Sand is Quite

The two young beastkins came bringing in an eight-year-old beastkin and place him on the stone table. The best-kin was a white fox with severe burns on his body and a missing ear.

Young beastkin 1,

"The child is one of our healing mages, he suffered from the first wave of attack at the bank. Supposedly he was attacked by a water mage and fire mage, we don't know much else".

Ritzy used his examination skill and found no hidden injuries. Only the visible wounds and cut of wolf ear.

Seeing all the problems, Ritzy got to work. He pulled out mana from the mana item and converted it into healing magic. Ritzy stretched the healing magic, making it less dense but increased in volume.

Having a big enough size, Ritzy controlled the healing magic to surround the little boy. Leaving no part untouched. Slowly but surely, the skin was healing at a visible rate.

The boy's skin was being returned and his ear's wound was being closed.

Ritzy didn't felt necessary to replace his ear so he decided to not waste any effort in building the replacement.

Finally returning the beastkin's skin, the boy stopped showing a face of pain and was able to open his newly formed eyelids.

Opening his eyes, the boy saw pure white ears with pink skin just like his father. Seeing his father's ears he wanted to cry.

Beastkin boy,


Ritzy said bluntly,


Saying that, he looked at the young beastkin attendants and said,

"Show me where I can rest, my mind feels scrambled. I can't heal anymore".

Young Beastkin 2,

"Right this way Zeke(Ritzy)"

Leading Ritzy out of the area, the attendant took him inside the town hall.

Going through the door, Ritzy was inside a vast room with many beastkin running around. There were captains giving orders, an open door room where you could see people planning defenses, small beds for important injured beastkin, and an area where Ritzy saw an intricately designed closed door.

Ritzy's mind,

"What does this city have a mana room?".

In the books provided by Savior, Ritzy had read many things about mages and the items they used. One of the more noted things inside the book was the mana room.

A mana room is as implies a room with mana. What made it special was that the room was heavily enchanted with many runes that slowly formed mana like mist that resided in the room. The books told of how rooms were classified by the pureness of mana mist.

The rooms went from class 3 to class 1. The classes were also divided into three categories; little, medium, and large. Depending on its class, it would measure the potency of the mana and how pure it is. Class three is the most useless and class 1 being the most desired. Its categories of little and large meant how many could fit inside the room. Little only able to sustain 3 at a time and large being able to carry 10.

Young Beastkin 1,

"Just wait out here for your turn in the mana room. Only three can fit at a time so you'll have to wait".

Saying that, the beastkin left Ritzy alone. Ritzy being, he scrutinized the area to where they could have stored the important items.

Looking around, there wasn't anything useful. All he saw were busy beastkin. Not knowing what else to do, Ritzy decided to activate his Magic Presence.

Ritzy had stopped using Magic Presence ever since he began healing. Advance healing magic takes much more concentration than any other magic he could use. Also, Ritzy wasn't skilled enough to use advanced magic and basic at the same time.

With magic precise activated, Ritzy was able to sense a basement under the town hall. Inside the basement was many jewels and coins but no weapons.

Ritzy's mind,

'It's good to see there still something I can take, but where are they storing the mana items? Mana items are much more valuable than any stone'.

Five minutes passes and the inscribed door finally opened. Coming out of the door was the tiger beastkin that Ritzy saved earlier and the one who attacked Grasso.

Tiger beastkin,

"Oh, if it isn't the amazing healer. I want to thank you for saving my life after this war is done. During the celebratory feast, come back to the town hall and ask for Randamu Furui. I'll be waiting to give you a proper thankyou".


"Your too kind but I'll take that offer".

The tiger beastkin laughed then said,

"Acting humble but in reality taking the prize, I like that. Well then, I gotta go help our men. If I ever get injured again I'll ask for you".


"No problem, just multiply the thankyou gift if you do ask for me".

The beastkin laughed again while he walked away.

The beastkin leaving, Ritzy opened the door and went inside. Going inside, Ritzy saw two other beastkin resting and talking to each other while a stone box in the middle of the room was emitting mist.

Beatkin mage 1,

"Hey, take a seat and introduce yourself".

Ritzy grabbed a nearby chair and said,

"So, this is a mana room?".

Beastkin mage 2,

"Your new to this aren't you?".

Beastkin mage 1,

"Of course he is, look at him. He's a blessed healer".

Beastkin mage 2,

"Oh yes, with all the injured people from the attacks. They are just now letting healers in here to quickly recuperate".

Beastkin mage 1,

"So, what your name?".



Beastkin mage 2,

"Well Zeke, I'm Tuk and this is my friend Zuck. We're both magicians on the offensive front".


"Nice to meet you".

The three of them continued talking about their lives and how the was going but Ritzy's mind was also concentrating somewhere else. He wanted to know what the box emitting mana worked.

Unfortunately, the room was filled with mana so Ritzy's Mana Presence suffered interference and he couldn't do anything about it.

Beastkin mage 1,

"Hey Zeke, do you know how these mana rooms are made?".


"No, I don't".

The beastkin mage got off his chair came in front of the stone box. He then opened a little door that was connected to the box, revealing many intricately designed mana items connected by a steel wire. Also under the mana items, was a single wand.

Beastkin mage 1,

"The stone box can combine the power of many items, making the collection of mana much faster and much denser. This is why the mana here is dense".

The beastkin then pointed at the wand,

"This here is my pride and joy currently recharging. I was able to find one of the three wands in this entire city. I got it from the head of the Willrams family. He was hard to kill, but lucky my companion was there to help me".

Beastkin mage 2,

"Your just lucky that the wand has more compatibility with your element, if not, it would be mine".

Ritzy finally finding what he was looking for, he was overjoyed but decided to wait. Not only did he need to think of a way of escaping with the entire stone box, but it was also an opportunity.

During Ritzy years of training with Savior, Ritzy stumbled upon a way to improve his physique by infusing mana into his body. Since years of this routine passed, the effects of infusing mana into his body diminished. Now that he was in a mana rich area, he could improve his body while he thinks of a way to escape with the mana items.

Knowing what to do, Ritzy started forcefully controlling the mana in the air and consuming it.

The mages here would only stay in the room and recuperate slowly, they didn't have any method to increase the process. Ritzy, on the other hand, could bend mana at his will, allowing him to recuperate much faster and infusing the mana into his body much quicker.

As time went on, Ritzy still conversed with the two but something strange caught their eye.

Beastkin mage 2,

"Don't you think the mist is lessening? That the room is becoming much clearer".

Beastkin mage 1,

"Now that I think about it-".

Before the beastkin could say another word and realize what's happening, Ritzy collected mana on his hands and condensed it into two daggers. Creating the daggers, Ritzy slashed their throats before they could see Ritzy had conjured weapons.

Slashing their throats, their eyes lost all light and their bodies fell off their chair and onto the ground.

Ritzy then placed the palms of his hands onto the ground and used mineral magic. The mineral magic then turns a part of the floor into sand.

Mineral magic couldn't destroy the ground into nothing, and Ritzy couldn't have the floor fall into the basement because it would create a loud noise. So Ritzy decided to change part of the floor into sand, making the floor unable to hold itself up and fall soundlessly on the basement floor.