Preparation for Vatican!

"Here are hooded jackets handmade from my kind, made from the fur of the shadow wolves in our sacred hunting grounds as well skin of a subspecies ogre. It's enchanted with presence erase inscription embedded inside the jacket. But remember this magic is not complete erase of presence but only makes it harder for your enemies to detect you"

Jacob handed over three jackets to Masaru before giving him a tight hug

"Please be careful out their little brother"

Masaru tapped his back

"When one runs with the wolves, one must howl with the pack"

Jacob shook slightly because of what Masaru said which were the words he taught Masaru while training him in hunting.

"Little Saru!!!!"

The latecomer to say goodbye was Elizabeth Cimerius, Diehauser's rook and also a scientist who works under Ajuka. Because of her hobby unless it's an emergency or Rating Game match she almost never leaves her research, except for rare cases like having a sparring match with Masaru once.

"Sis Liz"

Masaru smiled at Elizabeth whose clothes was a mess probably overslept from her research late at night.

"Here is a bag of my trick or treat toys!"

Elizabeth hands over a bag of miniature bombs of smoke, dung, chilly and variety of other kinds of disposable items which interested her because of the tricks Masaru kept playing on her when she was testing.

"Thanks Sis"

Masaru hugged her gently while Julia began to pout

"You skipped your turn! It was supposed to be my hug! Masaru has to hug me twice!"

"Although big sis could not prepare anything for you, I do have a gift for when you come back"

Julia hugs Masaru tightly,

"Big sis's support and all the help you gave me is more than I deserve"

Julia giggle

"Ara, it appears your sweet tongue skill has levelled up... It seems the girls will be having a troubling time"

Circe came forward handing over some potions, but he could feel coldness like poison among these potions.

'Big sis Circe should have labelled them at least... I hope'.

"Edward, Julie, Axel, Awan, Janet and Sariel all send their regards and apologies for not being here to bid you good luck on your journey, as for me here is a pendant that once belonged to my mother who gave it to me and now I am giving it to you"

Masaru felt deeply touched at the fact Diana was giving him her family heirloom, he hugged her extra tightly to cause even Diana to feel a bit surprised that Masaru was a bit more emotional today.

It was not farewell but the first time he will be leaving the devil world on his own, Diehauser walked forward looking at his son. He had millions of words he wish to tell his son but everything came down to

"Stay safe and come back home in one piece... Otherwise, I will consider you thinking of surpassing me as a joke"

Masaru who heard felt his blood boil almost like a rush pushing up from his lower body to his chest, he looked at his father with confidence

"I will be back"

Calfa came over and hugged Shirone and Everest saying a few things to each of them before coming over to Masaru, she did not speak much and just hugged him it was only when she felt him in her embrace she whispered:

"Come home soon okay?"

Masaru nodded,

"Stay safe, I still want to see my great-grandchildren- ooef!"

Calfa elbowed her husband who just spoke nonsense looking at him sternly then at Masaru

"Be sure not to become like your Grandfather you understand?"

Masaru nodded at his grandmother

"Hehe, Everyone already said the things I wanted to say so I won't say anything else other than to safely bring your next Harem member -gwa!!"

This time it was Diana who drove a punch into Damian's abdomen,

"Just bring everyone safe"

Diana said with a smile while Masaru who saw this began to wonder if his peerage members who were trained by the ladies of the Belial family...

'They won't do this to me would they?'

Masaru thought despite not feeling fear but it was really scary if he were to experience it

After everyone said their goodbyes, Masaru, Everest and Shirone used teleportation magic to teleport in a blind spot where the camera's don't cover in the Parking lot of London International Airport. Since the blind spot was a solid wall with no way to enter inside from outside there was no need to cover it since they will spot the person going towards that spot at other locations,

"You girls have your tickets and passports?"

Masaru looked at Shirone and Everest who waved their passport and tickets for him to see.

"So this is the human world?"

Everest who was the majority of her life in the Dragon clan never really had the chance to go out into the human world so she was excited, even Shirone was a bit excited.

"Yes, however you best act like a human or those people will discover us"

Masaru lightly warned Everest,

"I understand"

When they reached the main entrance the electric doors slide apart to open the way inside, it was bustling actively with people walking in, out and about everywhere with their bags with only the minority stopping to take a looking at Everest and Shirone. From the outside view it appears like three friends or two siblings and a girlfriend, even the girls stop to look at Everest with Envy as they felt that Masaru was one of the top handsome boys they ever saw.

"Good Evening, how may I help you?"

One of the staff welcomed Masaru who took out his passport and ticket while getting Shirone's and Everest's as well,

"We like to confirm our booking"

The Staff took their documents and ticket confirmation their attendance on the list before handing it back to them, Masaru naturally loaded their bags onto the baggage wheel line that starts to pull bags one by one down the moving line.

"Alright, everything is set. You can enter through the security checkpoint over there, Have a good flight"

Masaru, Shirone and Everest walked through the security checkpoint without the alarm going off since Masaru used space element magic isolation barrier to prevent the metal detectors from sound off,

"Phew, now we have to wait for our flight"

Masaru was sitting with Everest on his left and Shirone was on his right.

"What is the plan when we land?"

"First we will confirm our bookings at the hotel and spend the night there so we can rest, the next day we will visit a library where I will see if I can get a map or directions to every orphanage in Vatican. From there we will have no choice but to visit each Orphanage one by one"

Everest look at Masaru whose plan was quite close to having no plan at all

"Will this really work?"

Masaru nodded

"Yes before we enter the orphanage it will be best we confirm that there is no Exorcist or Priests there... Any other we can either knock out or kill depending on the situation, the church is the only enemy we should not provoke since it is their territory there"

While Masaru and the two girls were sitting on the benches near the desk entrance for the flight, he noticed a strange dark coloured man with a thick long black beard, his eyes resembled those of the dead and wore a thick oversized Jacket.

Masaru checked his surroundings before he casts a life-detection spell and noticed this man was not dead but alive, but his appearance was simply bizarre so he cast another magic to check if he was being controlled but suddenly his spell was reflected.

'Hmm... Whoever is controlling this human seems to not want it to be detected huh?'

Masaru pretended as if he did not do a thing but the dead eye man stared at him, but what Masaru felt was not the gaze of a human but it felt like something akin to a Demonic creature.

'This gaze... The feeling is similar to how father once told me what happens when Devils betray their masters and leave them, how they began to morph into disgusting creatures... Best not provoke it unnecessary right now'

But then again Masaru remembered his Sister, Kuroka, the reason she probably never began to mutate in a monster was the fact she killed her master, which was the first to be recorded whether there were more cases like hers he does not know of it.

Masaru chose to turn a blind eye to this situation for now as his trip to the Vatican can not end otherwise he will lose the chance as he had no other memory other than this, he did not need to tell Everest or Shirone as the two already felt the peculiarity of this man when his gaze swept towards Masaru.

"Ignore him and pretend he does not exist, we can't ruin our trip"

Shirone and Everest nodded at the order of Masaru and believed he would handle the problem if something happens.

It didn't take long for the staff for the next flight arrived when everything was prepared and started to allow the passengers to start entering, during the entire process Masaru kept monitoring the dead eye man but what he felt strange was the man was looking towards a specific human woman regularly. From his senses, he knew this woman was an ordinary human with nothing special, not even mana,

'What makes it target that woman?'

Shirone also noticed this and felt the woman was familiar so she immediately began searching on the internet to find out when she found this person she pulled Masaru's sleeve showing the internet search result:

[[Susan Ashwood the daughter of an author named Elizabeth Ashwood who wrote about Raven's Gate, black magic and witchcraft. ]]

But on the devil search result:

[[She is a member of Nexus, the only ordinary human organization to have relations to the supernatural world however they only support five gatekeepers, five children which they prophesied that the day they are reincarnated. It would mean the battle between Humans and the Old Ones has restarted.]]

Masaru wrote a small note for Akeno which ask her to investigate the Nexus Organization and their prophecy, he silently materialized a magic circle and transported the note to Akeno.

"For now we will only monitor the situation, no need to get involved"

Shirone nodded before she pulled out earphones starting to listen to rap music, Everest however silently fell asleep near the window but Masaru pulled out a book to read while he kept his focus on the dead eye man.

As a devil he will naturally not get involved in the circumstances of Humans but the Devils also require the humans for many things like the Angels of Heaven need them, so if he judged the need to he will act.



Akeno who was helping out setting the table stopped when she noticed Masaru's magic crest appear in front of her spitting out a note, when she caught it she wondered why he wants information about something she never even heard of but since it was her beloved master's orders she went to Diehauser's office.

"Oh Akeno-chan, I assume dinner is ready?"

Diehauser was about to stand but he saw Akeno shook her head and handed over a note which Diehauser noticed it was the handwriting of Masaru's. After reading the note he could not help but frown at the subject his son would like to know,

"How the hell did you got caught in that kind of madmen group?"


Akeno first impression that this group was probably a group of mental people but Diehauser shook his head,

"It's hard to explain since we lost most of our archives during the last internal war, but apparently this group of people believe of creatures which only have destructive impulses that wish to dominate the human world and rule over it while destroying everything... Well if you read some human books most people believe it to be devils... But this group of people who call themselves Nexus, believe these creatures who call themselves Old Ones came before everything began even far before the start of that holy people..."

"Even before the God-- Urk!"

Akeno felt a sudden shocking attack, she was vigilant but Diehauser laughed

"Devils can't speak of those things without suffering an attack from their system which their patron build. But yes, even before that which is why I call them madmen because there is no solid proof. Then again if Masaru asked for it then it means he found something related to it or came in contact with these people..."

Diehauser sighed. He pulled out a compiled report that had all the information he had about them and handed it over to Akeno.

"Before you report, read through the information first. Call for Diana to help you contact the sources, and update the information before you send it to Masaru"

Diehauser knew that Masaru gave Akeno the task to learn how to act as his manager, so he thought of teaching her right now.

"But before all that, let's go eat first"


Currently, Masaru is in the air! Other than the occasional shake the flight could be said quite peaceful, even now the dead eye man has not made any movements. He was not sure if it was because they were still flying over the mainland is soon going to fly over the sea, but he still kept his focus on the man while he was reading his math notebook since he did not go to school he was being homeschooled instead. However, he agreed to go to High school when the time comes.

"What drink would you like sir?"

One of the flight attendants came towards Masaru after she served drinks to the passengers in the front row of him, Masaru looked at the choices

"Orange Juice"

Shirone look over before choosing her to drink,

"Give me another glass of Orange juice for her"

Shirone lightly shook Everest awake.

"Here's your juice"


Everest downed her drink and went back to sleep, Masaru felt slight envy how this dragon girl can sleep so carefree but his thoughts were shaken when the sound of gunshots erupted in the front near him.

"Die for the Old One has ordered it!!!!"

The Deadeye man suddenly jumped out of his seat while pulling out his gun aiming at the woman he was targeting from the start, he pulled the trigger but a brave passenger pushed him to stumble forward but the price for it was several other passengers were shot by stray bullets.


Masaru stood up silently from his seat while moving swiftly between the rows till he reached the back of the dead eye guy, with no hesitation he immediately chopped the back of the man's neck to knock him out but the man still stood but this time he looked at Masaru instead.

[Kill him, boy! whatever is controlling this man is at least at the God level which you are far cry from being worthy to face it head-on!]

Masaru nodded and did not doubt Grendel's advice and slammed his palm into the man's chest while releasing a strong electric shock spell which roasted the man's brains completely. After receiving the attack the man collapsed on the ground and the life detection spell showed indication that the man was now dead, but a creepy voice entered Masaru's mind

[[Kwehitre Kheee!!!!]]

There was only a shadow which outlined the figure of the creature but the voice was enough to terrify Masaru


But suddenly the spellbook within his body shot out a faint glow erasing the creature from his mind, it was only when the creature was gone Masaru began to gasp for breathe feeling he just escaped certain death.

'What the heck was that!?'

[I am not a sure boy, but that creature was definitely at a Demi-God to God level creature... Even I have gotten the shivers just from its voice alone]

"Sir are you alright?"

One of the Flight attendants that was free while the others were attending the injured passengers came towards Masaru,

"I'm fine, do you have some rope we can tie this man up?"

The flight attendant lady run towards the kitchen and came with a belt that seems like she ripped it off a handbag, he did not ask any questions and only took it to use. He tied the man's hands together while dragging him into a restroom, Masaru knew the man was dead but right now a dead man will attract attention which he did not need right now.

'It was a good thing we changed our appearances before we entered the flight, the moment we land we must disappear'

Masaru began thinking of how to escape when he came back to the seat Shirone and Everest were both awake. He filled them into the details of what just happened including the fact they need to disappear immediately once the aeroplane land to avoid attention on that side.

'I hope Akeno can finish the investigation fast, I have a feeling this was not that last time I will see this creature or it's puppets'

[If you ever face those puppets kill them unless you have at least a God at your side who can dispel that dark aura]

'What about the spellbook? I Noticed it made move when the creature tried to take over my body'

[Oh that? Well I definitely don't have a single idea boy, that is something you need to find out yourself]

Masaru knew this dragon after he spilt some information about the spellbook began to avoid topics related to the book itself, so it meant this book was at least alive in a similar way as Grendel. But how can he establish a connection with it to talk?

'Guess I can only take one day at a time huh?'

Masaru looked at Everest who went back to sleep and Shirone shifted herself in a position where she could rest her head on his lap and began to sleep.

'This time it was safe, but next time I will make sure it's safe for them before I will act again, that mind attack was a good reminder for me... There is always something stronger'