Knight's Gift Part 2

Ritzy was tired of acting because of so many misunderstandings. Instead of responding, he gave a middle finger.

Luke and everyone gasped. Luke wasn't offended. Instead, he was jealous.

Luke's thoughts,

'One finger! If he's able to afford those girls with one coin, that means he at least got a gold coin! I can't believe he has the same value as a priority defender!'.

Representative 1 thoughts,

'No wonder he got all of us, it's nothing for him. With him being paid 1 gold coin, it wouldn't be surprising if he got 10 tonight!'.

As they continued walking, they were getting closer to the end of the main camp. The workers felt worried so the speaker representative spoke up,

"Jack, we're leaving the main camp. Where are we going?".

The main camp was where the guild would work. It was their safe area. The camp had many knights working under Grasso which are tasked with protecting the guild members. If they left the area, they wouldn't be protected anymore.

Ritzy pointed in front of him and said,

"Don't worry. We're going to those tents over there".

Speaker Representative,

"The private infirmary tents?".


"Yes, follow me".

It was Ritzy's second time here. Ritzy had been here before to see his injured soldiers so he was able to easily maneuver past the tents to his family's private tent.

Inside the tent, there were three hanging sheets creating walls separating the beds. Making four separate rooms.

The injured knights heard somebody going into their private tents so they got worried.

An old knight with a cut on his forearm decided to speak,

"Sorry, but this is the Reds' private tent. Can you please leave".

One of the younger knights that only lost two fingers in today battle stood up. He was gonna lead them out of the tent but then he noticed it was his lord.

The young knight bowed and said,

"Lord Ritzy! It's good to see you! May we know why you are here?".

When the other knights heard their lord arrived they all got off their bed and bowed. The only one that didn't bow was an older knight that was severely injured. He had been stabbed by the tip of the spear so his core was severely weak.

The ladies were confused by the knight calling Jack, Ritzy, but didn't say anything. They were too confused by what was happening.


"You guys fought bravely today and I told you before that I would properly reward you. Well, while thinking of what I could give you, I saw this as an opportunity to give you a small reward before I do it properly back home".

Young knight,

"You mean".


"Ladies, I requested you to serve these men the entire night and not for myself. I better hear no complaints tomorrow. Also, the dancer is for the guy on the bed. He's a little weak right now so follow his pace if he requests for anything".

Not speaking any further, Ritzy left. Outside the tent, Ritzy headed to Sporrco City.

Ritzy's thoughts,

'Money is much more valuable in this world. I can buy anything in this world for the right price just like my old world, but cheaper. I would be an idiot if I don't take a percentage of the city's loot'.

Ritzy found something very valuable when spending time with Kevin, and that was the price of people.

During Ritzy job in his old world, he was sent to many different areas. From poor to rich, northern or southern hemisphere, but each place had something in common.

Men and women were willing to sell their bodies. At first, Ritzy didn't care about this information but then he learned to put great emphasis on this. It is because, with the knowledge of a whore's price. He would understand the price of his new area.

What Ritzy learned was that women would normally place 1/3 of the average weekly wage for using their bodies.

But if they were part of the expensive group of workers, they would place themselves at the entire week's pay. Since these girls were part of the expensive bunch, then 6 iron would be around the weekly wage for the mercenaries participating in this war.

Ritzy wasn't much joyous about him learning the value of people risking their lives in war, but more about how easy it was to get that money.

Before, Savior thought it would be a good idea for Ritzy to build his own traveling armor. So Savior decided to send Ritzy to hunt Dark Iron bears.

Killing the bears, Ritzy took the bears to a specialized blacksmith store that his family-owned.

At the store, he gave them the only bear that was still intact to be used for his armor. Ritzy also requested for the other unfortunately ruined bears to be salvaged. In the end, there were many parts saved and also many parts not needed from the intact bear to make Ritzy's armor.

The blacksmith asked Ritzy if he could buy them and Ritzy agreed. Ritzy was paid 15 gold coins in total and Ritzy decided to use those coins to get Jacky her birthday present.

With knowing that people were willing to go to war for 6 iron a week pay, he regretted giving Jacky a fifteen gold coin present that didn't even work when needed.


"Whatever, those are past Ritzy's mistakes. Now I should take advantage of the gold mine in front of me. There should be many valuables I can take from that city and use for my personal use. After living alone for so much in my past world, it feels weird having to rely on someone else to pay for my expenses. With raiding this city, I can leave my parents home and make a name for myself".

"Even if I don't get anything from the city, I can still go hunting"

"I still can't believe that I made enough to retire on one hunting trip. What am I still doing not having my own land to rule? Wait, why stop at land, maybe I should get a guild".

"Why didn't Savior say anything about what Im able to hunt?".


Inside the Reds Manor was Savior and Elizabeth enjoying tea while they watched the sunset. It was barley becoming sunset at the Reds manor because Sporrco City was far enough for there to be a two-hour gap from the city and Reds county.


"Savior, I really enjoy spending these days with you. You're a great friend".


"Do not worry Elizabeth. I enjoy spending time with you during my retirement. If I didn't come to visit you, I would be in the city hoarded by people who want to be my student or some other motive".


"Speaking of training, how was Ritzy's magic training? I remember you had Ritzy hunt class three magical beasts before. Gosh, I remember how I panicked when Christopher told me what you did. Luckily, Ritzy didn't get hurt".

Savior chuckled and then said,

"Oh yes, the Dark Iron bears".


"Before I ask anything, I just want to say I'm really thankful you molded him to be part of the strongest in the Pheonix Kingdom".


"Like I said before, you don't have to thank me. It was an honor to be his instructor. So tell me, what do you want to know?".


"As you being an ex-general and being Ritzy's instructor, what powerful spells did you teach my son to hunt those dangerous bears?".


'There were no spells".


"What do you mean there's no spells! Did you make Ritzy fight the class three magical beasts without spells?!".


"No, in reality. Ritzy has never used a spell".

Elizabeth was confused and looked at Savior oddly.


"But I've seen him use spells. He even reached the level where he doesn't even need to chant spells anymore".


Spells and skills are abilities approved by the gods of this world. It is why analyzing stones which is also used during awakening ceremonies can scan for people's skills or spells.

Chanting spells are guidelines used for casting spells. There are set rules when using a spell and how it works, so chanting a spell helps it to be cast.

Spells need to be understood and be provided the necessary resources. For spells to work, mana needs to be used in the right way so it can work. If mana isn't used correctly, the best-case scenario is that the spell weakens. Worst case scenario, the spell becomes unstable and mana explodes. Injuring the caster and anything nearby.

The gods of this world discovered that understanding a spell is near impossible for mortals. That only a few in each kingdom were able to accomplish understanding a spell entirely. To solve this problem, they decided to make a trading system.

If a person wanted to cast a spell but they didn't understand completely the spell. The person would chant the spell to show respect to the gods and in turn. The gods trading system, would slightly correct the spell. Allowing the magician to cast their spell.



"He doesn't chant spells because he understands the spells, but because he doesn't use spells".


"Wait? Is this related to his blessing?".


"Yes. I discovered that his blessing doesn't conform to the rules of spells. Ritzy only needs to understand each level of magic and then he's able to use it freely. Ritzy's like a blacksmith but with magic. As long as he's able to make the material, he can bend it to whatever he wants".