The time right not it seems to be around 1 pm. It is a perfect time to rob a few banks. After deciding to rob a few back. I put on my lightning ninja outfit. This will be the first time I will be making a debut as a thief. The first bank I will rob will be the closer bank to me. Oop I forgot to create a smartphone that will me to use it to commit crimes with ease.
[Hacker SmartPhone Created]
With this in my hand, I will be able to do a lot of things. This will also help me locate banks that are closer to me. This way I will be able to steal things easily. The first thing I need to do is to leave this desolated island. It already achieved its purpose.
[Activating Speedster Technique]
I started to activate my speedster technique. I am sure that I will be able to run in water with ease. I see that the closed back is 60 miles away from me. This will be my first target to rob.
After deciding my target, I began to run on the water. I could see how my fight lightly touched the water as I ran on the water. It feels amazing to run in water. The speed that I was going was close to 300 miles per hour. This speed is extremely fast. The funny part is that I could go faster than thins. I just decided not to do it.
I began to see many houses around the coast as I continue to run in water. The state that I was approaching was California. Five minutes later I finally made it to the coast of California.
The weather here was extremely good. This meant that there were many people here. The good thing was that I found a place where they were not a lot of people to go inside the state. The next thing I did was to continue to run. The reason for this was because I wanted to rob the bank as soon as possible.
I want to make my debut as Lighting Speedster. This is the name that I choose to use. The reason for this is, of course, there is a symbol of lighting on my ninja suit. The bank from where I am is about 1 minute running a full capacity. This made it easier for me to go in and out of the bank.
After making my way toward the bank, I began to go toward the vault with lighting speed. This result in many papers and other item to move away. The good thing was that the vault was open I would not need to waste my time on that.
Money everywhere was the first thing I saw when I went into the vault. The amount of money here was in the millions. The money consisted of bills of 100s and 50s. I decided to put all the money into my necklace. This way I will be able to hold as much as I want with ease. It only took me about4 minutes to put all the money in the necklace.
The thing that found is that my necklace told me the amount of money I had on it. The amount that I have on it was a whopping 30,000,000 dollars. I have not yet checked the personal lockers of customers. I decided that is what I will be doing next. I decided to create a key that can open any type of locks.
[Master Key for the whole world created]
With this key, it will be easy as pie to open all the lockers. This meant that I will probably be able to find rare items as well as more money. With crazy speed, I began to open the lockers. The item that I found there consisted of diamonds, watches, and a lot of money. They were other items there as well, but I did not care much about them.
The amount of money that I have now was 40 million dollars. They were about 5 watches that seem to be extremely expensive, so I decided to take them as well. The diamonds were extremely beautiful. They were 20 of such small diamonds. After taking everything in this bank, I started to go to another bank. This will be the last bank I will rob today.
I decided to do the same thing I did in the previous bank. The funny part was that there was even more money and item in this one. It seems like it was a bigger bank than the other one. The amount of money I took from here was 60 million dollars in total. Just like that, my net worth is 100 million dollars.
I have decided to go back to the island that I was on before. The reason for this is because I will create my little world on it.