Banquet Part 2

Right outside next to many tents was a man enjoying the mystical night. On one side of the man were tents filled with many nobles eating dressed lavishly while enjoying each others company. Having frivolous conversations and pretending to be interested in one another. On the other side was an uncultivated forest. Dark oak trees could be seen as far as an eye could see. The night had very few almost transparent clouds floating in the sky while a full-bloomed moon was hovering up in the sky.

The man wasn't truly doing anything except laying on the floor with his arms crossed behind his head as a pillow. The man's face was in complete bliss and seemed as if anybody called his name, he wouldn't notice.

The man was Ritzy enjoying the moonlight and gentle chirping of owls and crickets from the night. Ritzy showed no importance about being on the floor and wearing a suit at the same time.

He currently had his magic presence only spread out to a minimum so he wouldn't have to hear or see anything occurring inside the tents, but still far enough for safety precautions.

Though after around an hour, his little own world of enjoyment suddenly ended. A man had entered in the radius of his magic presence.

The man had a very elegant vest suit with a majestic over the shoulder cape that reached to his knees. On his belt was an intricately designed sword that had many unnecessary designs.

Ritzy quickly turned around and bent in a defensive position. The stance resembled the readiness stance of runners.

Ritzy used mineral magic on the ground to harden it, and form it into a knife. Ritzy didn't want to look armed because his old habits forced him to always hide the fact that he is dangerous. If he conjured a knife, the glow from a conjured knife would expose that he is armed.

Ritzy didn't feel endangered by the man having a blade but he did from the man's aura. It seemed as if the area around him was controlled by a wild beast. It gave a similar sensation of one seeing a herd of wild wolves. Luckily, the range of his aura wasn't very long but it still reached a little more than the man could reach with his sword.

While gripping the hilt of the knife he scrutinized the man approaching him. Seeing the man he was surprised. It was a middle-aged man with two differently colored eyes exactly like Benjamin's.

Ritzy's magic presence didn't sense color or was precise enough to see wrinkles. The magic presence felt like a completely new kind of sensation. It gave a feeling of being able to see and understand the flow of energy like existence around objects. It could be said that it looked like semi-transparent smoke outlining objects.


"Oh, who are you? You don't seem like a guard".

Ritzy didn't stop holding the knife. He stood up carrying the knife but hidden from sight. The backside of his hand was in plain sight when standing but his pinky was secretly holding the knife inside his sleeve.

Even though Ritzy knew Benjamin's grandfather was here, Benjamin didn't mention that his father was also blessed like him. Weirdest of all, the sensation around him felt like many wild beasts together. It wasn't the best thing to see on a person when a war against Beastkin was going on.

Ritzy's thoughts,

"This could be beastkin trying to disguise himself as Benjamin by using an ability that lets him give different colors of glowing eyes. Unfortunately, unlike the rest who can't tell the difference between him and Benjamin. I can sense his beast-like aura. Plus, I already know how Benjamin looks unlike other people".

Ritzy thought other people didn't know-how Benjamin looked since he only met Benjamin because Benjamin was his captain and him naturally being a pseudo-noble. That noble etiquette forced Benjamin to greet him.

Ritzy said in a nonchalant voice, trying to give the sensation of him being a harmless person.

"Sorry about startling you, I was just resting here enjoying the moonlight. Oh right, I am Ritzy from the Reds family, may I ask who you may be?".


"It has been a long-time since anyone has asked who I am".

The man then gave a relaxed sigh with a gentle smile as if he was remembering a pleasant memory,

"How I miss the good old days when I had to introduce myself because nobody knew who I was. Sadly with my accomplishments and these eyes that easily demonstrate who I am, I never have gotten to introduce myself to people for years".

The man then looked at Ritzy with a sincere smile and said,

"Oh, that isn't important. I'm just an old man enjoying the view just like you".

Man's thoughts,

'I shouldn't say who I am. Him knowing I'm Benjamin Benedire the l, he will act all noble like and try to get on my good side no matter the cost. It's pretty annoying and this is pleasant'.

Ritzy was internally frowning and thinking,

'I don't care what was your reason, I just want to know if I should be on guard. I don't want to attack you on the off chance that your actually a noble. Especially in your case! I can easily tale that with your age and strength, you wouldn't just be a low level noble. Even more with you ignoring my glowing eyes. Typically even high-level nobles would treat me with equal standing, I can't imagine what rank you possibly are'.

Benedire continued walking closer and Ritzy got a bit worried. Not only did Ritzy think Benedire was a potential enemy, but it also seemed that the wild beast aura Benjamin had around him was in his control. That Benjamin would know and control everything in his aura.

This posed a problem because if Ritzy was in his aura, the man could sense that Ritzy was hiding a knife in his sleeves. Even worse was that he couldn't move back or it would arise suspicion.

Luckily in the last moment, an idea popped in Ritzy's mind. He quickly used mineral magic to reshape the knife into a gauntlet wristband.


"Let's have a chat while we're here. I find it quite enjoyable relaxing here with you".

Benedire showed no importance what Ritzy thought about him being here and this frustrated Ritzy more. Ritzy couldn't tell if Benedire was a disguised beastkin or a really high-ranking noble that doesn't need to care about others' feelings.

With Benedire being very close now, his beat like aura reached Ritzy. Ritzy felt like he was mercilessly being surrounded by danger. Ritzy didn't like the feeling of not being in control.

Trying to avoid this feeling, Ritzy infused his magic presence with wind magic and forcefully condensed it, creating a protective layer around him. Unlike before when he surrounded himself with pure magic, the wind magic had no color and was completely transparent.

Benedire was now uncomfortable and his smile showed a little stress.

Bendire's thoughts,

'What happening? Why isn't my domain going around him? They're about 5 inches of separation from my domain to his skin. It doesn't feel like domains clashing against each other but more like a physical object blocking my domain".

If Ritzy's magic barrier and the Bendire's domain could be seen, it would look as if the globe was surrounding them with a small personal sphere around Ritzy. It could be said it looked like a gummy worm inside of jello.

Since Benedire didn't feel any danger from this unknown phenomenon, he decided to ignore it but not completely.

With Benedire not putting so much emphasis on the strange occurrence, his face stopped showing stress and he said,

"How about we rest comfortably while we talk".

Ritzy then saw Benedire extend his hand forward with his palm facing down. The next moment stone sprouted out from the ground creating an improvised sofa.

Stone is considered an advance level mineral magic, and this left Ritzy a bit surprised.

Ritzy's thoughts,

'Every time it seems like this guy becomes more and more important. That either he is powerful beastkin or an even higher level noble than what I thought before'.

Being able to use advance level magic in any element increased a persons rank a whole other level. If Christopher was born a Marquess, him using advance magic would make him on par with a Duke.

Another example is a magician that has mastered basic level magic in three different elements would have the same status a the lowest level noble anywhere he went. A person that has mastered advance magic in one element was worth twice as much as him. Meaning that instead of being the lowest level noble, the person with advance level magic would be the second-lowest level.

It did not seem as much, but a noble is easily able to do whatever they desired to the common populace. Nobles consisted of ten percent of a kingdom's population. Meaning that the lowest noble can bully 90% of a kingdom's population with no precaution. The lowest rank which was a Baron consisted of half the nobles, meaning being second-lowest or a Viscount, is able to torment 95% of a kingdom's population with not a single punishment.