Escort Request

The platform reached the ground level floor and stopped. Stopping, the glass door was opened and the servant turned around to Ritzy.

Bowing to Ritzy, the servant spoke,

"Please enjoy your time outside the hotel".

Ritzy gave a slight smile while looking at the servant and then extended his hand out with a few copper coins.


"I will be leaving for a long trip tomorrow. Do you perhaps know any stores or facilities available to help me prepare for my journey?".

The servant extended his own hand to Ritzy to signify for Ritzy to drop the coins on his hand. Seeing his gesture, Ritzy gave the money to the servant.

The servant smiled to the coins in his hands and then spoke eagerly.

"The merchant guild is fast at rebuilding when profits are involved. The merchant guildhall should be finished by tomorrow morning, over there you'll be able to order anything you need. But if you need something today, you can put a request through the hotel but the request will cost a bit more".

Ritzy began to think but then a random noble spoke to Ritzy.


"I believe your young Lord Ritzy, or am I perhaps mistaken?".

Ritzy stopped wondering in his thoughts and looked at the nobleman. He was a bit taller than Ritzy and had much more formal clothes. He was almost twice Ritzy age and had a french style mustache. It was obvious to tell he came from a wealthy noble line.


"May I know who you are?".


"I apologize for my manners. I'm Tuck Morton, and yes. My family is part of the great council of the merchant guild".


"If you part of the merchant guild then does that mean you want to sell me something?".

Tuck didn't look offended but instead gave a confident smile and said,

"Lord Ritzy, I accidentally overheard you looking for stuff and I am looking to sell. How about I invite you to a cup of tea and we can work out a deal?".



Ritzy exited off the platform and followed behind Tuck. Tuck led Ritzy to a nearby table that the hotel provided for the lobby.

They both then sat on opposite ends and a female servant quickly arrived.

"Would you two fine men like anything to drink? Our hotel sells some of the most distinct and exquisite teas".


"Bring us two blue lilypad teas".

The servant for a moment gave a surprised look in her eyes but then quickly hid it. She then spoke professionally,

"Right away".

She then gave a bow and left.

Tuck's thoughts,

'Not even a reaction from him, this lord Ritzy sure was worth this expensive tea just to talk to. No wonder Lord Benedire recommended you. You seem to be a possible very valuable ally'.

Ritzy first thought nothing much of being invited to tea. He already knew this was all a ploy but then he became shocked when his Mana Presence picked up the conversation on the table next to them.


Random 1,

"Did I hear correctly what he ordered".

Random 2,

"I thought it was my imagination but seeing your reaction proves he actually ordered it".

Random 1,

"That tea 20 silver a cup, I wonder who he is".

Random 2,

"Its more now! Since the basic trading lines needed to be stoped during the war, the supply is low now. I believe with the low supply, it at least raised the price to almost 35 silver".

Random 1,

"It's obvious he's part of the merchant guild but I wonder what made him buy an extra cup for the other noble".

Random 2,

"We should remember their faces, we should introduce ourselves today at the banquet".



"So Lord Ritzy, may I know what you desire to buy?".

Ritzy became warry after hearing the conversation at the other table. For Tuck to waste that much money on him, there needed to be a really good reason.

Ritzy spoke nochalanty,

"I want to buy two extra carriages, a week's worth of food rations for a dozen people, a skilled slave to attend to me during traveling, four horses for long-distance travel, and I want to browse some weapons and armor".


"That will be of no problem. It'll cost 70 silver per basic carriage, 46 silver per horse, 60 coper for a day's worth of rations per a dozen people, the slave will vary so I'll just take you to the shop, and I have some precious equipment with me. If you aren't satisfied with the weapons and armor I have on hand, then I can show you tomorrow the main stock when it arrives".


"So... 3 gold, 31 silver, and 20 copper? I have no problem with that".

Ritzy grabbed four golden coins from his pouch and placed them on the table in front of Tuck with no hesitation.

Tuck's mind,

'He's quick with his mind and gold is valueless to him. I was right to buy this expensive tea just to invite him. Any less and he wouldn't have bothered to talk with me. He would've just seen me as a random annoying noble trying to make a buck with him'.

The female servant from before arrived with tea and placed them on the table. As she was placing the tea on the table, it was obvious to tell she was trying to show cleavage to tempt them. Since she was a servant and not a slave, she was doing this on her own volition. Most likely trying to become Ritzy's or Tuck's lover or even better; for her own gain.

Ritzy paid no attention to her actions and Tuck noticed.

Tuck's mind,

'Even at such a young age, he's really disciplined. Even I can't spare a glance but he can completely ignore her'.

The servant seeing her actions do almost nothing, she decided to give up and leave.

"If you two Lords need anything, don't hesitate to ask. The auction house hotel is always here to provide for your needs".

As the servant left, Caroline arrived and approached the table. Caroline is a beautiful elf with a very seductive body so many nearby people were staring at her as she passed by.

At the table, Tuck noticed she was patiently standing behind Ritzy. Caroline then tapped Ritzy's shoulder causing Ritzy to turn back and look at her. Seeing her, he gave a slight nod of acknowledgment but then return back to his tea that just arrived.

As Ritzy sipped from his tea, Tuck was completely shocked and his mind went rampant.

'That's the famous elf that just arrived today! Just from seeing her, it seems the rumors are true. Her beauty is unmatched and just a night with her would cost 1 gold at least. Even with that price, there's a major queue for her. I can't believe he got the elf girl and show no special interest in her right now'.

Caroline's thoughts,

'This bastard is ignoring me. Luckily for him, I need to let him do what he wants right now. Come on Caroline, you just need to tolerate him until the deal is over'.

Tasting the tea, Ritzy enjoyed himself. It was very sweet with a side taste of mint.

Seeing Ritzy's face, Tuck knew this was his moment. The reason he sought Ritzy wasn't that he happen to fall upon a potential buyer but he needed something from someone skilled.


"Lord Ritzy, I hear you're a very adept fighter".

Ritzy realized that Tuck was about to show why he wanted him so he stopped drinking tea and looked intently at Tuck. The sudden change of mood caught Tuck of his guard but right now wasn't time for hesitation.


"I have a job that requires your help. There's a very important traveler on their way to the United Mage School".


"I'm not an experienced guide".


"It's fine because that's not what I want. I need you to help escort the person. This person in particular is very important so there will be enemies targeting the group. There is one enemy that we believe will target the person but the crew doesn't have the capabilities to face the foe".


"If that's true, then your basically asking me to do a life and death battle. Why would I accept this job?".


"What will it take for you to be hired?".


"I desire to be a landed noble".


"That- that should be possible but I can't approve this big of a request. I'll introduce you to the client at the banquet and then we'll see if the request will be approved".


"Then we'll meet later today, but one question".




"Where is this school?".