Chapter 21: Class Selection

"What really?" John exclaimed outward in surprise, but he kept his mouth shut tight, seeing as how the other kids are looking at them closely.

[User Interface]

~ Character Page

~ Class/Subclass

~ Skill Tree

~ Inventory

~ Global Channel

Whilst John was staring intently at him in great anticipation. Alex then opens up the user interface, as he immediately pressed on the [ Class/Subclass ] option. The current blue screen then vanishes, replaced with another new one. This one displaying a list of possible main classes to choose from.

[Please choose your Main Class] {Swordsman} {Warrior} {Fighter} {Brawler} {Assassin} {Rogue} {Archer} {Mage} {Cleric}{Shaman/Spiritualist} {Witch/Warlock} {Alchemist}

 'There are so many choices to choose from to be my main class. However, I should pick a class that I would match my specialization. Something physical to match my stats... I should go for the Apprentice Swordsman class since it's my best option at the moment.' Alex thought to himself as he scratched his chin.

Without much hesitation in his decision, Alex then made up his mind in the heat of the moment, as he picked the apprentice swordsman class. 

His finger lightly presses on the blue screen panel, once the system has recognized Alex's input command, as the blue screen then vanishes having become white particles. Several systems notification soon follows confirming Alex's own decision making.



[All designated players only have one chance to choose their main class once chosen they can no longer change their class!]

[You have selected Apprentice Swordsman as your main class! Do you wish to proceed? Y/N]

He pressed on the 'Yes' button, therefore confirming his decision, as the system notification vanishes, replaced by white particles that filled his vision.


[You have chosen Apprentice Swordsman as your main class!]

[You will now gain the necessary prerequisite skill that goes with your class!]

[Your physical attribute stats have been boosted by your main class [ Apprentice Swordsman ]! Your Strength, Agility, Dexterity stat has been increased!]

[You have automatically learned the skill [Sword Slash Lv. 1] acquired! ]

[You have automatically learned the akill [Sword Thrust Lv.1] acquired! ]

[You have automatically learned the skill [Sword Step Lv. 1] acquired! ]

'I can feel myself having become somewhat stronger, thanks to the increased in stats by choosing a physical attribute related class.' Alex thought to himself as he increased the grip in his right hand trying to gauge his strength.

"So what class did you choose, Alex?" John eagerly asked Alex, his eyes brimming with expectation and excitement.

"What would you expect? I've obviously chosen swordsman as my main class. It's because I specialized more in close combat rather than magic." Alex said having given John a simple explanation. However, John was a bit disappointed by Alex's answer.

"What? Swordsman! I thought you would have picked something more fun and exciting, like becoming a samurai or ninja, or something..." John said feeling slightly disappointed by Alex's simple answer.

This totally left Alex quite speechless as he almost drops his jaw down, figuratively. 'Is he an idiot or something?' Alex asked himself a question as he looked at John feeling his IQ slightly dropped.

"Um, John. A ninja is just basically an assassin. Whilst, a samurai is just plainly a Japanese swordsman. You know this right." Alex said to John, giving him a simple enough explanation so that his brain could easily process the information.

John was certainly surprised and shocked by it all. "What really? Well, I sort of have made myself look like a fool, haven't I... How could I obviously forget about that fact." He exclaimed, whilst feeling slightly depressed by it all.

"So what other bonuses do you gained from acquiring a class." John curiously asked Alex, expecting some sort of answer to satisfy his curiosity. 

"Well, it's not much, but the gains and benefits are obviously extremely valuable as of this moment. This is because of the stats boost you've gained from that particular class as well as the starter prerequisite skill. However, as your levels increased, you would certainly acquire new skills and possibly unlock skill branches for your particular class. This is quite exclusive to your main class..." Alex said, and John listens to him quite closely.

"However, on the other hand, for subclasses it's totally different as you have to consume your own skill points in order to unlock certain skills and skill branches." Alex gave John a quite detailed explanation and the summary of the class system. 

"So I pretty much get whatever you are saying, but where did you get all of this information," John asked Alex a good question. 

"The answer is quite reasonable, John. I've got the necessary information from the system itself. Such information as these is easily accessible once you've reached the designated level to gain entry into the system." Alex said to John.

"Well, I need to hurry and levelled up then, but... we sort of destroyed the only source of experience farming at this moment, as all other exit points have all been blocked to prevent a horde of zombies from gaining entry." John gave a good point, as he sort of gave Alex a meaningful glare.

'Well, you are sort of the only one that has reached level 20 at this point. How lucky...' John sighs, reign in defeat, as he sorts of feels a bit jealous of his luck.

Hearing this, Alex has grown slightly embarrassed over his past actions. Nevertheless, he was quite proud of his achievements.

"Anyways. Since you've now had plenty of time why not focus on mastering your wind spirit magic. It could come in handy. You could at least increase your skill level a level or two." He said to John.

"I guess," John replied as he went off to an empty space by himself.

'I guess, I should pick a subclass now that I have the chance. So what should I choose? Maybe a mage.' He thought.

Alex repeated the very same action as he did before. He then opens up the user interface and selected the Class/Subclass option, but this time instead of the main class, the subclass option then shows up on the screen giving him the very same options as he has before.

[Please choose your Subclass] {Mage} {Rogue} {Cleric} {Alchemist}

Alex then scrolls down the list of possible choices, taking his time to think it over as this is an important decision to make. It would have a serious impact on his future prospects.

'I wonder what path should I take. What kind of class combination would fit my character build... I wonder is it possible.' He thought. "Can I possibly get that skill if I were to choose that class." He said to himself.

"Let's just go with it. Picking a bad subclass doesn't necessarily mean that you would gain nothing. You would still necessarily get some good skills out of the bad ones." He says.


[You have selected Apprentice Alchemist as your subclass! Do you wish to proceed? Y/N]


[Once you have chosen a subclass the first subclass slot is used up! There are seven subclass slots in total! You won't be able to pick another subclass until you've reached the mastered level for the first one!]

Nevertheless, Alex has made up his mind, and won't regret his decision. He pressed on the 'Yes' button as the system notification screen vanishes, it has recognized his input command.


[You have chosen Apprentice Alchemist as your subclass! The first selected skill branch will be unlockable at half the price! [Metallurgy] 10 pt (5pt) [Potion Craft] 10 pt (5pt) [Golemancy] 10 pt (5pt) ]

"Hmmm... I wonder what skill branch I should take. Though Golemancy is certainly an interesting route to take. I can't help but want to pick the metallurgy skill branch to see whether I can get that particular skill or not." He says.

'Metallurgy.' He thought to himself as he pressed on the word 'Metallurgy' on the blue screen.

[You have selected the skill branch [Metallurgy] for 5 skill points! Do you wish to proceed? Y/N]

Alex pressed on the 'Yes' button to confirm his decision.

[You have unlocked the skill branch [Metallurgy]! 5 skill points are hereby consumed!]

[You have automatically learned the skill [Metallurgy knowledge Lv. 1] acquired! ]

The system notification screen then vanishes, replaced with an entirely different screen, one that shows a traditional fantasy Role Playing Game skill tree.

The first skill box is already highlighted, containing the prerequisite skill [ Metallurgy ], as it branches downwards into other skills in a line diagram.

The other skills are blackout, showcasing to us that it is not useable, therefore locked. Alex then scrolls down the [ Metallurgy ] skill tree looking for that particular skill.

'I've found the skill.' He thought.

[You have selected the skill [Transmutation] for 2 skill points! Do you wish to proceed? Y/N]