Trapped in a Domain

Exiting the room, the group had to go down the stairs and maneuver through the continuous battles between the knights and beastkin. Just because they were abandoning the warzone, it didn't mean the war was over.

Going through the groups of fighters, it went slower than when Dayla and Ritzy went through before. This time they couldn't just past through but force their way through. As a group, they were a threat so the beastkins would huddle together to attack Ritzy's group.

This caused them to slow down because they now had to kill their way through, unlike Ritzy who only needed to push them away to continue moving forward.

The group did not suffer any injuries or any problems when facing the beastkin but Ritzy couldn't help but frown in his mind.

Ritzy's mind,

'This is too slow! Why did I allow them to join us? Why couldn't I voice my words before!?'.

Ritzy still couldn't understand what was happening back in the room but what's done is done. If he rejected their help now, it would sever any friendly connections, and Ritzy couldn't afford to have his knights and the Benedire family see him in a bad light right now.

Refocusing on the situation, they finally reached the door but a sudden density of mana and a strange substance began surrounding the area. Especially, where Benjamin, Dayla, and the knights were standing.

Feeling the sudden change, Ritzy's mind knew anybody here would suffer a dire consequence.

Ritzy quickly used wind magic and made a pushing motion in the air. The pushing movement amplified by wind magic caused a strong burst of wind to throw Ritzy's comrade out the door and a backlash that caused Ritzy to fly backward.

As he was launched back as he hoped, the area where they were standing before was suddenly engulfed in fire. A wall of blazing flame was separating Ritzy and his group. Unfortunately, for the ones Ritzy didn't push which were the humans and beastkin fighting each other, they were left to suffer an agonizing death. Burning to ash, slowly.

As Ritzy landed on his feet from the knockback, he felt his body weigh much heavier. His movements felt sluggish and his skin felt as if it was burning. This feeling felt similar to when he was close to Benedire but much worse and slightly different.

What Benedire had around him did feel dangerous and scary but it was nothing compared to what he was feeling now. Instead of feeling like prey surrounded by predators, he felt as if he was in a sauna set at dangerous levels. Worse, it clouded his mind at a higher level then what Benedire's aura did.

Even though he knew what to do, he couldn't calm his mind. His mind was in complete terror and it didn't help that with each breath, his lungs felt as if he was breathing flame.

On his knees and his hands on his chest, Ritzy was dying.

Just as Ritzy was about to lose consciousness, Ritzy felt a slight breeze hit the side of his face.

The breeze was a nice feeling, but it was enough to bring him back to reality, but then another breeze came, and then another.

Feeling the constant lukewarm air hit him, he faintly recomposed himself and used his weakened mind to forcibly use mana to create a barrier for him against his surroundings.

Like a weightless bodysuit, his mana surrounded him.

With the mana surrounding him, his body stoped feeling a burning sensation and his mind wasn't filled with terror anymore. He could finally compose himself and think correctly.

Looking around him, he didn't understand what was happening. The room was different shades of red instead of the brown wood, varied colored beastkin, and gray armored knights. It was like looking through red-tinted shades.

Analyzing the room more, Ritzy noticed that there wasn't an exit anymore. That the place where the group was standing, was a wall of fire but oddly a part of the wall was moving irregularly. Then it hit him.

Ritzy's mind,

'Is Benjamin using wind magic to try and make a hole through the barrier? Makes sense, he is the only wind magician I know around here to do that'.

'Even though he can't get through, at least the breeze weakened whatever mental influence is being used around here. I could've been like the people around me'.

Beastkin, Knights, and mercenaries alike were all on the ground. Either dead, dying, or barely conscious. From them laying or kneeling on the ground and grabbing their chest, it was easy to tell their minds were not function properly. That they should be having a feeling of burning from the outside and the inside at the same time.

Focusing back around him, he noticed he could hear voices. No, more like the voices of his group.

Paying attention to any sounds, he noticed it was Dayla, Benjamin, and Junger screaming his name.

Ritzy's mind,

'If I remember correctly, Benjamin should be able to use advanced wind and mineral magic. Seems like if I try to escape with my own magic, it would be a wasted effort. I need to find my own way out but first, I need to tell them to get everything ready. I doubt they can help in this situation so having them prepare for the trip is the best thing they can do right now. Luckily, it seems sounds can penetrate this strange fire magic barrier'.


"I'm okay, just get everything ready for our departure! You won't be able to help so just get everything ready to leave. If I don't make it to the Reds camp by midnight, leave! Just make sure to fix this problem so the Reds reputation doesn't suffer from Junger's love".

Saying his words, he left to go more inside this strange barrier and find out how to stop it as soon as possible. Also, he knew if he didn't state his word clearly and leave, the group would ask him questions or try to help with sentimental words which he saw useless right now.

Ritzy's mind also told him they would want to bicker about what to do and he knew that would only be a waste of time, which was an important resource right now. With his mana being drained slowly from having to protect himself from this strange fire magic barrier, every second counted.


Outside the barrier, the group heard Ritzy's voice.

"I'm okay, just get everything ready for our departure! You won't be able to help so just get everything ready to leave. If I don't make it to the Reds camp by midnight, leave! Just make sure to fix this problem so the Reds family doesn't suffer from Junger's love".

Once Ritzy finished, Benjamin quickly responded,

"No Ritzy, we'll stay here and try to find a way to save you!".

Benjamin stopped shouting and said in a low tone,

"Just like you saved my life a second time now.".

Ritzy didn't respond to Benjamin's words and nothing could be heard.

With seconds of silence passing by, they began to worry but Alter quickly calmed them.


"Don't worry, it seems he knows what he's doing. In all my years of service, similar situations like this have happen but all you have to remember is that the one who speaks first, usually has a plan".

The group didn't speak.

Alter spoke again confidently,

"Ritzy gave his order for a reason. He most likely knows what he's doing. All we have to do is follow his orders and hope everything goes all right. Just know, Ritzy isn't an ordinary person. He's strong and wise for his age. If anyone can escape this situation, it's him".

The group wanted to believe Alter's words but their mind was still filled with doubts.

Seeing that they were about to falter, Alter spoke in an almost demanding tone.

"Let's go, we have our orders".

The group seeing Alter take the lead and leave, they felt a desire to speak up and continue trying to save Ritzy but they couldn't. They didn't know if to listen to their feelings and thoughts or listen to Alters somehow understandable words of leaving their comrade.

As Alter was leaving, Dayla was about to demand that they stay and help Ritzy but Benjamin spoke first before she could project her voice.


"Alter's right. I'm confused right now about what to do but his words make sense. He's the most experienced one here so I say we should listen to him. We should follow Ritzy's order just like he said. Plus, he had training from Lord Puissance. With lessons from him, Ritzy can most likely pull a miracle easily".

Benjamin saying what he was thinking, he left the group and caught up to Alter.

The group seeing this, they decided to leave and do as Ritzy said as well.