Working for Ajuka Beelzebub

Another 15 days went by and Masaru was currently travelling with a bag on his back hiking towards Ajuka's laboratory, yesterday was the last night he spent together with his peerage members before they all went off to their respective training and part-time work. Because Masaru taught all of his peerage members magic to imprint school knowledge into their mind so they would not forget, the idea of having them go to middle school had flown out of the window.

However, Masaru already told his peerage they will be attending high school together with him, except for Shirone who will be in Junior High school at that time.


Masaru let out a breather while feeling quite warmed up after travelling from his home all the way to Ajuka's laboratory on foot as training, he noticed Yui was standing outside waiting for him. Her shocked face was truly priceless.

"Why are you so sweaty!?"

"Because I travelled by foot from my home"

Yui looked at Masaru as if he was a madman but then she remembered her cousin who is also a training madman

'Are all boys at this age like this?'

She thought as she led him inside first towards the public showers, it took about half an hour to finish washing up and get dressed in clean clothes.

"That's much better"

Yui nodded but she could not help but stare Masaru's torso that was revealing its developed muscles through the shirt that was sticking close to it as if another layer of skin. She unconsciously swallowed while leading the way towards Ajuka's office.

"Welcome, let's get straight to the point. That report you submitted in regards to those creatures, that punch of yours, you executed at the noble's party. Did the creature have such an aura?"

Masaru thought for a bit to remember then he nodded but then shook his head,

"Although I did try to imitate the aura, unlike mine which was 50 pure ki and 50 negative Ki. The creature was 100% negative and the pressure was several realms above what I simulated. Also, it can affect the mind severely unlike mine that only gives off nightmares."

Ajuka nodded then a smirk form on his face

"You also used Worthless in that punch didn't you?"

Masaru flinched, he was surprised but then realized yes he was in front of a monster so it will make sense he noticed something that others did not,

"In order to control the Negative Ki you have been scanning it several times to nullify the influence effects it has over your own mind which allowed you to naturally begin something the Japanese humans would call Yin Yang. If it wasn't for the fact you could not go over that 50% negative without the KI itself became berserk you would have been able to simulate it at 100% in essence although no pressure because you're still weaker than it"

Masaru nodded, he could only take off his hat for this genius, he is simply a monster with his brains alone.

"Thanks to you I have made some progress on several energy-based research projects and your imitation I have recorded it as a sample for me to research until we find one of those kinds of monsters like you explained in the report"

Ajuka removed his glasses while leaning back on his chair,

"What I want you to do is to learn everything you can about every subject you can, make use of that memorizing magic you created to assist you to complete the task, I already researched that spell of yours. This spell despite its side effect to forcibly develops your mind to increase the processing speed and capacity, it could be said this spell is similar to that of a software upgrade but specially made for the brain. I have already created some pills you can take to prevent the side effect from giving you a brain trauma"

"Why would you do so much for me?"

Masaru knew Ajuka was going further than just helping, Ajuka smiled warmly

"I am only doing something I am meant to do... You don't need to understand this, just complete the tasks I give you and learn everything you can within two years"

"Yes Ajuka-sama"

"Yui, you will be responsible for Masaru the first five months while he is in the laboratory except for when he goes out on missions"

Yui saluted

"Understood Ajuka-sama"

Masaru, however, thought

'Missions? Did not think I will be doing such a thing considering that this is a research institution that already has their own outing teams'

Masaru followed Yui who started to explain the variety of departments.

The Energy Department is responsible for all projects related to energy, whether it is mana or even Ki. They perform experiments together with other departments that were to test their prototype to see which energy is most sufficient or when the Energy Department has to create or at least artificially create a new kind of energy if needed.

The Technology department, the name is self-explanatory since it was a department that dealt with the technology surrounding the devil territories and is one of the largest lab department that has even sub-departments that further breaks down the tasks of each department like a production assembly line. Elizabeth, Diehauser's peerage member work in this department.

The Medical department is responsible for working together with other hospitals in dealing with experiments to find cures for diseases, replacement medicines when materials become scarce and anything related to the health care of all devils. Yui works in this department.

The Evil piece department, this department is to research and understand the mysteries of the evil pieces as every time there is a new discovery made of the evil pieces. There are other departments but it is only to improve the products of the human world for the Devils use, so there was no explanation required there.

"There is a cafeteria on the ground floor, the public shower you already know of and finally the Dormitory is linked to the first floor on the eastern side it has green doors. Hard to miss it"

Yui concluded her tour

"Any questions?"

Masaru shook his head while wondering if he will manage to learn everything Ajuka want him to learn, he might even have to learn his highschool materials earlier than planned.


Three months pass by as Masaru spent time learning from each department, but the two departments he was most active was Technology and Medical Departments. It was not a secret his reason was to learn from his Sister Elizabeth and get to know Yui a bit more since Yui was the only one working here that is the similar age as he is.

In the Medical Department, Masaru spent the three months researching the sleeping disease which Ingvild and Misla were suffering from. So far his worthless ability appears to have nullified the effects for Ingvild, but he could not do it with Misla whose conditions were much more severe although Ingvild had been in a coma for longer.

From what he understood unlike Ingivild whom he could awaken by stimulating her sacred gear, he needs to stimulate Misla's soul to reignite its will to live first before he can use worthless to deal with the disease otherwise if he does it the other way around she might never wake up again. Unless he could find an alternative way to deal with it without affecting her will.

As for the technology department, Masaru made sure to study the latest phone, laptop, and other mobile technology since he intends to start a tourist company he will need to know of mobile technology he can use to do his work while he was on the move.

Even Elizabeth his sister agreed to help him design some personalized tech which only he has to use as the equipment for his company, but her condition was that he must plan a vacation for her on her birthday when the company opens.

Yui who was against Masaru studying with her found the boy was rather diligent especially the subjects he studied reminded her of her aunt that was still in a coma, deep within her heart she was hoping that Masaru would succeed so he could rescue her aunt who suffered injustice from the Bael family who was even looking for her as well.

That group of pure blood fools would stop at nothing to kill her unless she can change her status such as becoming someone's peerage, this way will be seen as cutting off ties to the family.

Masaru however did only had the chance to study under Ajuka's guidance three times in these three months, and all three times it was to enlighten Masaru's understanding of the Sleeping disease.

The strange patterns in the disease resembled that of the creatures Masaru once fought whom he managed to scan their energy patterns. So he was familiar with the chaotic elements within their bodies that have no order, even if he removes one it will still function without any errors.

The Sleeping disease had similar characteristics, which means it's a disease a devil contract when under heavy stress, emotional disorder, instability of the mind. There are many other conditions but it meant this disease originates not from the outside in the air but within each devils body, Masaru came up with a crazy hypothesis.

He speculated that the devils or Satan himself were a descendant of the Ancient Creatures or closely related in some way with the only difference was the devils were intelligent, or it could be one of the creatures copulated with a human and thus given birth to the devils?

He could not prove it since most of the records about the Ancient one was lost, but if that is true then the sleeping disease would make sense.

Once the mentality weakens far enough, the ancient bloodline has a probability of being awakened and thus causes the chaotic elements to clash against one another which activates the body's self-protection mechanism but inducing it to fall asleep while the chaotic element continues to clash thus reducing the life span of the devils.

Ajuka who received this hypothesis did not get angry nor did he rebuke Masaru, instead his eyes grew wide in surprise as the information and some evidence although it was too few it already displayed Masaru was close to finding the origin of the Common disease and a possible way to cure it.


Today Masaru was following Yui to Ajuka's office once more but this time there was an emergency when Masaru entered Ajuka gestured for him to take a seat while he was still busy sorting out documents.

"I have read the report of the other departments and to be honest I did not expect you to start helping so actively in such a short amount of time, although I can't approve your Medical hypothesis since it will cause an uproar if this is proven true and shown to the public. Then all the factions would unite using this as a reason to deal with us"

Masaru nodded, he could understand since the supernatural world was tense with no true allies between each other they will only cooperate when both party benefits from it, no benefits meant no cooperation.

"But then again, I heard from Elizabeth you intend to open a branch of your company in Lilith Capital?"

Masaru nodded

"Yes, My grandfather thought since there isn't a company like that in the underworld I need to secure both points before I start because once I start similar companies will sprout afterwards"

"Well I have a useless building in the Capital, you can have it as a reward for everything you have done for us up til now. I have also sent a recommendation request to Sirzech to increase your Noble Rank to Earl, with all honesty with your current Power you should actually have a Marquis or a Duke Rank.

Because your family is still small in numbers and most of your peerages are working outside instead of consolidating your strength, it will be difficult to increase your Noble rank beyond Marquis which is why I need you to push forward with your company and have all those people working at other locations return to your family and work in the companies you create"

Masaru understood Ajuka was trying to help him increase his family's noble rank as high while as fast as possible, it appears some people tried to make a move or could it be Ajuka was planning something for him he was not certain but he could at least trust Ajuka.

"Now then before you leave for your mission draw up your business plan include the goals, blueprints as well as its name. Give it to Yui who will then send it to your home for you"

Masaru bowed with gratitude in his heart towards Ajuka while listening to Ajuka who continued,

"The mission that came for you is from the Bael territory. There have been signs of an incoming Demonic Beast Stampede, this stampede is simply a large group of a variety of monsters moving together in the same direction. Don't look down on these monsters because they are squeezed together so they themselves can't stop easily meaning you will be dealing with something similar to a Zombie outbreak.

Your task is to go to the Bael Territory and support them as my representative, they might look down on you but don't take seriously and simply ignore it. Only count the number of people, their faces and report them to me so I can have an excuse not to make a move next time they ask for help"

After accepting the mission Masaru went to his temporary office drawing up his business plans, but he also included a security company where companies could hire security guards from a trusted source.

Masaru knew people like Jacob would have a hard time doing other work than being a security guard so it fits perfectly together with his tourism agency plan. He gave the plans he already drew up before to Yui who sent it over to Dominic, Masaru began to pack his bags and left immediately for the Bael Territory.



Dominic was calling with a loud voice causing Calfa to rush towards her husband, even Damian arrived,

"What's going on!?"

Dominic gave the business plans Masaru sent to read to Calfa, after she went over the plans and the two locations Masaru gained as a reward.

"How fast you think we can renovate these two buildings according to the plans?"

Damian read the documents thinking about the contact he has,

"Two days... Renovation can be done in two days but recalling all the peerage members to fill in as staff members, this is a risky plan --- huh?"

Domonic smiled when he saw his father finally caught the most important part of the document,

"Yes, it appears Lord Ajuka sign a contract with himself that he will cover the loss but I believe he would not have signed such a risky contract if he was not certain it would work"

"I will then contact my old friends to help out with the Renovation"

Damian left immediately, he felt hyped this was his family's first underworld large company that his great-grandson is about to start how could he not be happy.

"Honey, I want you to call all my old peerage members to tell them to resign and return. Since they are experienced in the entire devil country locations they will be our staff for the Tourist Agency"

Dominic watches his wife leave in post-haste while he went towards Diehauser's office,

"Son, it's time"

Diehauser wondered what was going on but the next word made him only choke

"Tell your peerage members including their peerage members to quit their jobs, except for Diana. Have them return"

Dominic hands over the business plans to Diehauser to read.

"It appears Lord Ajuka will be helping us from the shadows, so it will be best if we move fast... I am not sure but from this movement, I can guess he wants all to recollect our military strength and consolidate it while having a Source of Income for ourselves..."

Diehauser nodded

"He wants our family Noble rank to rise fast... With Masaru's high noble rank many will be naturally deterred and the number of enemies that may target him will decrease which makes it easier for Ajuka to handle only the stronger ones since the weaker ones will stand back... Since some of them are only targeting Masaru out of jealousy"

Diehauser thought for a while

"I will contact them however I think Jacob's group will take a while since there is a demonic beast stampede occurring right now"

Diehauser saw a note attached to the bottom of the last paper he almost overlooked

"And it appears Masaru is heading that direction as well"


"Ajuka-sama why have you given such a large amount of support to Masaru's company to the point of willing to risk if it fails?"

Yui secretly read the notes, letter and contract Ajuka added to it, Ajuka looked at her with a blank look.

"How many years do you think Masaru catapulted the research of Medical, Energy and Technology alone?"

Hearing Ajuka's question Yui did not answer cause she did not know, she was not in charge of that department.

"He catapulted those three departments 10 years ahead of time, now calculate the number of resources according to our previous budgets consume for ten years for three departments?"

Hearing this Yui felt a shiver of excitement running down her spine but also shock, a single boy did that? But how? he was here to study!

"It was all thanks to that spellbook he had, he could scan any object, energy and even spiritual beings. Not to mention his conceptional ways of mixing Norse Magic style with Demonic energy allowed the energy department to develop a new magic system for Devils who has low demonic powers compared to others.

The sheer amount of things he provided is actually making the rewards I gave him appear too few, which is why I am pushing his family to move fast according to Masaru's business plans because honestly, I find it flawless and something our current Devil world requires, especially when Young devils are sent to the human world"

'But then again, having a stronger ally who can help me from the shadows will work as well since we the four Devil Kings can't openly make moves so easily' Ajuka thought

Yui realized just how absurd that boy was or actually that book! She turned and left the office not realizing the strange look on Ajuka's face.

"And I am helping him to prevent him from declining my request to have you in his peerage when the time comes. I fear I won't be able to stop those elders of Bael Family from approaching you one day. To prepare for that day I need Masaru to be an heir of a Duke family and his wealth to be on par with the Gremories at the very least within the next five years"