War Plan

After another couple of minutes have passed, the last of the people have arrived as well as Srika.

When Srika arrived, he walked in showing off his pride by being completely arrogant. He walked past many nobles as if they were nothing when clearly showed they wanted to greet him. When he walked behind his father, he straightened his back and puffed his chest out. When he felt satisfied with what he did, he looked at Ritzy and gave him a smirk.

Ritzy's mind,

"Is this guy trying to piss me off. No, he shouldn't be, I haven't done anything to him. Maybe, he wants to impress me? Yeah, that should be it. It's a pretty weird way, but as well, I don't know much about this world's customs".

Once everyone was in place, Grasso, the head of the Wealthy Boar, started the meeting.

"I welcome all the nobles and representatives of noble families to this war council. I gathered everyone here today so we can begin knowing our jobs in this war".

"To start, let's summarize what happened to cause this war with the beastkin".

The nobles hearing about what caused this war made them whisper to each other. This interested Ritzy so he activated his magic presence.

Typically Ritzy doesn't activate magic presence while he is in a safe area because magic presence consumes his mana at the same rate as he can create mana. That meant as long as Ritzy had the magic presence active, he wouldn't be able to store mana for later use when he improves his body's physique with infusing the mana to his body.

At this point, infusing mana with his body had very negligible improvements, but Ritzy was someone who didn't care about how much it improved him. As long as he can improve his body, he would do it because of his habit.

In his assassin days, Ritzy learned the value of how a small chance matters no matter how little. That the small chance could mean life or death. Eventually, this became a habit for Ritzy which transpired to this world.


"Today we fight because one of our slave cities was attacked by this beastkin. They massacred our men, defiled our women, and ransacked the nobles".

"We attempted to talk with the beastkin at first to surrender, but they boldly rejected our kind offering, so the war declaration was given the next day".

"Now, today we are here to repay them for what atrocities they have done to our fellow people and to put a stop for any further harm they will cause".

After finishing the explanation, the other nobles and representatives started whispering to each other and since Ritzy's magic presence was active, he could hear them this time.

Noble 1,

"Those damn beastkin, who do they think they are!?!"

Noble 3,

"They should just lay over and accept their deaths".

Noble 2,

"I sense some great profits coming our way".

Noble 4,

"With this war, I can most likely finish my beastkin concubine collection!".

Every noble viewed the beastkin as unworthy of breathing, money-making resources, or objects used for pleasure. What they all shared in common though was that they don't see the beastkin as living beings.

After the whispers started dying down, Grasso continued talking,

"Now that we know why we are here, let's begin in what we will do".

"As of right now, what is most important is to reclaim our city. Not only is the city an important location if we want to fight the beastkin in a prolonged battle, but it's also to regain our honor. We do not, nay, we can not have them in our city".

When he finished mentioning how important the city is to their honor, the nobles showed anger and a sense of a desire to kill. They all started speaking loudly about how they must take revenge and how necessary it is to uphold their noble names.

Grasso resumed when the nobles finished voicing their opinions,

"To begin the recapturing of the city, we'll first need to make sure they can't escape".

"To erase all escape routes, we'll set about 60% of our people covering the south and north entrance, 20% covering the walls for potential unknown escape routes, and another 20% to guard our supply line and camp".

"Since we have around 50,000 people on us right now, this means 30,000 will for the main entrances, 10,000 looking for deserters, and 10,000 will be on the defense".

"To decide who goes where. It will be determined by past actions in other wars or by what skill sets you currently have or assets you control".

"For example, people who excel in close combat will be sent to the gates. People who worked with the cavalry before will be scouting around the walls to make sure there aren't any beastkin that escape".

"The main offense or the people who are gonna attack the gates will be going under me, general Grasso. People who are on the sidelines, or cavalry, are under Delict. People who are in charge of defense are under Tijolo".

"Now let's call out the names who will serve under me".


As time went on, everyone was finally distributed. Once they were distributed, they were separated into different rooms. The calvary team went to the main hall where guests are received, the defense team went into the dining hall, and the offense team stayed in the council room. Ritzy was part of the offense team under Grasso.


"Now that we have everyone distributed into their proper areas, I will start assigning people to groups and who will lead them".

"The groups will consist of one division (20,000) for the frontal assault, one regiment (2,000) for long-range, and the rest is our trained war weapon professionals that consist of 8,000 people".

"The main division will be lead by nobles David and Rodrigo as captains. Thomas and John will be vice-captains. The long-range regiment will have Joseph as captain and Kyle as vice-captain. Lastly, Srika will be captain of the machine army and Ritzy will be Vice-captain".

After hearing their positions, the nobles and representatives started whispering again.


"Seems like daddy's boy gets preferential treatment".


"It extremely unfair, everyone knows that whoever is in charge of that group, is the person who will come out winning the most".


"There's no reason for Skira to be the captain or even be in that group. He has no prior battle experience, leadership experience, or even an understanding of the equipment. Worst of all, his combat style isn't even good for defending the machinery".


"Yeah, unlike Ritzy where it makes sense".

"First, Ritzy is a blessed noble so he deserves preferential treatment. Second, he is a magician. Magicians are known for their magic spells and stuff that is great for long-range attacks. Even better, Magician's spells can hit multiple targets at the same time. He's perfect for defending the machinery. Lastly, I heard he made his crossbow, this could mean that Ritzy has an understanding of machinery so he should be able to understand the advantages and disadvantages that come with each machine. On how the catapults are best for this kind of warfare and ballista are better in others".

"Everyone knows that the best leaders are the ones that understand what their subordinates have to go through".

While hearing all this, Ritzy was thinking,

'Seems like people see me as a great noble or someone capable of doing great things. This might prove to my advantage. Though the only bad thing is that it seems like I'm going to be on babysitting duty, and not only that, but I will have to take care of somebody with a higher ranking than me. This is gonna be a challenge'.

'Well, at least I know that Srika wants to be friends with me. He even tried to impress me with his idiotic entrance".

'Maybe, he thinks by using me or being by me. He'll be able to rise in the ranks. Well, whatever, I just need to make sure to win this war'.


"Since we all know what position we will be in, let's continue with the war strategy".

'We'll start with dividing half of our troops. One half will try to go through the south entrance, and the other will go through the north entrance. The only group not being divided is the war machine group. This group will be attacking the north gate".

"The battle will go like this. The north and south groups will attack at the same time to lighten the defenses on the walls. Once the soldiers are all piled up defending the north gate walls, the machinery group will attack and kill the people on top".

"When they notice they can't defend on top of their walls, they will begin having fewer beastkin defending the walls. When we see an undefended space on the wall, the long-range regiment will be sent to use the makeshift laters to climb the walls and set up points to shot down the enemy and open up the gate. From there, the foot soldiers will storm inside and kill all the beastkin they can".

"Once we secured the gate, we'll head deeper into the city and kill the leader of the beastkin. With their leader dead, they should surrender".

"If they don't surrender, we'll just kill them".

When Grasso finished giving off his master plan, the other nobles and representatives started praising him for genius and ingenuity of combining the different kinds of groups.

On the contrast, Ritzy thought,

'Seem's a little simple to me. I don't think this will work but I don't have experience with this so who knows?".