Isn't this a little to easy?

As per usual, Ritzy woke up and dragged Savior who was on the carriage. To usual training area while he made mana at the same time. Oddly though, Ritzy felt light on his feet.. Usually, Ritzy would feel his heart pumping, sweating, and a little tired. Now though, Ritzy felt as if he took a light walk.

Ritzy's mind,

'Isn't this a little too easy? Why am I not the least bit tired? Let me think. Is it because my stats increased majorly while I was sleeping? It shouldn't be, I doubt anybody can increase their strength that fast. Does it have something to do with my mana? When I started working out, I did feel as if my mana was draining a bit faster, but I thought that was just me losing concentration on preserving the mana.'

As Ritzy was thinking a solution to why he felt the training was lighter than normal, Savior started speaking.

"Today were are changing a bit of your training. Instead of carrying the usual plow, you'll have two iron sickles connected to the plow. Recently I have seen you getting stronger, and from what I can see today. You're already able to easily pull the carriage, and we can't have that. We need to increase the difficulty to increase your body strength. Also, since you started your mana training, Your body will be infusing itself with mana to strengthen itself. Allowing more energy to pass through, increases nerve transmissions, increases strength, and still keeps itself flexible".

Ritzy thinking,

'So that is what's happening. No wonder I felt mana disappear after it was a while in my cells. It's because it was reinforcing itself. Well, I think I should try to fuse my body with the mana so I can improve myself'.

After saying that, Ritzy removed the barriers that blocked the mana from the cells. Ritzy then focused on spreading out and infusing the mana with his entire body. Nearing the halfway depletion of Ritzy's mana. Ritzy placed back the walls.

Ritzy's mind,

'Everyday from now on, I will deplete half of my mana reserve. I need to improve my body, but I still need an emergency storage of mana for combat".

As the mana was being infused, Ritzy body began to leave a light blue glow. His entire being was filled with energy, and Ritzy could feel his muscles and skin strengthening. His body was more easily controlled, reactions improved, sound distinction improved, and he could feel the air more noticeably. It's as if his physique improved.

While Savior was jumping off the carriage, he noticed Ritzy's unnatural movement. Looking at Ritzy closer, Savior noticed Ritzy was glowing and thought,

'What in the world is happening. Why is he glowing? It's as if he is sucking in mana from a rare item. Does he have one on right now?'

Getting closer. Savior yelled,

"Ritzy, do you have a rare item on you?!?"

As Ritzy finished infusing all the mana to his body. Ritzy was startled by Savior's sudden yelling.


"A rare item? What do you mean?"

Savior got furious because he thought Ritzy was lying to him. Angrily, Savior said,

"Ritzy Reds of the Red's family, do not lie to me again. I saw your body radiate with a glow of mana. I do admit its a bit impressive you're already able to consume mana from items without my teaching but, that doesn't substantiate the reason for you lying to me!"

Realization dawned on Ritzy. In the basics magic book he read earlier, it said that when people absorb a great amount of mana from an item, the body will emit a different amount of glow depending on the amount. The book also mentioned that there were five types of items that carry mana.

The first one is a magic storage device. The device is a small, usually decorated, box. It's a consumable item that needs to be refilled with mana every once in a while. The second item is a converter. Converters can consume and store the surrounding mana. Also, if a converter stores impure mana, it'll be purified. The third item is miscellaneous items or items infused with mana that aren't originally used for storage. The reason the items are infused with mana is so it can improve its strength, durability, speed, etc. The fourth item is a magical beast's heart. The hearts carry impure mana, so a converter is used to store the mana for a time to turn it pure. The final item is weapons/armor. Weapons are infused with mana to not only to improve its strength and durability. It's also used for giving its magic properties. Weapons can be infused with magic or rune stones to give it certain abilities as fire or water.

Runestones can be infused with magic for easy transferability from item to item. It's also able to be transferred to a new item if the item its placed on is destroyed. Also if the rune is big enough, it can produce more magic properties than when the item is infused with mana. The only downside is that they can be more easily destroyed than the item, and if destroyed. The item loses its magic properties.

Ritzy spoke up,

"Instructor, do not be alarmed. I did not use an item! I was only infusing my stored mana with my body".

Savior stopped himself. He looked sternly at Ritzy. As if he didn't believe Ritzy. Savior then let out some of his mana into the area. The mana was used to analyze and inspect Ritzy's body. When Savior didn't see or notice anything, he was left awestruck.

Savior's mind,

'How is he able to store his mana already. Not even people in their 50s to 60s can master it yet. This child is a pure genius. Wait, I need to stop thinking. I can't let him know I'm surprised".


"Hmm, it seems it's true. You were a little fast and I didn't expect this. It's a bit impressive that you learned it by your self and fast, but only a bit. Anyway, the good thing is that we can increase your training now. With that much mana infused with your body, you must be stronger now".

Ritzy was completely depressed hearing this. His mind was thinking,

'Damit, dam it, dam it! I should've kept this hidden. I was starting to think things were about to get easier".


"For today we'll skip strength training. I need to go into town to buy something for your training.

For today, strength training will be replaced with magic item training. You will need to learn how to pour in mana into an item. When you can use mana on an item, the item will be improved. This is typically used for wands or rings. If an item has an enchantment when mana is poured in. The enchantment will activate"

This was Ritzy's first time hearing this. He has heard about enchantments, but he didn't know he could improve an item without enchantments. It seemed as if items improve its durability and defense just like people's bodies did with mana.

After Savior finished explaining, he went to a tree to bring back a stick. With the stick in his hand, he infused mana into it. The stick then edited a bright glow around it. Satisfied, Savior went up to a tree and smacked it with the stick.

Unexpectedly, the branch didn't break. Instead, the tree exploded with splinters flying to the opposite side where Savior hit it.


"You will be grabbing another stick and infuse it with mana. Try to pour in enough magic so it can be able to destroy a tree".

After saying that, Savior started pulling in mana from the stick.


"Just in case, I do not want you to use the stick for cheating. Well, I'm off to the city now. I need something for your training for the coming days".


Leaving Ritzy alone, Ritzy was a little surprised. Ritzy thought that maybe it takes a little bit more for others to be able to infuse magic with items.


"Maybe this is the stepping stone to be able to conjure weapons. Or maybe this is how people learn to enchant items? I'm not sure. Let's just try to destroy the tree with my magic, and then with the stick infused with mana".

Ritzy then started forming an ax with his mind. It took him a second because of all the training last night. He already used to the formation of the ax. When the ax appeared. It looked like a regular lumbar jacking ax from his old world. Two arm lengths long, and a sharp end on the top part.

Ritzy then walked up to the tree and lifted his arm with the ax. Tightening his grip on the ax. He swung with his full force.

When Ritzy finished swinging, the ax went through the tree as if it didn't touch it. Ritzy didn't even feel the resistance from the tree. Though with a closer look, for a tenth of a second. The tree separated from its trunk and floated in the air. One-tenth of a second later, the tree fell. Not only did the tree fall, but also the two trees behind it did as well.

Ritzy was completely surprised. He didn't know what to do.


"What in the world happened. Did I do that? It's as if the slash created a powerful and sharp enough wind to cut the trees behind it. I heard that wind can be used to cut, but that was only possible with machines".

Calming down, Ritzy started celebrating for a bit but then was left a little scared.


"Wait, if Savior was barley impressed with me and wasn't surprised. Then, how strong is Savior. Even more, how strong are the strongest in this world?"

"Whatever, I just need to get used to this, I have a lot to go before I become strong enough to protect my family".


Savior headed to the town. He just came from a meeting with Christopher for some money.


"Seems like Ritzy is exceptionally talented. He is already having as much skill as the elders. If it wasn't for him currently still being weak, he would already be considered strong enough for being a high magician or at least a top leader for a team of hundred".

The carriage Savior was on, stopped at a magic shop. The shop was guarded with two knights that wore expensive armor. Typically, armor was a dark gray, with dull edges. These guards had bright gray armor that reflected light. It could be seen that a specialized weapon would be needed to damage the armor. Runes were also on the armor, signifying it had magical properties.

As Savior walked out of the carriage, the knights inspected Savior. Seeing that he carried no weapon and had elegant clothes, the guard let him pass in. Typically, the guards wouldn't let anyone inside. Anybody that didn't show off an aura of money, would be seen as potential robbers.

Going inside, Savior saw many items displayed behind a magical kind of glass that had runes. The runes reinforced the glass so not any kind of weapon could destroy the glass. While perusing around, an old man that looked like a butler came into the room.

When the butler saw Savior, he ran back into the back of the shop. A couple of seconds later an old man with gray hair and dark blue robe came into the shop area. The old man squinted as he looked at Savior. The next second, the old man looked as if he was scared or startled.

The old man then speed-walked up to Savior and bowed down.

Old man,

"General Puissance of the -"


"I'm no general anymore, I serve the Reds family now".

Old man,

"I formally apologize. I Elijah, will not make that mistake again. Now, how may I serve you?"


"I'm here for an enchantment ring. I need a weight increase enchantment if you have any".


"Of course".

Elijah then went behind the paying counter and brought out a lavish brown-red box. Opening it up for display, three rows with four rings in each row were shown.


"The final one in the bottom right is my only training ring. I know it not fashionable like the rest, but it's my only one. Sadly I don't make amazing ones since most nobles do not desire training rings".


"It is fine, I'm not a person who places too many emphases on style".


"That is good. Now, even though the ring isn't fashionable. It still isn't that different of a price from an extravagant ring. Instead of the usual eight gold coins, it'll be five gold coins.


"That is fine, enchantments are always expensive".

Elijah then took out a dark purple bag made from cloth and gold-colored rope lining. Grabbing the ring, Elijah then placed the ring inside the bag.


"is that all sir? Would you like anything else?"


"No, that is all I needed".

Paying Elijah, Savior took the bag and went back into the carriage.