Neko Maid 4 Life!

"To think the child of Diehauser whom we saved had such a ability"

Sirzech who was in a relaxed mood, leaning backwards on his chair reading the letter,

"To think that the dream I held for peace so our race could rebuild our numbers would come"

Grayfia who head this felt happy for her husband but still feel this kind of miracle ability is simply to dubious.

"Can you truly trust this letter?"

Hearing Grayfia's question, Sirzech smiled

"Only the some in the Gremory, my Peerage, Serafall, Ajuka and Falbium knows about the plans I was making to establish an alliance with Heaven and the Fallen Angels to have peace. Now, this letter came, would you suggest someone betrayed us?"

Grayfia who heard this was a bit troubled about what to say since what Sirzech mentioned was true after all, the people who knew of his plans would not betray him and the actions Sirzech was taking was extremely carefully planned.

"Not to mention they pointed out the person they hold is important enough to move Azazel, meaning they understood Azazel's character and his strong bond with Barakiel... If this is not the truth then I might as well give up my plans"

Sirzech spoke seriously but he still felt happy that he had an indication the path he was walking was the right choice to make, he could not help but smile at the child who made movements.

"Grayfia, arrange an invitation for Diehauser and his son to visit the Gremories. I really wish to talk with this boy, he is interesting"

'Him saving Shuri and Akeno further prove that the spell that was triggered because of that explosion is true' he thought,

Because Sirzech never saw Masaru every day did not have a hint of suspicions, especially the fact Masaru covered it with the experiment explosion incident that he somehow came in touch with the divination spell where they can't investigate it. It could be he had no choice but to believe it, otherwise, it would be absurd to understand how he a young boy got this information.


"Muuu... Is this really necessary?"

Shirone who was currently standing in front of Masaru wearing a modified maid dress while in her Neko-mode, he made sure she was wearing white lace garter making her outfit look extra cute despite her childish body it suited her.

'I'm not a lolicon' Masaru thought,

To him while gulping his saliva, he honestly thought of only punishing Shirone by wearing these clothes but never did he imagine the destructive force a Cat maid had.

"Come, now do the pose"

Masaru kept a calm face as a master should while looking at Shirone who was looking at him with a scowling look despite not being angry or frustrated, she brought her fist close dropping them in a cat pose


Masaru was not sure whether it was an illusion or real but that pose almost caused him to have a nosebleed,

'Real thing compared to Hentai is truly dimensions apart'

Shirone who is sharp in her observation could not help but call out

"Perverted Master"

"Ugh! although I can't deny that but to say it directly... You're being too straightforward Shirone"

Masaru felt a painful jab in his heart but it was not so painful when he looks at Shirone's appearance.

While the two were busy looking at each other, Akeno came into the room after knocking but no one was answering so she entered but when she saw Shirone's outfit she looked serious.

"So this is what Ma-kun likes... I can't have real cat ears like Shirone but I could wear the cat cosplay items"

Masaru who heard this could not help but feel a cold sweat drop on his back, he did not have a lot of information but his experience with Akeno up till now told him she was seriously considering it.

"Wai- Wait!!! It's only a punishment I thought up for Shirone"

Masaru would never imagine his words caused another misunderstanding in another direction, Akeno's eyes began to glistening with a faint blush

"So if I am bad will I also get punished?"

Whether it was conscious or unconscious when Akeno licked her lips while saying it, Masaru could only think this girl truly will become erotic in the future.

"No! Uh... I ..."

He was not sure what to say! Never in his life, he would imagine being in a situation like this, Akeno who heard him looked downhearted

"I see, so you hate me after all? My body is not small and cute like Shirone"

Shirone who heard this twitched her ears thinking 'This girl really want to anger me while having a body even I wish to have!?'

"EH!!!!??? No, I would love to see you in a maid Outfit"

Masaru exclaimed without realizing he fell for a trap, Akeno who faked her tears instantly smiled

"Good! I will ask my mother to prepare one for me"

She turned and left the room leaving the completely shocked Masaru and silent Shirone alone in the room.

"You really are a pervert..."

Shirone walked out of the room, Masaru only snapped out of it when the two girls left

'Just what in the world have I caused?'

Later Masaru arrived at the Breakfast table but what he noticed was Akeno wearing similar Maid outfit while exposing her black fallen Angel wings, this was one of the tricks her mother taught her after a suggestion since she had one of each wings even after reincarnated it could be possible to divide it into two modes similar to what Shirone has with her human form and her Neko-Mode.

Masaru was not told in detail about this and he did not pursue it either, but right now this fallen angel was wearing her maid outfit with black lace garters. Although Masaru did not have a strong hormone reaction the excitement he felt still enough to turn his face blood-red almost having a nosebleed, he dropped his face in order to hide his red face from the rest of his family but most of them already took note of it.

Shuri and Calfa were both looking at the girls with warm eyes while Dominic felt happy that the relationship between the girls and his grandson was progressing but he still felt a prick in his heart,

'Why do I feel irritated to the point I want to hit my own grandson? Have I been possessed?' He thought

"Morning Masaru... I heard about your pu - ni - sh - ment you arranged for Shirone"

Circe will not let go of this rare chance to tease Masaru who felt a bit ashamed,

'If my grandmother and Shuri's mother were to believe I am a pervert, will they take Shirone and Akeno away?'

Masaru could not help but think this way,

"Don't tease Masaru too much Circe, but Akeno and Shironie really do look cute in their maid uniforms"

Julia defended Masaru but what she said about Akeno and Shirone, but it still made him feel even more embarrassed...

Diehauser coughed

"I understand you all are excited, but I would like to talk about something"

Although he could have brought it up after breakfast he could not help but feel pity for his son who dug himself a grave, he remembered a time when Cassandra too tricked him into something causing a smile to appear on his face

'Masaru, you still have a long long way to go. Soon you will realize there is a time where you win some and lose some, that is the relationship with a woman'

After hearing Diehauser the ladies reluctantly stopped teasing Masaru and complimenting the girls,

"It appears Lord Sirzech sent an invitation for me and Masaru, and it includes Shirone and Akeno. So, for now, Circe I want you to handle the trading deal we set up with the Phenex family"

Circe who heard this nodded

"It can't be helped since you were summoned by the Devil King Lucifer, I will play with you some more another day with Magic"

"Masaru, remember you told us you wanted to go to the Vatican in a months time?"

Masaru who heard his father was wondering why he brought it up, at first he began feeling worried if his father found something suspicious about him but he soon blew an air of relief when his father continued,

"Although we agreed to allow you, I have a condition you have to clear before you are allowed to leave"

"What is the condition?"

Diehauser smiled slyly since he was a father who did not want his son to grow complacent about his strength and go out to territories that is exceedingly dangerous he made an arrangement with someone who was a good friend of his from the Rating Games.

"It's Simple, I will drop you off in the mountains for a week in a week before the time you wish to go. Survive, if you survive for a week. I will then allow you to travel"

'Survive? Not live or fight but survive?... This old man truly is twisted, he intends to push a survival game onto me'

Masaru had a serious look thinking about what his father mentioned, Diehauser was happy about this

'It is necessary to undergo an individual fight against different opponents... In order to hone his instinct and indirectly teaching him how to strategize during combat, which move is the best.'

Diehauser thought of using this survival game to teach Masaru how to hone his instinct to make the best choice during combat,

'Well I look forward to seeing how he will survive under the onslaught of those people'

"Very well, I accept the condition"

Diehauser smiled proudly at his son but Dominic who knew who was going to act as attackers could only sigh

'Just be sure to survive and I want some great-grandchildren'

"Fufu, I would never expect such aside from Masaru-kun"

Shuri changed the subject at the best time to lighten up the mood to prevent it from being too tense.

"But I am more surprised at Akeno and Shirone wearing such cute dresses, I believe we should maybe open a clothing store,"

Calfa thought about opening a children clothing store using Akeno and Shirone as Models for the clothes, Akeno felt fine with the setup but Shirone was a bit troubled on how to act.

"Ara, I think it will be a great idea Calfa-san. We can also include some priestess clothes as well... Maybe some naughty clothes for the housewives"

Calfa who heard Shuri suggestion started talking more in-depth with her, due to the nature of "naughty" clothes the men and some girls could not help but feel embarrassed although "interested" in it.

'Good for you all, you Devil Husbands' was the only thought Masaru had at this point.

"What is your dream Masaru?"

Diehauser spoke all of the sudden while the girls were having their discussion, Masaru who heard this placed the fork and knife down looking towards the roof taking a deep breath.

"Honestly at first I only thought of becoming strong, strong enough so I won't have to go through that again... Nor to lose someone... But I have been considering it while I was training with Akeno and Shirone, that just getting stronger without a purpose will be unfair for them... I have not chosen a dream yet but I have set a Goal at least"

"Oh, what goal would that be?"

Diehauser who always trained with Masaru only had rare times like this where he could simply talk with his son feeling quite carefree, Masaru looked him in the eyes

"That is to become the strongest demon in the world, become the champion in the Rating games and when I retire to become the best ruler to leave my name for future generations to come"

That was his answer he gained after living with this family, yes he knew to get stronger was important but blindly pursuing it will not lead to a good end. Shirone's accident has taught him that lesson and he took it seriously to rethink his way of doing things.

Dominic laughed almost uncontrollably, even Diehauser himself were laughing attracting everyone else's attention at these two men laughing.

"Hehehehe.... Very well, then I will make a promise for you right here and now... I shall keep the #1 spot in the Rating Games so you best hurry up and grow up strong so you can face me at my peak"

Diehauser pushed forward his fist towards Masaru who met his fist with Diehauser's fist

"You better not complain about your son beating you"

"Haha! This is good, for a goal it's good for now"

Dominic smiled looking at the boy who was their future, it has been hard for the Belial family in the past living in poverty and barely had money. Calfa even had to sell her jewelry to simply be able to afford Diehauser's education in the past but right now, he felt the hardship they endured throughout all these years was meaningful. Their family had a future and a bright one at that.


After breakfast, Masaru was led upstairs to get dressed formally. The maids even took the chance to comb his silver hair he inherits from his mother away from the grey eyes he inherits from his father, it was only informal visitations which the family would not allow Masaru to dress until he reached 16 years old.

'Ugh... I don't hate it but... It's embarrassing!'

Masaru wanted to cry out in embarrassment while the maids dressed him up without minding his facial expression.

"Ma-kun, are you ready?"

Akeno knocked on the door just as the Maids were applying the finishing touches,

"Almost done"

Masaru answered while one of the Maids opened the door for Akeno. Although his family could not buy extravagant dresses, the dresses magically made by their workers were truly amazing. Akeno was wearing a dark purple dress which truly looked ideal together with her hair and eyes when Akeno felt Masaru's eyes looking at her with an appreciation for her beauty she could not help but feel happy.

Behind Akeno was Shirone who was wearing a white dress waiting for him to finish up,

"The both of you look beautiful"

Masaru did not read books on what to say on such occasions so he could only respond with the first line he thought of, Akeno who head this looked stern

"10 points, you failed to achieve hundred points Ma-kun"

Masaru knew what she meant since they were a bit late he went forward and offered his arms to the both of them, this earned Akeno to smile and hooked her arm in, Shirone followed suit as she did not want to be left out.

'It appears Grandmother's advice on complimenting a woman with simple yet sincere actions does do wonders'

"I am certain the reason Lord Sirzech invited us is because of the letter father sent him, there is a possibility he will ask you about that divination spell"

Diehauser started explain a possible scenario while they were close to reaching the Gremory Manor,

"Answer what you can, don't try to speculate your views on things you are not sure about. Remember you will be talking to one of the leaders of the Devil World"

Masaru nodded while thinking he asks

"Do you think there is a possibility his younger sister might be home today?"

Diehauser who heard this misunderstood his intentions

"Although she is beautiful but remembers she is already engaged with the Phenex son, Riser"

Masaru shook his head

"No, I honestly do not have the intention to date her. I was only curious"

Diehauser was not sure why Masaru would say such a thing, but Masaru currently felt that he would not fall for her. Although he did not meet her yet, he simply said what he felt right now.

'I can finally meet the legendary Breast princess, I wonder how she looks. Although friends I can be with her, as for a relationship? That is up to fate' Masaru thought

Soon the carriage stopped in front of the Manor, a group of maids led by Grayfia while Sirzech, Zeoticus Gremory and Venelana Gremory stood ready to welcome them. Even Diehauser was a bit flustered as this was a Duke Family while Belial was still only a Baron, so when he came out he immediately greeted

"It's an honour to receive an invitation to the Gremory house"

Zeoticus smiled warmly

"No, it's an honour that the Champion of the Rating Game would visit us, Welcome to the Gremory Household"

"oh, What a cute looking group of kids"

Venelana looked at Akeno and Shirone could not avoid feeling that she would have wanted these two girls for her daughter's peerage, it was her own selfish thoughts that emerged but kept it to herself.

When she turned to look at the boy she could not help but widen her eyes for a moment before reverting to normal.

'This child is going to make many girls cry in the future'

Diehauser knew Venelana wanted him to introduce them so he did,

"This is Masaru Belial, my son and behind him is Akeno Himejima his Bishop and Shirone Belial his Rook"

"It's an honour to meet the genius of the Belial Family, I'm Sirzech Lucifer. This is my father Zeoticus Gremory and my Mother Venelana Gremory, behind the beautiful lady wearing a maid uniform is my wife Grayfia"

Akeno who heard this looked at Sirzech asking him seriously

"Is it true that all wives of famous devils have to experience wearing maid uniforms?"

Masaru coughed repeatedly with a blushing face while Diehauser looked sideways trying to avoid this subject at all and Sirzech had a cramped smile. Venelana could more or less grasp what happened smiled and answer in Sirzech's place,

"To learn manners to prepare a girl before her marriage into a noble house it is indeed necessary to study while wearing a maid's uniform"

Akeno made a face as if realized something then she smiled looking at Masaru, Venelana could see this girl was not angry but instead used this topic for a reason.

'What a scheming little girl'

Venelana found Akeno truly interesting to plan such an event to slow enforce her existence into the boy's heart while keeping him conscious of her not as his peerage but as the opposite sex.

But with all honesty, these were all tricks Shuri taught Akeno as she did not fully understand the meaning behind making psychological moves on Masaru. Sirzech was shocked but looking at the pitiful state of Masaru he could not help but feel sorry for this boy having such a strong girl as his peerage member

'Stay strong little Masaru, I as a husband of a beautiful but smart wife understands your troubles'

Sirzech thought, he turned to look at Grayfia who turned to look at him a fierce glint flashed in Grayfia's eyes as she knew what he was thinking he shivered.

"Well let us go inside"

"I would like to personally thank Lord Sirzech for saving me and Shirone back then, I know it's too late to say this now but I still wanted to personally thank you"

Masaru bowed towards Sirzech who had a troubled face, even Shirone stepped forward and bowed

"Thank you for saving me and allowing me to stay by my big brother's side"

When he heard what Shirone called Masaru he felt a prick in his heart, why is Masaru's little sister calling him big brother everywhere but his little sister will only call him that in private.

'I kind of feel irritated at the moment' he thought.

"I have already received your thanks, take a seat"

Sirzech gestured for Masaru to sit on the larger couch sandwich between Akeno and Shirone, Diehauser was sitting on another couch. They started to talk about random things including several business propositions from the Belial Family's farms, once the formal topics were discussed Sirzech turned to Masaru with a meaningful smile

"I wanted to talk to you that day when I saved you but there were many things I needed to do, but when I received a letter about the spell that triggered during the explosion. Was there other visions you saw?"

Masaru naturally knew he could not expose the "vision" he mentioned about his aunt to them because in the world of politics as well as the current stability of the Devil world it would cause more harm than good, this was also discussed with his father beforehand so Masaru shook his head.

"No, other than the vision about Akeno's situation and a vague peace talks, I did not have another vision"

Sirzech thought for a moment

"So you don't know when, what circumstances, or any other information about it?"

Masaru shook his head again

"Unfortunately no, currently I have used this spell to assertion Akeno and her mother's situation so the spell is currently on what I would describe as a cooldown period. So I can't use the spell to divine the peace talks,"

Sirzech nodded

"Well it's true, most divination or future kind of spells are always obscure or vague but never 100% accurate unlike yours which is heaven's defying so it can be understood that it can not be used regularly... Maybe I will contact a sacred gear acquaintance of mine to look into this"

Masaru naturally knew he was talking about Azazel, he bowed his head

"Thank you Sirzech-sama"

Suddenly the door burst open revealing a girl wearing princess style dress, with crimson long hair hanging loosely behind her back. She came running regardless of the fact she interrupted the discussion which was improper but no one said anything,

"Lord big brother"

Rias did not take note of the visitors at the moment as she was under the impression it was only her brother and somehow thought the other people were families working for the Gremory family.

"Ara Ria, you have interrupted a discussion. It's improper for a lady and Heiress of the Gremory Family"

Venelana lightly reprimanded Rias, she immediately turned towards her mother and bowed

"I apologize mother"

Then she turned

"I apologize for interrupting, My name is Rias Gremory, current heiress of the Gremory Family"

Diehauser stood up and bowed, Masaru could see stars shining in Rias's eyes as she was excited

"It's an honour to meet you Lady Rias, I'm Diehauser Belial"

Masaru stood up followed by Akeno and Shirone,

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Rias, my name is Masaru Belial, son of Diehauser Belial. These are my Bishop Akeno Himejima and my Rook Shirone Belial"

Rias was smiling but when she looked at the two girls behind Masaru she could not help but think about the fire chicken she was engaged to.

"Bishop? If it was me I would have made her my queen"

"Rias, that is not a nice thing to say"

Venelana was a bit surprised at her daughter's attitude, she too thought it was a waste but the next words made the room quiet

"It's true, I would like to have her as my queen but my Queen piece is Mutated. So I could not use it. But sometimes it is best to use pieces that can complement the person instead of giving them a piece they can't realize the complete potential of it"

Rias who wanted to say something more was instantly quiet, Mutated pieces were normal if it was pawns, knights, bishops or rooks but a Mutated Queen piece? not to mention Masaru's reasoning were spot on. Sirzech looked at Masaru

"So the pieces you gained from Ajuka was as he said?"

"Yes, All my pieces are Mutated except for 3 pawns, 1 knight, 1 bishop and 1 Rook"

Masaru confirmed, Sirzech smiled looking at Diehauser

"Seems you have quite a son with potential to take you over if he trains and get the perfect team"

Diehauser laughed

"I feel proud of him, but it does not compare to the surprises he keeps shocking us with though"

Rias was irritated that no one was paying attention to her any longer but she still took a seat next to Akeno.

"Oh, what kind of surprises?"

Zeoticus was also interested in Masaru, there were rumours of many geniuses in the devil world but the reason most people took note of Masaru was the fact he was the son of Diehauser who was the Champion of the Rating Game. Many people used to spy on Diehauser and now that the rumoured son of Diehauser was found, everyone wanted to know everything about this boy.

Since it turned into an informal talks Diehauser did not hold back explaining Masaru's exploits during training especially on the magic side.

"If you come over to my side I will make you my Queen and you will have a much better living style than you have now"

Rias noticed that the clothes Akeno wore was not up to the Capital Standard and thought the Belial family was simply too poor, Akeno did not get angry or rebuke her since she was already taught by the combination of Calfa and Shuri about such situations. The Rich will look down on the poor, although it did not happen everywhere it still did like now. Akeno smiled

"I appreciate the offer but I am happy the way things are, even if I am a bishop he cherishes me"

"Hmph! He has another girl at his side, from the looks of it he will probably form a Harem"

Rias detested the idea of a Harem because of Riser who enjoyed playing around with girls and the way he was disgusting, because of Riser it could not be helped that she hated such guys but Akeno was still patient

"Yeah, that is Shirone who was with him until the time your brother saved them so separating those two is something I will never do nor want. As for him having a Harem? It's fine, I will still support him and simply work hard to stay his number 1"

"You would go so far for this boy? He does look handsome but he looks weak"

Rias who did not have combat experience judged Masaru's strength based on his outward appearance, Akeno who heard this laughed softly

"Fufu, I believe you should not underestimate people based on their looks. He's stronger than both me and Shirone together"

Rias pondered finding it hard to believe Akeno but she felt she was having fun talking with Akeno so she started talking with Akeno although most of the topics were about Masaru.

'It appears she is only wary of Master because of her fiancee, no wonder Master said he will not actively socialize with her unless she does it from her side. He really knows many things'

Masaru naturally knew what the girls were talking about and could only feel relieved that he once told Akeno that he will not be proactive to chat with Rias due to his initial peerage was following the direction of someone she hates.

He knew he might end up building a Harem, he simply did not find a worthy male candidate to join his peerage. So he could only swallow the criticism of his peerage and move on, not to mention Heiresses like Rias believe too strongly in Monogamy in a nobel world that was simply impossible. Even Duke Gremory had several concubines.

Akeno naturally understood, not to mention while talking with Rias that this girl was not fit to be with Masaru due to her current personality will clash with Masaru. Or perhaps it was because she felt her position in Masaru's heart will be unstable if this girl gets involved, women were strange creatures to men after all...

Later Rias challenged Masaru to a game of chess as she wanted to prove she was better than him, only to be crushed in the end.

"Thank you for your visit and I hope you come visit again soon, be sure to bring Akeno since Ria doesn't have many friends"

Venelana spoke with Masaru while Rias blushed while protesting

"Mother! Akeno can visit but not him!"

Venelana smiled

"Ara, feeling angry about your loss?"

Rias pouted thinking about the game of chess she lost miserably to Masaru who led her into one trap after another before winning.

"I will visit... With my master Masaru"

Akeno agreed to make Rias smile but the latter half caused her to feel grumpy but Akeno enjoyed teasing her.

"It was a pleasure having a leisure chat with you, Diehauser"

Zeoticus shook Diehauser's hands firmly

"The honour is mine Lord Gremory, I will be sure to send you a response in regards to our deals and let you know the date"

Sirzech came forward towards Masaru

"Masaru, when you come to visit let me know. It seems Okita Souji misses his student"

"oh! Teacher! I will be sure to do so! Please send my regards to Teacher for me"

Rias who heard what Masaru said looked at her brother,

"Big Brother, is this boy also training under Uncle Okita?"

Sirzech nodded

"Yes, he would be considered Kiba's senior Disciple"

Rias puffed her cheeks feeling a strong rivalry towards Masaru, but Masaru ignored her burning gaze filled with fighting spirit.

After saying their goodbyes, Masaru collapsed on the chair resting his head on Akeno's lap. If he was not mentally exhausted then he would not easily do such a thing, but he honestly felt tired. Diehauser looked at his son wondering why he was this exhausted as if he was negotiating with a troubling person.

"What's wrong?"

Masaru smiled wryly

"Between us, I am not used to dealing with hotblooded people like Rias who simply refused to give up after losing so badly each time. Although I can't come to hate her though not to mention how I am too easily misunderstood..."

Akeno giggled

"It's fun teasing her though"

Diehauser could not say anything as only this girl would tease the heiress of a Duke Family.

'As I thought, she is someone I could become best friends with but as for relationship. I doubt it, well that is if she remains the way she does'

Masaru thought but then he realized

"Father, I wanted to ask your peerage members travel the world regularly on missions?"

Diehauser nodded while wondering what he was getting at,

"I simply hope that if they spot anyone promising enough to join my peerage that they invite them over"

"Oh, so you wish to complete your peerage?"

Masaru nodded

"I at least want a few more members in the team so we can progress our studies, right now the three of us can study tactics but there is too few to train together in team formations. So I believe it needs to be resolved"

Diehauser smirked,

"You already planning to win against me?"

Masaru smirked

"I already have a few plans to win against you"

Diehauser simply laughed

"Alright, I will let Diana know and then she will tell the rest. I can't promise you anything though" It's fine"


Author Note:

The chapter has been edited, If I missed something please just drop a Paragraph Comment and I will Fix it