Unforeseen damage

The sparing session came to a halt with the sudden development of Ritzy holding a scythe. Savior was inspecting Ritzy as if Ritzy was under investigation during a border crossing. Coming closer Savior said,

"Ritzy is that a magically conjured scythe?"


"Yes, I learned how to make various weapons last night and in today's training session while I was alone. I practiced my compatibility with each item and how I could use them. I wanted to use this for a surprise attack during our sparing session".

Savior's mind,

"This child keeps surprising me at every turn. The ability to conjure weapons is a whole special study in magic. People spend their lives trying to develop or summon their weapons or utensil. At most, they can only create a couple of items during their peak but Ritzy is already able to create the same amount on his first day. Excluding the fact that Ritzy is making special weapons and not basic items. Even scarier fact is unlike theirs, he is strong enough to use in combat with people stronger than him. Typically, conjured weapons can be broken easily by people a bit weaker than them so it isn't used for people of equal strength or greater".

Savior jumped out of his daze and started talking,

"Ritzy, when it comes to controlling. You have a great affinity with it. What is possibly the most difficult item you can produce?"


"Thank you for the complement instructor Savior, but I do not know. Everything I made is simple solid things except the crossbow I made last night. It takes a good amount of concentration on making something that isn't solid or set in stone like a rope".

Saying that Ritzy lifted his right arm and a blue light stated emitting from his wrist. A second later a gauntlet was formed and a mini-crossbow was made as well. Once summoned, Ritzy aimed at a nearby pillar and shot the crossbow. A small dart was shot at the pillar, but surprisingly when the dart hit the pilar. It went directly through the pillar and hit the wall behind it. A massive hole was left in the pillar and the wall had many cracks from where it was shot.

Savior was flabbergasted. He had no response to this event.

Saviors mind,

"What can he not do. When I was in the capital, I met with the head instructor and he told me about his research on conjuring. He said that making a rope-like substance through magic is extremely difficult. That he is only able to conjure one for himself for only a moment and with using special concentration artifacts. He also mentioned that the rope didn't contract or anything like a bow. That the rope could only be used as a whip or basic construction rope. Now Ritzy can make a contraction rope perfect for a crossbow. The other scary part is also how he can make the little stick strong enough to go right through stone. He becomes more powerful as time goes on".


"Oh no, I broke the pillar!"

Ritzy then turned to savior and said,

"What do I do !?! I didn't mean to break it. I thought it would just stick on to the pillar and leave a little hole. I wanted to give a demonstration on the already old pillar, but I didn't think I would cause this much damage! What's gonna happen now!?!"

Savior was left with pure surprise at Ritzy's comment.

Saviors mind,

"What is with this kid. By him saying that he only meant to cause a little damage, does that mean if he put more power into it he would've caused even more damage?! I need to hide the fact that the destruction of the pillar comes from the strong".


"Do not worry Ritzy, this happens every once in a while when people learn to control their strength. I'll just explain to your father what happened today during dinner."

Ritzy calmed down after hearing this and his mind went,

'Oh thank heavens, it seems like I will not get in trouble because of this incident. Sadly though, with the conversation I just had with Savior. It seems I'm not in the upper strength area. That many people just like me can destroy pillars. Wait, maybe that means only with my conjured weapons. If I infuse mana with regular weapons. Maybe at least I will be better than the average warrior. I'll have to check this another time. It is good to keep my trump cards hidden".


"Okay since normally the task of the sparing training session is just to hit me once, we will start the next session. Today you will be learning how to sense your surroundings. Your body is very connected with your mana. Your body feels what the mana feels. That is why people have great compatibility and control over their conjured weapons. It is also the reason conjured weapons are still used even though there are stronger items out there. What I'm saying is that we will be using mana to sense our surroundings".

Letting out mana into the air, Savior said,

"You will be releasing your mana in the air and try to disperse it into your surroundings. Try to connect with your mana and sense what the mana feels. Try to differentiate all the different things around you".

"With that said, I will be going into the dining hall while you try to put that into practice. For your dinner, I'll just send the maid to bring you the military pills".


Alone, Ritzy started dispersing a bit of his mana around him. With the mana, Ritzy was able to fill his surroundings as if he was touching it himself. It felts as if a blanket covers everything. HE could every crack, every edge, and tell what everything was.

Ritzy's mind,

"Hmm, if everything feels connected, does that mean I could move it as well?"

Ritzy then turn around and looked at the little wooden sword he used for the sparing session earlier.

Ritzy first tried moving the weapon with his mana. This caused the weapon to wobble a bit. Unsatisfied, Ritzy added some more mana into the air and then tried moving again. Unexpectedly, this time the word flew right at Ritzy and almost hit his head.


"I need to practice more. I can't be hitting myself every time I do this. With the mastery of moving objects with mana, I will have a great advantage/ surprise attack during battles".


While Ritzy was training, Savior was having a meeting with Christopher.


"During today's training, many new things came from Ritzy".


"What do you mean by many new things?"


"To summarize, I have discovered your son is better at learning and adaptability then we previously thought. Ritzy is now able to store magic, infuse magical elemental mana, create enormous amounts of magic, and conjure many unique weapons that are very powerful".


"That is great news and is very exciting to hear this, but why did this require a meeting? We already knew he would be growing at an exceptional rate".


"The thing is that your son is already capable of hurting me. Even though a major slash only cause some superficial wounds on me. That kind of strength is still comparable to someone in the stages of becoming nobility by themselves".


"What! He is already that strong! No wonder you wanted to speak about this to me".

Christopher's mind,

"Dammit, I shouldn't have done the official ceremony with my first son already. Now I can't have Ritzy inherit my place as head of the family. Well, it probably for the best. With his capabilities and this rate. He probably can achieve something way more than what I can offer him".


"So what is gonna happen will his training increase?"


"From now on I will be exponentially increasing the difficulty of his training. I will not be holding back anymore. He will be treated as if he is already an adult unlike before where he was treated as an exceptionally talented child".

"Also, I will stop making reports like this. He is growing so fast that I'll probably need to set up a meeting with you every day. How about the start of every month we hold a meeting where I summarize to you what has happened with Ritzy training".


"That is acceptable".

"Thank you for reporting this, now you can go back and rest for tomorrow. Please train my son diligently".


"Of course! I will now take my leave".


After getting a good amount of control with control of the space around him, Ritzy noticed that he can analyze his movement more closely when he felt his surroundings.


'Hmm, this is interesting. It's as if I can see how I fight. Maybe I should see how I look when I do certain moves".

Ritzy then proceded to make certain combative moves. After seeing how he moved, Ritzy was left dissatisfied.


"Hmm, it's way to slow. When I did this back in my old world. It looked clean and powerful. Now it just looks forced and barbaric. Maybe I should do this differently. I should learn how my body moves more exactly like how I used to do with my old body. Knowing oneself is half the battle as they say.

As the night went on, Ritzy analyzed every bit of his movements. from how his bones and muscles moved with each corresponding movement. Creating a deep understanding of his own body in the process.