Back to School! Back to Reality!

What a wonderful day to start a new term other than listening to a long-winded speech from the principal who will speak about ideas, dreams and crap hoping to brainwash kids into thinking the world is an absolute paradise.

Ever since Masaru and the girls arrived in the shool the jealous gazes had mellowed down by quite a bit and some of the faces of the boys looked like they were trying to show they won against Masaru with something, some of them were even puffing their chests as if they were trying to show their nipples through their shirts.

Today it was raining quite heavily since it was still the peak typhoon season for Japan which continues in September, some boys were welcoming the strong winds only to see the girls wearing pants instead which destroyed their motivation for the Typhoon season.

Despite it being the wettest season for Japan it was still bloody hot!, so when Masaru was inside he immediately took off his jacket when he went for class. From the surrounding noises, it appears his handsome looks still managed to ensnare some girls however the great wall of Masaru which consists of his peerage.

Humans did not know of this, so they assumed that it was a simple harem of the Boy that surrounds him, making it impossible for other girls to infiltrate in. Akeno and the girls went off to greet their friends while Masaru went to take his seat where Barold was reading a book in front of him.

"Yo, how was the vacation?" Masaru asked while he was pulling out a book for him to read as well,

"If I can say other than that mad training we did and the rebellions in neighbouring territories it would have been great" Barold spoke with a tired tone, aiding neighbouring nobles with their rebellion was tiring.

Masaru chuckled a bit as he felt quite lucky that they managed to deal with their quite fast before it could have impacted them. "Was the training that hard?"

Barold nodded while shivering whenever he remembered that mad training they did in the underworld. "That damn Maid is a demon... Ever since Sirzech ordered her to train us I could not even count with my hand how many time I was close to death under her training, I personally experienced it myself why they call her the top five strongest queens..."

"So I can take it your master decided to take the matter in her own hands and fight it??" Masaru asked with a smirk.

Hearing this question Barold nodded, "Yes, ever since Sona lectured her and when she realized that you once again helped her without her realizing it made her rethink some things. She stopped having the idea of dragging you in and thought it will be better to do things herself, that way she can still face you. I guess she honestly wanted to be a friend of equal standing with you"

Masaru nodded while opening his book, "She is already a childhood friend of mine, not sure why she wants equal standing if we are already equal. Guess that is her pride she wants to keep huh? What a troublesome childhood friend"

Barold place down his book turning to look at Masaru, he was more curious about something else. "How was your vacation?"

"Heh, I actually fought against those idiots who caused the rebellions. Other than that, I was also training mostly alone since most of my peerage members were training and doing their own thing for the holiday after all." Masaru answered with a meaningful smile.

Seeing that smile Barold grumbled with a downcasted face, "Your lucky..."

Masaru shook his head, "You are only tasting the kind of training I started when I was 8 years old, so I know just how hard it can be when your trainer becomes a real demon..."

Masaru nodded remembering the days he trained hard being beaten... Barold suddenly felt touched, someone who experienced the hardship as he did, a true comrade.

Naturally, their discussion was covered with a layer of a barrier which caused other people to hear different discussions.

"Alright alright! Quiet in the class, just a heads up next month will be the Halloween Festival so please take note of this so you won't get caught up at the last minute planning. Next will be the sports festival that is at the beginning of October so I will like the Class rep to please take lead and have each student participate at least in one event."

"These are the only two close arranged festivals which are close, other than welcome back to school all of you. I can see you all are quite excited to be back at school, you must love it right?" The teacher spoke

'Yeah right.....' The students all thought minus Sona.

'Festivals? Can I construct a horror house to scare my clients to the hospital?' Masaru thought meaningfully.

The class went as usual with the teacher asking for homework along with assignments she gave before the end of the school when she was done taking the things she left the classroom in Sona's hand since the first day in school will sometimes not be so actively teaching allowing students to catch up with one another.

"AHEM" When Sona coughed the classroom was silent, her natural charisma that could grasp people's attention and her stoic face that makes them feel like they should not cross paths with her in the wrong way so they kept quiet.

"I would like to start dividing each one of us in each event so please work with me" Sona spoke while she was starting to write each of the events next to each other along with the number of expected participants required in each slot.

Since Masaru wanted to continue reading his book he had Sona enter him in the long-distance run and long jump which were two events but Sona added him in the high jump as well to which he did not complain at all since it could be interesting, he doing some fake jumping.

"Barold you will do shotput" Barold who heard this nodded not saying a thing and thus after a while later the classes were over with this and Masaru went over to the Student Council room he missed quite much.

"Here for another game?" Sona asked while she was dealing with the last bit of papers.

"Well, we have to settle the tie again after all" Masaru spoke with a smile,

"That too, your ability to learn is terrifying" Sona muttered under her breath.

Hearing this Masaru could not help but laugh, "It's because my opponent makes me feel I can't mess up or I will lose"

Sona faintly smiled before placing the documents on the table heading over to the chair opposite of Masaru with a table between them that had a chess set ready on it. "You do realize the complications of winning against me?"

Masaru who heard this looked at her confused, "Well you said if someone wins against you, right now we are at a tie which is not a win so people will not force it"

Sona sighed while nodding as the two of them started their game of chess once more, "How was the vacation back at home?" Masaru asked.

"Thanks to your toy balls my girls are all addicted to it and even vowed to obtain a perfect score on it even if it is the last thing they do" Sona said, despite that she truly felt those toys were amazing. It made training fun despite being hard.

a Smile form on Masaru's face feeling proud his toy was getting quite a lot of attention, "So are you finally ready to take it seriously to run a school in my territory?"

Sona nodded while making her move, "Yes, my parents have told me it will be better to start at your territory in order to open the eyes of the elders. My sister did want to blast them away in a tantrum but you lucky help us avoid that"

"Your sister really love you, doesn't she?" Hearing this Sona paused for a moment since Masaru was not looking at her but at the board, he never saw a different kind of smile form on her face but soon returned to her stoic one.

"It really is too much. I wish she would take in account her position and status that she can't favour me so" Masaru could hear it but there was a feeling he felt in her voice, that made him believe despite her saying all of it she too loved her sister like a siscon.

After a while, Sona managed to defeat Masaru so the scale was back in her favour, "Well... urk! I will be back to beat you!"

Masaru spoke in an exaggerated tone making Sona look at him with a stoic face, deep within she wanted to giggle but since she was in the Student Council she had to live up to her title.

"You sound like a delinquent who got caught smoking swearing you will find a better spot" Masaru who heard this almost choke in his own laughter from the manner she said it to him.

"Aiya! Well, I will come again to play another round and bring it back up to a tie" Masaru said with a sly smile.

When Masaru stood up the rest of the student council members arrived, he greeted each of them before leaving.

"Sona Kaichou, win or lose?" Sona looked at Tsubaki who asked her.

"I won" She said while standing up and went back to her desk to finish her paperwork.

Tsubaki sighed thinking Masaru really was playing around but then again she too could understand that Masaru was simply keeping the scores to prevent people from having a reason to force Sona to do something she herself should decide on her own.

'The way he treats Kaichou I can think he suits her... But his peerage is all his lovers and not to mention the both of them are Heirs of High ranked noble houses' This was Tsubaki's one-sided thought as no one knew how Sona felt in this regards.

"Ah! I forgot to ask what Masaru plans to do for Halloween!" Sona realized her blunder, but then shook her head thinking that he will probably notify her later.

However she was worried over what he will decide to do on that day since compared to Rias, he was more of a real prankster especially when it comes to scaring people.


When Masaru entered the Disciplinary Committee building the first thing he smell was the familiar cup of tea Akeno normally makes for him when he arrives, Ichika was not manning the reception today.

In fact, there was no one around here so he went straight into the office where he saw the girls were all happily chatting since there was no longer a lot of complaint letters flowing in they became able to relax more freely.

"Welcome back Ma-kun" Akeno said as she came over to him.

Masaru took the cup of tea Akeno offered before taking his seat on the couch.

"Now then, since everyone is here let's decide what we will do for Halloween. The money that is made from this idea will go to you all as pocket money you can spend as you wish. So let's give this school an experience they will never forget in their lifetime" Masaru said with a sly smile, he really was getting excited with this festival.

The moment the girls heard pocket money the ideas of things they want to get began swimming in their minds like fishes.

"How about a Horror house?" Stephani suggested a common suggestion.

Masaru looked at Stephani give her a big thumb up, he will never say it out loud but that is really what he want to do. "That we can do, but simply a horror house alone will not work"

"What about a cosplay cafe?" Everest suggested since she visited quite a few Cosplay cafe's in the area.

Hearing Everest's idea which was a quite amazing idea, Masaru thought for a moment "We can do that, but we will need to equip you all with tasers so if someone wants to sneak a peek or touch just shock him and toss him out."

He was quite serious in this regard, he realized that they needed to be strict so these brats will not become criminals in the future, so he continued "Be sure to take a photo of their faces and write down their names so they will banned from future things we will arrange in the future"

Ingvild leaned backwards, there were other ideas what was proposed. All of them were heated in discussion these plans since it is much more than just a festival. It was something they will set up together and they enjoyed this mood, after a roll call the combination of Horror House and Cosplay Cafe was chosen in the end.

The entrance will lead to the horror house which the participants need to get through to get to the Cosplay Cafe, if they want to skip the horror house then they need to pay extra. This will ensure many people will prefer to experience the horror first.

"As for the evening of the Halloween day in Kobe Town, we all will get dressed including our familiars. We will use the trick or treat event to pass on our pamphlets into each household, with all of us working together I am sure we then give our familiars a week for them to relax for a change" Masaru explained another part of his plans for their familair who had been working hard untill now

Using Halloween to spread their pamphlets more conveniently in a way people can't refuse it.

"I saw you signed up for three events for the sports festival" Yui spoke as she just went to pick up a few papers from her desk and took her seat again.

"Well yeah, I also took note of the events you girls signed up for and I don't allow a loss. Especially when you up against the Sitri or Gremory team you must win even if you put your life on the line"

The girls looked at him with surprise, Masaru was simply to heat up compared to his usual calm behaviour. "Yes, for the sake of becoming the champion of the Rating Games. Even in school competition is important for us to win, so make sure you all win by a large margin!"

The girls were wondering why he was heated but honestly, Masaru never remembers experiencing a sports festival against real competitors like Sona and Rias's peerage so he was a bit hyped to compete against the two of their groups since some rating games compete in the form of sports.

After that, they spoke a bit more before they locked up the building to head back home, from the looks of it the girls were getting a bit impatient of having him getting home so he went along with them to see what is making them this way.

But what he saw was a completely dark house, there was no signs of life, no activity so Masaru stepped forward with a serious expression opening the door walking in silently, the house was eerily quiet but there was no shift in space so it was not a different dimension.

Masaru began to operate his demonic energy to launch an attack at any more, one by one he first checked the rooms on the left then on the right but when he entered the lounge room the lights suddenly flashed on



Before the surprise could be said Masaru attacked out of reflex and Diehauser who was surprised only managed to deflect the attack destroying the house but luckily no one got hurt. From outside Masaru could hear people screaming

Elder man: "Terrorist!!! They are attacking!?"

Young Man: "Is it the Chinese!?"

Child: "Is it the Americans!?"

Otaku: "UFO!!! Where is the UFO!!!???"

Husband: "Damn! Did my wife found out!?"

Diehauser sighed while he called some men to come and clean up the mess, no one was laughing as it was a truly shocking event. Masaru felt completely embarrassed that he wanted to simply run away feeling ashamed, he honestly went to the front of everyone bowing deeply.

"I-I'm Sorry"

Short apology, no excuse since he knew he was wrong, but no one blamed him as they too were wrong but this strong reaction was simply too shocking!

"Bwahahaha, that's my great-grandson what a grand way to shut everyone up!"

Damian laughed his butt off finding this completely funny till Calfa and Diana began beating him up as they were really in a dire need to release some frustration and this old man just offered himself up.