Burning Evidence

Ritzy was inside a tent using wind magic and fire magic. He was burning two dead bodies with fire magic and using wind magic to make sure that the fire didn't spread onto the cloth of the tent.

Basic fire magic allowed one to create vast's amounts of fire to be used in combat but it was horribly unrefined. It was equivalent to using a hose. One could only control where the magic is aimed and how much will be shot out. Advance fire magic was much more refined. With advance fire magic, people could even form the fire into various weapons or items. This allowed the ability for more delicate operations.

Advance fire magic isn't like other advance magic where it unlocks an entirely new ability. It isn't like advance water magic which allowed a person to create ice. Even though it didn't grant a new ability, it was still the most desired advance magic. It's because this world desires better killing materials and fire is the most naturally destructive magic ability.

Even though Ritzy could already use advance fire magic which allowed him to make controlled fires, he still wanted to be safe so he used wind magic at the same time to create a bubble around the burning corpses. Though, at the same time, he had to make sure to keep the wind was at a sufficiently low speed so it didn't rattle the tent and arouse suspicion.

With the evidence now burnt, he used earth magic to bury the ashes. Ritzy now could relax and decided to lay on the mattress.

Using two entirely different elemental magic was mentally tiring for Ritzy. It was equivalent to writing one word with one hand and writing a different word with the other.

Each elemental magic had different requirements. To use fire magic, Ritzy had to severely condense his mana and move it at a rapid speed in place. Basically shaking the mana. Savior told him fire magic was the definition of energy. That creating fire magic was equivalent to one flexing their muscles and running at their top speed at the same time.

Wind magic was very similar but had some unique differences. Ritzy had to move the mana at a very quick rate but instead of keeping it in place. He had to shoot out the mana. Similar to a race car that only drives forward during races. The other unique differences was that the mana couldn't be condensed. It had to be evenly spread out.


Minutes went by and Ritzy finally sensed Bell with his Mana Presence. She was walking quickly with a set of butler clothing.

Entering inside the tent and holding the clothes, Bell said,

"Sorry Ritzy but I couldn't find much clothing. I asked the servants and they said they only had this. You know how servants are, they usually only wear the same thing every day".

Servants are considered lower class and aren't paid much. Servants are only offered two sets of working clothes, food, a horrible wage that can't buy a single thing in any store, and living quarters. Nobles had the idea that servants are the failures of this world and that they only live today because of their generosity.

The only servants that received a proper wage were wet nurses, coachmen, sex workers, and guards because they require a desired skill set. Maids, animal caretakers, farmers, the children's babysitters, and butlers are considered failures since it doesn't take very much time to learn.

Knights, chefs, and tutors are not considered servants but as essential workforce since their jobs revolves around the lively hood of nobles.

Ritzy grabbed the set of clothing and put it on efficiently. Unlike Bell who made a whole show for Ritzy when she dressed herself.

Ritzy now looked like a well-refined servant. His looks made Ritzy seem as not a normal butler, but a servant used for a naughty night.

Bell accidentally gave perverted smile since she didn't have much information on the art of seduction.

She then tried to act sensuous by saying,

"Looks good on you, want to be my servant? Don't worry, I won't having you do some hard labor. Just some nightly routine things".

Ritzy ignored her and walked out of the tent without responding to her words.


"I was playing around! I didn't mean to offend you!".

Ritzy didn't care about what she said. He only desired to leave and go back to his camp to eat. He just pretended to be offended so he could leave as soon as possible.


Waiting outside, Junger approached Ritzy.


"Lord! I hope you enjoyed the banquet but it's time to go back to camp. Breakfast has already been made and you need to rest before we resume our journey to the beastkin controlled city. We can't have you hungry for today's battle".

Junger was pretending that he knew where Ritzy was the entire time so he acted as if he was waiting for Ritzy the whole night here.

Ritzy was surprised that Junger was at the Banquet. He completely forgot that Junger came to the banquet with him when he woke up this morning. His mind was fully focused on trying to hide last night's activities and getting back to camp.


"Let us go then".

They walked a little more quickly than usual when they went back to the camp because they were both starving. They would've run but Junger had to follow Ritzy's pace and Ritzy couldn't run because it was un-noble like for a noble to run for his food. His status didn't permit it.

As they speed-walked to camp, Junger couldn't hold his curiosity over Ritzy's clothes so he asked.


"Lord, my I know why you are dressed like this despite your status?".

It's a knights job to follow their lord no matter what, no question asked. Junger was supposed to hold back his curiosity but he believed there would be no harm in asking.

Since he met Ritzy, Ritzy never abused his subjects or showed any desire to belittle them. Ritzy was always generous compared to the other lords. He never took their rightfully earned hunt, didn't profit of them, fed them generously, didn't use his rank to abuse them, or anything that the other nobles of his position would do.

Ritzy was a bonafide noble for the people. Any commoner, knight, and slave would desire Ritzy to be their lord instead of their current ones. Because of all this, Junger felt there was no harm in asking the question.

Ritzy stopped for a brief second and went into thought. This caused Junger to feel scared. Junger was worried that he asked something he was not supposed to ask.

Junger's mind,

'Goddammit! Why did I have to get curious and ask about his personal life? I ruined the first rule of being a knight to never ask questions and only follow'.

Ritzy turned to Junger and gave a crooked smile.

Junger's mind,

'Sh*t! He's mad!'.


"Let''s leave it as series as unfortunate events. I don't desire to remember last night's events, so let's talk about you instead. Where have you been?".

Junger's mind,

'Why the H*ll did I ask him that stupid question. That question outright told him that I wasn't guarding over him and it's why I don't know why his clothes are different from yesterday'.

Junger was in full panic mode. He couldn't say a single proper word other than I,




Ritzy chuckled and continued walking again.


"It's fine, I wouldn't even want you to see what happened yesterday so just forget I asked. Just remember that your my knight and your need to always keep watch over me. Especially when you're the only knight around me. I don't want you to suddenly leave me for dead in today's battle".

Junger let out a sigh of relief and then bowed.

Junger said in an excited tone,

"Yes, Lord! I won't let you out of my watch again. I will protect you to my last breath! I thank you for giving me a second chance, I won't let it go to waste!".


Finally arriving back at the camp, Ritzy was greeted by his knights.


"Lord, we welcome you back to camp. Let's get you your breakfast so we can be ready for today's battle. We will be leaving in an hour in a half and you haven't eaten or even prepared for any kind of warfare".

Alter then shouted to the young knight next to him,

"Please escort our lord to the eating area and then when our lord is done. Help him get prepared for traveling and combat. We are pressed for time so work efficiently young knight".

The young knight bowed and said respectfully,

"Right this way my lord, sorry for hurrying you".

Ritzy waved his hand and said,

"It's fine, lead the way".

Young knight,

"Of course".

As they were leaving and were finally many meters away. The other knights that came to welcome Ritzy huddled all around Junger.


"Tell us the truth, were you with any fare ladies last night!?!".