"After all, there must be a punishment or consequences, for actions that could literally affect the whole team. If we don't make an example out of him, and just simply give the boy a light punishment. Others might get the same idea, as it would just further put the lives of us players at risk... What we should worry about the most, isn't the  infected zombies, but us humans who have turned rogue."

After hearing his speech, most of the others thought back, and their facial expressions then darken.

'What we should worry about the most, isn't the infected zombies, but us humans who have turned rogue.'

When they heard this phrase, the other players then all thought about all the bad side of humanity. It is only through a traumatic experience or one case of a bad day, would their dark nature truly began to show.

There are many sociopaths and psychopaths hidden away in our society, under a normal facade. When the barrier, which we call society is gone, then the sociopaths and psychopaths no longer feel the need to keep up that fake facade. 

That is when the true danger arises, as we don't know who to trust, and when we are gonna be betrayed.

"So are we killing him or not?" One of the players in the backend group then spoke up.

His words created a strong distinctive barrier between the two groups, as it draws to a near-silent atmosphere.

"How is this all fair, when you've all rigged this in favour of going against me... All I did was tried to steal one lousy weapon, and you guys decided to kill me off! That I deserved to be executed! How is this fair!" The boy mentally broke into tears, as he berates the whole group, without holding back.

'It almost sounded like we are bullying the poor kid. Though I don't want the kid's death to be on my conscience.' Alex then thought to himself, as he stores Heaven's Piercer within his Inventory space.

'Now that my weapon is out of sight, I hope that this will disway people from trying to rob me.' Alex thought to himself.