Forced Ally

After the old man was done speaking, the rest who weren't already paired up. looked for skilled partners for their team.

A guy walked up to robe dressed person.

"Hey, your ### the mage right? The one who killed three goblins with one spell?".

Mage 1,

"Yes, and you are?".

Seeing the guy already got a partner, the rest didn't hold back.

Guy 2,

"Are you really #### the spearmen? The one who saved the Margrave's second daughter".

Guy 3,

"No way, was that you?".


In no time, everyone was grouped up and ready to go.

Old man leader,

"Since everyone is ready, we will head straight to the black market district. All teams preassigned will take the lead with me and the rest will follow. Any questions?".

No one spoke.

Old man,

"Good! Let's head there now".

The group exited the building with Ritzy and Dayla walking right behind the old man as per the old man's order.

While walking to their destination, they resumed chatting.


"Seems they want to take us both out at the same time. I can't believe this is how it ends. I know this was a possible consequence of me being with Junger that night and I was fine with it but I wasn't willing to involve you. You're innocent in all this and don't deserve what comes to you".

Ritzy didn't respond and continued walking. The only things that could be heard were footsteps and murmur chatter from behind.


"I kinda wish you were angry with me or something. I feel horrible doing this to you and your family".

Ritzy looked at her and saw that she was silently crying. Trying to not grab attention.

Ritzy's mind,

'Don't you see we are in enemy territory! I can already sense some beastkin observing us. No wonder the nobles were easily overrun in this city if they're just like you'.

Even though they weren't far from the bank, beastkin was monitoring the area. This posed the realization that humans can't protect the land near them. That the average beastkin can easily hide right next to the average noble guard or knights assigned to protect the nobles.


"I thought you didn't blame me, why are you suddenly giving me the silent treatment".

Ritzy was annoyed by the comment but he responded normally.

"I sense someone observing us. I can't tell if they're enemies but they're well hidden".

Ritzy lied, he knew exactly who it was and where they were. He just wanted her to stop chattering so he could be ready for the ambush that could happen at any moment.

Dayla said sadly,

"Of course they would already know they're coming to us. Grasso must've already told them we're coming and they want us dead".

Ritzy's mind,

'Wow, that sounds more plausible than my idea. Maybe she could prove useful in having her as an ally to solve this problem. Only maybe'.

As they continued walking, Dayla and Ritzy didn't bother mentioning the watchful eyes to anyone else in the group. They continued walking as nothing was happening.

After half an hour of traversing the city, they finally arrived at the slums of the city. It was also where the black market district was located.

As they continued walking in the slums, they arrived at an oddly closed off high gate area.

Old man,

"This is where all the high-class secret business takes place. Well, at least where it used to be".

"You will be tasked with eliminating all that is inside this area. If there are any valuables, especially wands. You are to report back out here and give it to me".

"Now go inside and retake the district!".

The group heard their orders and opened the closed gates. Opening the gates they saw the inside almost middle class like. It had nice streets, no trash, well-designed stores, and they were even some high-class stores in the bunch. It was like a hidden gem in a pile of dirt.

Going inside, they continued walking with no one in sight. It was oddly quiet and put everyone tense. They expected a battle, not a possible hidden foe.

Dayla whispered,

"Do you see anything, why isn't there anybody here?".

Ritzy whispered back,

"They are here but they're staying hidden. I guess if we walk further ahead we'll be in their desired battlefield or fall into their trap".

Dayla shouted in a whisper tone,

"Then we can't continue going on".

Ritzy said calmly,

"Don't worry, I got an idea".

Ritzy then shouted and looked at the rest of the group behind them,

"Hey, companions. We should split up to cover more ground. If you see anyone, call for the rest of the group. In the meantime, I'll go with my partner over there".

Before anyone could question his orders, Ritzy walked away from the group. Instead of going forward, he went right between two stores and through an alleyway.

Dayla seeing him leave, she quickly followed. She was confused but she thought Ritzy most likely had a plan in mind.

After going through the stores, leaving the rest of the group, and arriving at another street, she asked what was happening.


"Why are we leaving them behind. We have a bigger chance of surviving if we stay with the group".


"Grasso is trying to kill us and kill the rest of this group most likely. Since he sent us here, he most likely believes no one will survive even as a group. This means if we want to survive, we'll need to escape".


"Makes sense, but where will we go? What about Junger?".


"We'll get Junger at the town hall and then run with him out of the city. From there, we'll head to wherever your fiance's family lives. We'll need to convince them to forget the matter".


"But how will we convince them and get Junger".


"Easy. I can easily sneak in and convince Junger to follow us. From there, we just jump the city walls and find out how to convince that family to forget what happened".


"You're oversimplifying and not exactly explaining how this will work".


"I'll give you the details later, just follow me".

Dayla wasn't satisfied with Ritzy's answer but had to go with it.

Dayla's mind,

'Hopefully, he is not making things up as we go. That he knows what to do and that the details are just too much to explain right now'.

As they continued walking, they saw the tall walls made for the black market district so no one could see what was going on inside.


"So, how are we gonna go through? I only have healing magic and not much athletic ability. I won't be able-".

Before she could finish, footsteps were heard behind the two. Turning around, they saw three people. It was two beastkin and a human on the right to the beastkin.

The beastkin in the middle of the two was an orange fox male beastkin and said,

"Why did you guys have to leave the group of people. I would've enjoyed killing you with many of your comrades dying next to you. It's less enjoyable when there are fewer people".


"Don't worry. Since they're away from everyone else, the boss won't know we took our time killing them unlike he ordered us".

Fox beastkin,

"Your right. I shouldn't be mad, I should thank them".

The beastkin then gave a smug look to Ritzy and Dayla,

"Since I want to thank you, I will do you two a favor. Once we're done enjoying your bodies, we'll mercy kill you with one strike".

"Oh wait. Don't think you, a blessed person, is safe even though you're a guy. The other male beastkin likes boys".

Dayla was terrified and said,

"Ritzy, I'm scared. I've only bedded with Junger and I want it to stay that way. Please kill me before the last thing I see is those two guys on me".

Ritzy walked forward past Dayla and said calmly,

"Why would I kill you? I don't see a threat here".

Ritzy extended his hand which was strangely glowing white and made a slashing movement with his hand.

The next moment, blood dripped from the three men's clothes and then they fell.

Ritzy then turned around and walked back to the wall.


"Junger is my comrade and from our talks earlier, I can tell you're a kind person. I would like you as a friend and I always protect my friends".

Ritzy didn't really see her as a friend, just a possible ally who can help him get out of this sticky situation that his subordinate and she have caused. Ritzy didn't know who the family was or where they lived. He had to rely on her.