Battle in makeshift Kyoto: Part 1

"Magical Girl Levia-tan is at the scene to punish baddies!" Masaru looked at, the once professional Serafall transforms into her magical girl outfit, He really had the urge to ask if this was the place and time for such things but simply ignored it. This girl is a devil King for a reason even if she is a bit childish

"It's time to show me the results of your Mana control training!" Soon the space divide spell that was still running even though Ichika already released the spell. started to break apart and the monsters began flooding straight towards Masaru and Serafall's team.

Serafall simply cast a massive blizzard spell shocking even Masaru as this was his first time witnessing the battle power of a real powerhouse but he did not want to fall behind so he immediately after regaining his senses he materialized his five pairs of devil wings and flew into the air together with his team.

"Fufu, so many creatures" Akeno felt a bit excited when the creatures were so densely packed, she began to gather a large amount of mana in a short amount of time thanks to her mana control training.

"Now please begone, so I can have my date with Ma-kun! Thunderstorm!" Suddenly within the crowd of beasts, a spiral of lighting began to materialize out of thin air in the middle of them all, the pace it grew was fast while it began dragging the beast together forming a tornado made out of pure unholy lightning roasting the creatures till they all died without any manner of retaliating.

Stephani flew into the skies while activating her power over Beasts and Angels, her body began to emit holy light around her body like a pulse. It grew faster with each heartbeat as her devil wings were slowly transforming into white feathered eagle wings, her once dark coloured clothes became pure white and her devil looks were gone while it was replaced with saintly look of an angel.

This was her ability, to temporarily transform into an Angel and use their Holy based magic without bringing harm to herself. "Finally I can use this... Illumination Down!"

Suddenly a sharp ray of light glared down on a large number of monsters with the heat almost equal to that of the sun burning them away before they could even shriek, if Stephani did not train her control this spell could damage the space that was made in a hurry which could become quite a bad thing.

Jeanne was the front guard with her rapier but a smile appeared on her face, by combining her Mana to use telekinesis on her sacred gear she was able to recreate it. "Blade Blacksmith!"

Unlike Kiba's sacred gear that erupted swords from the ground, Jeanne allowed her swords to appear all over behind her back with a gesture she manipulated the hordes of swords with magic making them shoot out towards their respective targets.

The trick did not end with just this, the moment the sword broke it would erupt from the ground anew the moment it touches the ground.

Everest was crazy though, she ran straight into a large group of the monsters punching and kicking anything surrounding her. She took a deep breath and began to spin while releasing a dragon breath of flame causing her surroundings to become similar to Akeno's thunderstorm.

The creatures who survived the first spin were beaten to death the moment they were spotted by this dragon girl who felt her dragon blood was spurring her on to keep fighting and release all this pent up energy she never had the chance of releasing after all.

"So this is Ma-kun's peerage? They are a monstrous talented group of people indeed" Serafall spoke while she was busy fighting some of the larger creatures that had the looks of a giant one-eyed Cyclops, their skin was purplish-black while their drool had corrosive properties.

Despite being large their speed is unbelievably fast for their body frame. If Serafall was not a true powerhouse that could stand toe to toe with the other devil kings she would not have survived that attack,

"Ice Lance!" a Massive spear of ice pierced the Cyclops killing it instantly before freezing it into an ice statue.

The battles were erupting everywhere, Masaru and his team were at the back of Serafall handling all of the small fries from a distance. Serafall knew if the information of his peerage were released it will cause some trouble so she was certain Ajuka will ask her silence for this since he was the one to drag them over here.

"I better get Ma-kun to owe me for this... I never intended to become a part of this mission" If Masaru were to hear of this he would cry injustice as he too did not expect the witches to be this crazy. But whether he will accept the favour will depend if he sees value in it.

Numerous shadow tentacles expanded from Angelica's shadow as she continues to kill off the monsters with her bow while using the Shadows to keep them away from here, those that came close met their end with her daggers from their blind spots.

'To think the mana control training Masaru had us undergo had such a miracles effect, I am controlling my mana output at the minimum amount required to kill each of these creatures... If this method of training is widespread then the power level will change fundamentally' She thought as she kept killing monsters from the distance.

Yui, however, started to fight the creatures in close combat while covering her body with destruction energy, however, she did not want to transform her looks like how Sirzech once showed it to her back then at Ajuka's Research facility.

She wanted to make her destruction element transparent which is still a work in progress as she fights with it, she points her palm in a direction suddenly a destruction sphere materialized in front of her palm before shooting out erasing everything in its path.

"I have to continue this controlled training... It's amazing!" Yui muttered with a flushed face, she felt exhilarated from her upgrade in strength.

Ichika, however, was combining her space element with her staff techniques sending out spatial slashes and spatial piercer with each wave or thrust she sends out.

"Kwee!" The creatures surrounding them had the face of the goblin but the body was quite similar to a gargoyle, they are extremely weak however their numbers are simply unimaginable. If the gate was not disrupted because of the sudden shift in space their numbers would have been larger.

Masaru, however, spotted the witches were approaching them fast to take them down.

[Never in my life I imagined another blood festival but it's the disgusting types!]

Drago complained at usual but he kept informing Masaru at the stronger creatures who appear within the flock of cannon fodders so Masaru was the most actively moving around the battlefield killing off the larger creatures before they reach the girls while leaving the small fries so they could get a feel for their progress, they have trained hard after all.

"There they are!!! Kill them!" Masaru who heard the witches used ground shrink to move fast through the creatures while slaying them along the way when the witches noticed this they began to release spells upon him from fireballs to chain lighting.

Using Trackless steps at crucial moments he dodges the spells while having the creatures around him become the victim for it.

"You bastard! Because of you, our plan has failed!!!" The leader screamed as she summoned a large gather of clouds before lightning began to strike, seeing that this attack he will not be able to easily dodge Masaru channelled his energy into the spellbook creating several layers of barriers to block the incoming attack.

Seeing their attack did not work some of the witches pulled out swords which were quite a sight as no one would expect to see a witch using swordsmanship, Masaru met them head-on but being sly he is during Swords fight he started guiding their attacks towards each other while moving between and around them while deflecting their attacks.

Right now he needed to ensure their attention was on him so they won't interrupt Serafall who was handling the larger creatures which he could not deal with all by himself, he immediately deflected the next sword strike which managed to impale the witch on the right while he slashed off the head of the one who attacked him.

"It's a lie! Why have I failed! Why!" The leader felt like going mad, even her little sister next to her was crying while having eyes full of hatred. The dark energy within their bodies erupted like beast causing their bodies to start changing from inside out, it was horrifying to see at first it was like snakes under the skin but suddenly hair emerge from their skin, one of them began growing extra limbs while the feet transformed into hands.

The one sister was slowly transforming into something similar to a spider, the body, the fur was similar to a spider yet it face's surface was as if it was covered with a porcelain white mask with six eyes and bull horns like a Hanya mask. Each leg had a hand while it's drool was highly corrosive and poison.

On it's back was the second sister which transformed into a creature which had the head and body of a werewolf but had bat wings on it's back, it has a tongue of a snake and the fire it unleashes contained the souls of those who were unfortunate to be killed by it.

[Well damn, guess we lucked out this time boy... To think we get to see what happens when that dark energy in their bodies erupts....]

Masaru took a deep breathe, the oppressive feeling he felt from this creature was several times the creature he fought in the abandoned shrine.

"Curse you" Masaru heard the spider's voice which was extremely broken and creepy, it spews out its spit which had Corrosive poison. Feeling the danger of the attack Masaru wanted to leap into the skies but suddenly he felt something tremor within him, it was incredibly painful to the point he could not muster up the strength to move.

[Damn! That's a soul attack]

Drago cried out in surprise as he moved his sword body using telekinesis he learnt to form the spellbook and slashed the incoming poison to split apart barely missing Masaru.

"Waaa!!!!" Masaru screamed out in pain causing those who were fighting to stop, they all looked at Masaru who was on his knees screaming out in pain. Yet there was no physical injuries which made them worried just what was going on.

"Ma-kun!" Akeno called out attempting to run to him, so did every girl but they were stopped.

[Don't come! You will only become burdens for the boy! Focus on the monsters!]

The girls were familiar with Drago's voice, their hearts were screaming in pain seeing how Masaru to screaming in pain with traces of blood emerging from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Even Drago felt troubled about this as he had no idea what to do, but all of the sudden Masaru's body gave off a faint trace of silver flames emerging from his body.

{Guess this big brother will protect his little brother}

[You- You are---] Drago was speechless, he thought this guy already disappeared a while ago. Why is he here? Just what the heck is going on.

{Yo little lizard! Be sure to support me or I will ask her to *punish* you}


Masaru leaps into the skies, the monster who was glaring at him sent several fireballs which contained fallen spirits within them. With the spirits locked onto Masaru, they kept following him like homing missiles.

"First sword: Raikou!" Masaru operated his Ki to help him maintain a fast slashing speed taking down the fireballs before they could touch him, he could still feel faint traces of hands trying to grasp his soul so he moved back immediately after taking down the fireballs.

{This not really working favourably for me huh?}

[Well, from the looks of it using magic will be blocked by the werewolf and getting close you meet that spider... What a disgusting duo]

{heh you can say that again}

Masaru took out several Eunuch chill bombs, he was not certain if this would work but he immediately began to throw it all over the place. The once vigorous creatures all moaned while scratching them, seeing this scene horrified Masaru

{What the hell!? My little brother's big sister is really a frightening woman to create such a dangerous Itchy powder}

Masaru took the last remaining bottle to check just what did he really throw, it had a yellow label underneath the white one so he pulled it off and it red "Scratch to Death Bomb".

Masaru looked at the scene below him as he could see the small fries will soon be dealt with so he immediately threw the last remaining bomb at the spider werewolf duo but nothing happened, the spider was happily sniffing like it was cocaine.

{As expected, some things are too good to be true huh?}

With no other way, Masaru decided to take another one of his chances. As he lands on the ground, he took out a flash bomb. With the bomb in his hand, he used Earthen steps to make the distance between him and the monster less till he reached the beast, just before he was close enough for the spider to launch another attack he threw the flash bombs at it.

His movements began to change as he used the steps of the trackless step movement to slip behind the beasts the moment they were temporary stunned by the flash of light.

{Final Secret Sword: Hikari o motomete} Before the sword could properly split the werewolf in two, the butt of the spider pointed at Masaru causing him to immediate twist his body to dodge the soul attack of the spider.

The werewolf roared out painfully as purplish-black blood began to flow out of it's wound, it began to shoot out rapidly fireballs.

{Space magic: Reverse black hole!}

Masaru pointed his hand towards the wolf as several black holes began to materialize engulfing the fireballs, shortly afterwards the black hole began spitting them right back towards the beast. After a series of explosions when the fireballs managed to hit the dumbfounded beast.

The lion beast cried out in a painful roar even the spider began shrieking, this attack allowed Masaru to understand that the fireballs were indeed dangerous but also a double edge sword for the beast.

The fallen spirits could not differentiate enemies or allies and were currently attacking their master, it was by luck for the beast that these spirits did not last long since the chaotic element surrounding the wolf and spider had them disperse quite fast.

{Oh ya? It appears my little brother is about to awaken}

[Thank god]

{What is that?}


{Make sure not to tell him about this Drago, he is not ready yet}

[Sigh... Understood]

"Just what the hell was that attack!?" Masaru yelled out but shortly he realized the monster's pitiful state, his eyes began to squint.

[It was a soul attack, I controlled your body with the aid of the spellbook to prevent you from being killed. So forgive me for making a choice without discussing it with you first]

"No--- It can't be helped, I really could not think during that pain at all. So I can understand your reasons..." Masaru said with a wry smile although he became incredibly vigilant towards Drago and the Spellbook, the feeling that they could take over his body was certainly not a pleasant feeling.

Without wasting another moment, Masaru stretched out his palm using his mana to construct several magic circles in front of him made with different elemental runes.

"Elemental parade" Masaru muttered the spell keyword, emerging from the mana saturated magic circles was orbs of different elements while some of them were combinations of two elements. It was a magical scene to see a variety of colour orbs floating in front of Masaru.

With a flick of his finger, he launched the spheres towards the wolf and spider to see which composite magic is effective against this beast. After learning his lesson, he decided to figure out the elemental weakness of the beast before he continued his assault.

The long-range battle between Masaru and the creature continued while Masaru also returned it attacks right back it, although the process was slow. Masaru could see the creatures were responding slower and slower with each wave of attacks he is sending and reflecting at them.

Meanwhile, the battle the girls were having was becoming more manageable since Serafall managed to destroy the gate completely.

"Push them and form a circle, We will finish them off all at once!" Akeno called out, soon Everest who enjoyed her battle in the middle of the creatures began to move back out and started to push them towards Akeno.

Jeanne was having a time of her life, the sight of flying swords around her was like she found toys to play with, the only downside of this technique is because most of her energy is used to control the swords. So the mana she had to supply her sacred gear to increase the strength of the swords it created was not that strong in general, luckily since they were up against weaker kind of monsters the strength of the swords were sufficient.

The plan to have all the monsters in a group was easier to create thanks to Ichika who used her space magic to create a wall pushing them back why casting vacuum holes in the back sucking them backwards.

"Alright everyone unleash your strongest attack here"

(Meanwhile Ajuka: "What the hell are the girls thinking!!!! Someone go double up the barriers around the space quick!!!")

Soon the girls while fighting the remaining creatures all unleashed their respective magic towards the creatures creating a massive explosion which Ichika isolated together with the creatures before collapsing on the ground from exhaustion.