Escaping Inside as a Healer

Perfectly disguised as a white fox beastkin, and changing the color of his blessing, Ritzy felt ready to infiltrate the base. With his disguise complete, Ritzy only needed a way to get inside.

The town hall was surrounded by beastkins and the only way in was to pass by the beastkin checkpoint. Ritzy did look like them, but he wouldn't pass the checkpoint. Beastkin's have an acute sense of smell, which allows them to differentiate the smell of human and beastkin.

Ritzy now has to find out how he can pass the smell check, or at least skip the checkpoint.

Not sure how to get inside, Ritzy felt that going back to the top of the building to examine the area was the best thing to do. Even though there's no way to go in now, an opportunity might arise later. Ritzy, just had to be ready for when the opportunity came.

Ritzy surrounded his body with wind magic, creating a strong breeze that pushed him up. Feeling ready, Ritzy jumped and increase the potency of the wind magic. The combination of wind magic and trained muscles easily allowed him to leap back on the building.

On the building, Ritzy checked his surroundings. Especially in the crowd waiting in line to go through the checkpoint.

The line consisted of mostly children and elderly beastkins being escorted by combat-ready beastkins. These people were most likely the ones that were with Christoph and Riku. Just trying to escape to the next safe place.

Waiting for his opportunity, Ritzy saw a crowd of beastkin running to the camp. Behind the crowd, were a group of knights and mercenaries.


The head beastkin in charge of the checkpoints shouted to his comrades,

"Let our fellow beastkin inside, we don't have time to check each and everyone anymore!".

Beastkin 2,

"You heard the captain, open the gates!".

The town hall was surrounded by wooden makeshift walls. The checkpoint was embed in the wooden walls and the checkpoint had a massive gate for allowing resource transport.

The beastkin guards quickly opened the gates. The beastkins seeing the entrance opened, they didn't hesitate to rush in.

Beastkin Leader,

"Everyone, battle positions! We can't let them retake this city which we fought so hard for!".

The beastkins quickly huddled together. They had spear users in the front, bowmen behind the spears users, and all the other regular beastkin warriors waiting behind. Ready to fill in when necessary.

As the mercenary and knights were about to reach the beastkin warriors, the head beastkin shouted,


Arrows upon arrows were shot at the human group. Turning them into pin cushions and not allowing the chance of them surviving.

Unfortunately for the beastkin, the arrows only hit the front row effectively. The knight and mercenaries the were behind a person were unharmed. Since they waited so long to shoot, the surviving humans reached them easily.

Beastkin Leader,

"Spearmen, kill them with no mercy!".

Human 1,

"Don't let them breathe a second longer!".

The beastkin stabbed their spear into the knights and mercenaries. Creating holes in their abdomen and chest. But the humans didn't stop, the surviving ones continued pushing on and cutting anything in their path.

They killed with no hesitation, not even sparing a glance to their fallen comrades as they hacked away through the spear beastkin and onto the bow beastkin.

Beastkin leader,

"Swordsmen, go help your fellow beastkin!".

The sword-wielding beastkins hearing the go command, didn't hold back and ran full force to the humans. Trying to save any of their fellow beastkin.

The beastkins now we're able to hold back the humans. It became a standstill of humans killing beastkin, and beastkin killing humans. Per each fallen human, a new one would come to replace them. The same went with the beastkin.

Seeing the battle, Ritzy saw severely injured beastkins dragging themselves back to their comrades. Unfortunately, the fellow beastkin couldn't help, they were too busy waiting to charge in to replace any fallen beastkin.

Ritzy now seeing his opportunity, he jumped off the building and ran into the battlefield. Ritzy came from the human side of the battle so he had to dodge any knight or mercenary that saw him.

Ritzy passing through he humans, he was attacked from every corner, but Ritzy made sure to only dodge them. He even made sure to look like a human enemy by allowing one of the knights to knick his shoulder. He made sure that it wasn't deep enough to hamper him, but still deep enough to have a good amount of blood come out. Ritzy then accumulated life magic on his shoulder, creating a bright green light while healing himself.

Leader beastkin,

"Archers, help that beastkin reach us! He's a life blessed individual. He should be able to heal our comrades!".

Arrows then landed around Ritzy, killing every knight and mercenary near him. Not being as surrounded, Ritzy stopped worrying about the people around him and just sprinted to the beastkin side.

As Ritzy ran, arrows were killing the humans and making a path for Ritzy. Some of the melee beastkin even charged in to kill humans and make a pathway.

Finally, Ritzy reached the beastkin side and they created a path for Ritzy to pass through. While Ritzy ran, the head beastkin said,

"Take the salamander with you to the camp. He is one of our best warriors, so try to heal him first!".

Ritzy nodded and looked around. Ritzy then noticed an injured salamander on the ground. Ritzy hoisted the salamander beastkin on his back and ran into the camp. Successfully infiltrating the town hall.

Getting inside the enclosed area for the town hall, Ritzy was greeted by an elderly beastkin.

Old Beastkin,

"Thank the life god for sending you to us safely. Please, follow me to the medical area. We have many people severely injured and they are in dire need of someone with your skills".

Ritzy had his eyes surrounded by green life magic. Making him seem as an life magic blessed beastkin. Since he was blessed by the life magic god, it was natural for people to expect Ritzy to have the capability to heal others.

Ritzy carried the salamander while following the old man. While speed-walking behind the elderly beastkin, Ritzy saw more and more injured beastkin.

Old Beastkin,

"I can guess that you want to help them but you can't right now. Our greatest warriors and many of our magicians are severy injured. We need to heal them first if we even want a fighting chance. Try to forget what you see right now, it'll make life much easier for you".

The injured beastkin nearby heard what their elder said, but they couldn't deny what he said. They understood that they aren't part of the necessary beastkin for this war. That they will most likely die before they even get a chance of being healed.

Ritzy didn't care about saving these people, he just wondered how many he would need to heal before he could say he needs a break. Allowing him to sneak off and look for any valuables to steal.

Walking further in the town hall camp, they finally made it to the medical area. Walking even further, Ritzy saw an area with stone tables that were most likely made with mineral magic, having injured patients on the stones and life magicians healing them.

Old beastkin,

"Take the open stone table over there. We'll be sending you the priority warriors first. Just tell us if you can or can't heal him. If you can and also finish healing them, just tell us you're ready for the next patient. Also, that salamander isn't important. Just pass him to one of the helpers".

The elderly beastkin finished talking, he left and talked to a group of young beastkin. Ritzy had his mana presence still activated so he heard what the elder beastkin said.

Old Beastkin,

"Hurry up and get our most valuable people on that blessed individual. Let's just hope he has enough energy to heal them all. Or at least the most important. Also get that salamander off him".

The young beastkins heard their orders and left quickly. Two went to off somewhere while one came to Ritzy and took off the salamander beastkin.

Soon the other two young beastkin came carrying a huge beastkin. It was a heavily armored crocodile beastkin and they dragged him onto Ritzy's table.

Seeing that they wanted Ritzy to heal the beastkin he quickly got to work and asked what was the problem.

The young beastkins started explaining but Ritzy wasn't paying attention. Ritzy had his mana presence on and was watching the other beastkin healers. He was checking how much they were able to heal before they need to stop. He started counting how many patients they were healing.

The first young beastkin finished explaining about the patient and then spoke louder,

"Did you get that?".

The younger beastkin noticed Ritzy wasn't paying attention but since Ritzy was a blessed healer, he didn't dare claim Ritzy wasn't paying attention without any proof.