Easier to Kill

Ritzy removing his grasp from Grasso, he turned around and left. Knowing full well that what he said and exposing his killing intent had unstabilized Grasso's mind.

Walking away Ritzy spoke to the older knight guarding him,

"let's go inside, I'm done here".

The knight quickly said "sir" in response to show he heard Ritzy's orders and turned around to look at Grasso. The knight gave a slight bow to Grasso and then resumed following Ritzy.

Getting inside the ceremonial area, Ritzy looked around for Benjamin since he wasn't taught about this occasion. Looking around he saw Benjamin with the rest of the group except for Benedire.

Benedire was being surrounded by nobles like the night of the Banquet. Each one introducing or reintroducing themselves to Benedire in hope of strengthing their relations with him. They all wanted to become Benedire's friend so they boasted about themselves and what their friendship can do for him but he had no interest in what they offered.

For him, they were weak annoyances who only looked out for themselves. He had no need for them or anything they could offer but since noble etiquette forced him to entertain them when they introduce themselves, he had no choice but to do this menial and unwanted task.

Ritzy chuckled at seeing his older friend suffer while he walked to Benjamin and the group. Reaching the group, Ritzy gave greeting to everyone but then asked Benjamin if he would talk to him privately for a second. Benjamin agreeing, they both walked a short distance away from everyone else.


"Tell me, what should I expect to happen in these ceremonies?".


"We'll become official nobles. We'll be called later in the ceremony for all children of nobles to come up the stage. We'll form a line and be given the becoming a noble ritual one by one by our Captains. Since my grandfather is our captain, he will officiate us as nobles, say some words, we'll pledge ourselves to the kingdom, and end with being given a golden mana badge".


"Anything else? Remember, nobody taught me this".


"Don't worry, I'm your teacher about this so I know everything that will happen. Just relax".


"Thank you, I don't know what I'll do if Savior hadn't sent you".


"Don't worry. We're friends and you saved my life. I owe you this and more".


Two hours had passed and the ceremony already started. Grasso had given his speech and many knights and mercenaries have appeared on the stage to be properly commended with medals and weapons that served as trophies. Each one had been offered the chance to serve the kingdom directly and most accepted.

The ones who didn't accept acted strangely and didn't hesitate to deny the offer.

With the last one being commended, Grasso finally announced for all the noble children to come on stage to have their noble ceremony. To have them take their first steps in becoming official nobles who'll have more rights and more expectations than commoners.

Young men and very few women were present for the ceremony. Most of the ones becoming nobles didn't peak Ritzy's attention. They were all children who used their parent's power to protect themselves in this war and get achievements for themselves. It was clear that most of them never have done any actual life and death battle. That the only time they killed someone was when a slave angered them.

All they did was order their knights to do his or her job and then take all the credit.

Few did seem like they actually partook in the war but they were all unimpressive. Ritzy sensed no danger from them, they seemed weaker than the average fighting mercenary but stronger than any commoner.

Minutes passed and Benjamin was finally up. Benjamin walked on stage and approached his grandfather. He took a knee and looked at his father. His face filled with confidence and certainty.

Benedire said some traditional words about the kingdom's history and what it means to be a noble, then he gave Benjamin a question.

"Young Benjamin, do you swear to serve the Pheonix Kingdom as a noble should?".




"Than I Archduke Benjamin Benedire the first officially announce from today onwards, Benjamin Benedire the third is a Baron and a noble till death".

Benedire looked at his grandson with pride. Proud of him coming to this war and becoming a real man. Proud that his grandson already started getting strong allies like Ritzy who was Puisance's student. Proud that his grandson was now officially his own person.

Realizing he was staring his grandson for too long, he took out a golden badge with the Pheonix Kingdom emblem and gave it to Benjamin.

"I'm proud of you".

Benjamin pounded his chest and said with pride.

"I will not fail you grandfather".

Benjamin rose from the ground and exited the stage. Excited for what is to come.

With Benjamin off the stage, Benedire signaled for Ritzy to come up the stage.

Approaching Benedire, Ritzy kneeled as Benjamin had. With Ritzy in position, Benedire gave the same speech again and asked the same question.

"Young Ritzy, do you swear to serve the Pheonix Kingdom as a noble should?".




"Than I Archduke Benjamin Benedire the first officially announce from today onwards, Ritzy Reds son of Christoper Reds is now a Baron and a noble till death".

Ritzy pounded his chest as had Benjamin done before but it wasn't necessary and not part of the ceremony traditions. Even though it wasn't necessary, Benedire was touched. He saw it as Ritzy seeing him as family.

Benedire took out the golden badge but when he gave it to Ritzy, he said.

"Ritzy, I'm happy you became friends with my grandson and I. I hope our families grow stronger together every day".


"As am I lord Benedire. I hope our families become closer and more powerful as time goes on".

Ritzy took the badge, exited off the stage, and joined up with Dayla and Benjamin. Dayla had also become a noble but since she's in the medical division, her captain was someone else so she wasn't with Benjamin and Ritzy at the time.

With every noble child becoming barons, Grasso took the middle of the stage and said.

"We've seen many losses in this war but it was all necessary. The lives lost were not in vain but used to make a better future. So to celebrate the future, the victory banquet will be held tomorrow".

"To thank the commoners for their sacrifices, all nobles are to attend a private victory banquet at the auction house. Also to thank the commoners, we'll be rewarding them with a cup of ale that's half off and two ration servings for free to everyone".

Ritzy's mind,

'He's just making it easier and easier for me to get revenge. With this stunt, many commoners around will be after him for cheaping out on them. I can probably kill him tonight and people will think it was a vengeful commoner'.