
The sound of chewing could be heard from the young man. He was savoring a simple piece of bread, sitting comfortably on a chair inside his home.

The young man seemed to enjoy the plain, long piece of bread. Its sweet and salty flavors harmoniously mixed, providing a delightful sensation. For this simple village lad, it was satisfying enough.

While chewing, the young man relished the tenderness of the bread in his mouth. After taking a small breath, he continued his modest breakfast.

After finishing his breakfast, the blue-haired young man rose from his chair. He took a glass of water and sipped it slowly. For villagers like him, such a simple breakfast was a common occurrence. Having three meals a day was a blessing to be thankful for. After all, many people out there were not as fortunate, struggling to find food.

Satisfied, the young man exhaled and walked to the front door of his house. As he opened it slowly, the warm morning sunlight welcomed him. The gentle breeze caressed his face when he stepped outside.

In front of him lay a spacious yard with a pathway connecting the houses and agricultural fields.

The young man gazed at the bright sky and silently said to himself, "What a beautiful day!"

The warm wind continued to brush against his body, carrying the refreshing scent of grass.

The warm air and bright sun, this clear atmosphere perfectly matched the impression of summer.

He took in a deep breath of the fresh air, stepped outside, and gently closed his house's door. With a sense of pride, he walked along the pathway, smiling and greeting those who had already started their day.

He walked for quite some time, and the scenery transitioned from houses to golden wheat fields. The ripe wheat was ready to be harvested, with its captivating golden color.

The young man crossed the pathway amidst the clustered wheat fields. The plants swayed like waves when touched by the summer breeze. He paused for a moment, gazing at the flowing wheat field.

After being content, he continued his journey to a certain place.
