Drago, Ddraig, Ophis And the Devil Dragon Masaru

Next morning Masaru was visiting Roygun who was working at the school nurse,

"You feeling sick today?" Roygun spoke with a seductive voice as she moved to reveal her black garters beneath her skirt, Masaru smiled as he knew this lady enjoyed playing with fire as he went over to give her a light kiss on the lips

"I came to see if my dear is fine with visiting your parents this coming weekend?" Masaru asked, this question made Roygun froze for a moment before nodding with a determined look in her eyes.

Masaru clasps her cheeks in his hands as he gazes deeply into her eyes, "You may have been exiled from the family because of a scandal, but I want to make our stand clear with them before we get married in the future."

Roygun nodded as she leaned her cheek into Masaru's hand, she could still remember Ajuka once told her to the severity of cancelling the King Piece with Worthless cost their lifespan and Masaru made an exception for her. Altering his technique for her sake, he managed to eliminate the side effects only for her since the technique took a heavy toll on his body.

She could still remember Ajuka telling her it was the fact she only did it to have fun in the game that Masaru chose to do it back then, because unlike the others she did not care about politics or anything.

Only having fun in the Rating Game, this feeling somehow resonated with Masaru as he chose to give a biased treatment with only Himself, Ajuka and she knowing of it.

Ever since that day all she could think of was Masaru, she originally wanted to go after him immediately but she had to deal with her family matters first.

Roygun placed her face against Masaru's chest as she held onto his clothes, she felt complicated the fact she no longer cares about her family who exiled her and only Masaru who took her in with everything she was and now is.

"Thank you..." Roygun muttered to which Masaru gently raised her face to meet his by lifting her chin gently,

"No need to thank me" Masaru gently kisses her,

"We already vowed to Infinity, We will remain together forever"

Suddenly the Nursery office door open as Issei enters the room, suddenly the boosted gear materialized along with sobbing sounds of a dragon.

"Ah sorry, I just need to give Ddraig his medicine" Issei spoke with a wry smile,

[To think I will only start to regain my sanity after receiving the medicine. Kukuku. But a Heavenly-Dragon who needs medicine? I wonder what would the white one think if he finds out.] Ddraig said with a low spirited voice,

Masaru's face cramped feeling pity for the poor dragon, he glanced at Issei "Disciple, you need to train some more instead of chasing tits"

[Ptui! You call yourself a Heavenly dragon fearing Tits? Bwah! You sound like a victim that got raped by a girl with big boobs] Drago spoke with disdain thinking Ddraig was really taking this too far,

[Y-You don't even know what you are talking about!! T-The feeling of being exposed to these... Strange feelings... for Oppai... UWaaa!!!] Ddraig began to cry again,

[Why not give it a try reading some Novels on Webnovel?] Drago suggested which caused Ddraig to stop crying wondering what novels have to do with his illness.

[Get your partner to hook you up reading novels, trust me... After you experience reading the best books, the crappiest books but the best of all reading the comments of readers, your fear for Tits will be blown away] Drago spoke with confidence as he felt the most dispairing thing was reading a good novel and it suddenly dropped all of the sudden. Fear for tits? Butts? He had none of it but fear not being able to read his books.

[Will that really cure me?] Ddraig asked feeling Drago's confidence was something worth looking into,

[Well how about you get laid first, that will definitely cure you] Drago said sarcastically as he gave up trying to motivate Ddraig before disappearing, even after Masaru called him out he did not appear.

[To think another fellow dragon would give me such a suggestion, but I am a soul in a sacred gear!] Ddraig rebutted Drago's last comment but he mumbled

[Partner, be sure to ask Azazel to install a tablet in the sacred gear so I can look up this Webnovel... Maybe it can take my mind off things] Ddraig answered to which Issei nodded with a confused face looking at Masaru,

"Don't look at me, Drago had been a Webnovel Loyal Comment Reader ever since he discovered it" Masaru answered

"Anway, congratulations on your promotion" Masaru said to Issei,

"Thanks, although I still feel it is unreal," Issei said,

"Well, for reincarnated Devils there are many restrictions before one can get promoted. Those pureblood devils have too much time in their hands, instead of handling their own businesses. They prefer to push down reincarnated devils or halflings" Masaru said,

"But it's good, with your promotion you will be one step closer huh?" Masari smiled,

"Yes! I will become a high-class Devil and start my harem!" Issei said excitedly, Masaru nodded despite having already achieved that goal himself.

"Sorry, I will be looking for Azazel. I hope the suggestion would help Ddraig get over his fear" Issei said, yet he would never imagine how Ddraig would become a keyboard warrior fighting against trolls who give 1-star ratings and bad comments of trolls.

Roygun began to giggle "Drago still enjoys his books huh?"

Masaru nodded while sighing, "Guess he is just quite shaken by how much Ddraig became fearful of breasts, the things Dragons fear are after all few. They would even face death, even a God and never fear"

As if he had been listening to their discussion, Drago materialized as an azure gauntlet [I fear no tits or butts, I fear when novels get dropped... But as a fellow Dragon, I think Ddraig should not have turned into an idiot with only that much. He should have experienced many situations with the numerous hosts he had, if things go the way it is. He will end up cornering himself, might end up like a madman I knew once]

"Did this happened before?" Masaru asked,

[Yes, I think my past self is an example of it. My lust for battle, the enjoyment of feeling pain and injuries being inflicted while defeating your opponents caused my past self to be labelled as Evil for hundreds of years with no way to explain myself back then, everyone only sees you as an evil being. After going through that experience for a long time, you will end up starting to believe you are evil and become a madman. This is a similar case for Ddraig, but perhaps this kind of thing will do him well] Drago disappeared,

"It really is hard to understand dragons" Roygun commented

Masaru said nothing about, he chatted a bit longer with Roygun before he left the nursing offices. Waiting for him in the corridor Jeanne came towards him when he came out,

"You been waiting for long?" Masaru asked as he walks down the corridor holding Jeanne's hand,

"No, but whatever Drago said to Issei's sacred gear managed to calm him down without the need of Medicine," Jeanne said with a surprised look, she naturally saw on several occasions that Issei had to give Ddraig medicines to calm down.

Masaru chuckled as he knew Drago only tried to shake Ddraig up to listen carefully to Drago's suggestion as a sort of therapy to get his mind off the things that bother him for a moment, with a relaxed and clear mind, Ddraig might see a different view of his problem. Drago was clumsy after all, he does not know how to offer good advice other than fighting which was in his blood.

"What would you like to do for today?" Masaru asked since it was Jeanne's turn for a date, Jeanne thought for a moment before she answered with a smile,

"How about visiting a confectionary, I would like to try out some of their latest cupcakes" Jeanne suggested,

"You're the boss for the day" Masaru spoke as the two of them went back to class.


Later that evening Masaru and Jeanne came home together after spending their time together, but for some reason the house was quiet. Too quiet. Masaru did not immediately attack when he pushed open the door but noticed that everyone was gathered in the lounge, when he turned to look he saw his entire peerage, Sona, Diana and a guest was here.

"Found you"

In front of him approached a cute young expressionless girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes wearing her usual black gothic dress, it was by instinct Masaru reached out picking her up.

"You came to uphold promise back in the underworld?" Masaru asked,

Ophis nodded towards Masaru, while holding her in his arms he went into the lounge taking a seat, "Why you came looking for me? and Issei?"

Ophis placed her finger under her lip tilting her head as she began to think for a moment. "Evolution... For me to achieve the silence, I came to ask about the changes in Ddraig and Albion..."

Ophis answered Masaru, Diana took the girls out of the lounge to leave Masaru alone with Ophis. She knew through the Divine Grimoire that Masaru will have to bear the burden of becoming the home, and sanctuary to undying races like Samsara and Ophis. It was a small part of his destiny.

"Have you forgotten what I told you? About where home is?" Masaru asked, he did not get impatient since he knew Ophis was pure like a child. Her common sense was different from others, so he had to slowly influence her.

Ophis shook her head as she naturally remembers everything Masaru told her, "But home is in the silence, Baka-Red has taken it from me" Ophis said,

Masaru nodded as he realized this girl was indeed stubborn. With a smile he thought of something, "What about Vali? Kuroka? Me? and others. If you go to silence we can't see you again"

Masaru began to explain to Ophis her choices, the dragon god may be expressionless but there were few people who managed to touch her heart like Vali and his team did, as well as Masaru. Ophis was silent thinking about what Masaru just told her, Masaru did not push her for answers and sat down gently caressing her hair.

Ophis'seyes widen as she glances at Masaru who was looking at the roof while instinctively caressing her hair as he was used to doing this with the girls, they all loved it and it became a habit for him to naturally caress their hair as he enjoys the feeling of their soft hair in his hands.

Ophis stared long and hard at Masaru as she recalled he once told her Home is where the heart is, faced with the question she was starting to question her heart.

Shortly the girls came carrying in plates filled with food giving Ophis her share as she silently sat on Masaru's lap refusing to leave, this gave the girls a good excuse thus it was a "Feed Masaru" night which they enjoyed to their fullest although it came at a cost of Shirone who felt a bit jealous of Ophis who was enjoying her meal on Masaru's lap.

"Ophis will stay with us for a while" Masaru said to everyone in the room, no one objected to having Ophis amongst them since they have no power to go against this Dragon Loli. Masaru however, knew that it will take a while for him to allow this dragon god to find a new home. As he could not allow her to face against Great Red, such a battle would endanger not only the earth but also the other realms within this world.

"What about the Peace Alliance, it will cause some trouble" Diana spoke with a worried tone,

Masaru chuckled "It's fine, I can handle that. Right now I have the Chinese Mythology as my backing so if the Devil turns against us I will have no choice but to cut our ties with them and move our family to China Mythology Realm" Masaru spoke with a determined voice,

But Diana could feel his heart was wavering to leave his home. "Understood, Your mom will be behind you always" Diana said with a determined voice, while gently caressing her stomach her tendency to be protective was over the roof.

That night Ophis followed after Masaru, since the girls were a bit troubled on how to deal with the current situation as Ophis was expressionless it was difficult to read her emotions. So everyone slept together in Masaru's room with Ophis using his body as her bed, seeing how pure Ophis was the girls finally understood many things in that instant.


Few days went by, during the morning.

"This is Le Fay-Nyan!" Kuroka introduced a witch who turned out to be the sister of Author Pendragon,

"It's an honour to meet the Wonderchild of Belial... *cough* I meant Demon King Masaru," Le Fay said with a blushing face, she felt embarrassed that she forgot that Masaru did not like that title,

"No need to cover it up, I have already gotten used to that title after all these years," Masaru said with a tired-looking face, this made the girls laugh as they knew better than anyone how many years Masaru tried to get rid of the title yet it ended up becoming his God Seat which made that title something that will accompany him for many years to come.

Le Fay, she is a girl with a slim body, shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes wearing sorceress robes with a large blue hat. But what was shocking was not her but the fact Fenrir was behind her, as a surprise.

"Grrr" Fenrir growl lightly as greeting to Masaru who nodded at it with respect, it may be a beast. it was still a divine beast worthy of respect.

"Jeanne" Masaru said towards Jeanne who nodded, the two of them summoned Skoll and Hati causing Fenrir to howl with tears streaming from his face as he went to check up his sons.

"Good for you" Le Fay said as she wiped her tears, being in contract with Fenrir she could sense his happiness. Despite being a strict father, Fenrir loved his sons.

"I would have never expected you would do the same thing Vali-kun thought" Le Fay spoke with an surprised expression when she only realized then that Masaru and Jeanne were contractors to Hati and Skoll, she was truly surprised while Kuroka had a smug face as she was the one who made it happen after all.

"Well we need more allies that can kill Gods, after all, I almost died in the hands of one" Masaru answered, he understood what it meant to enter the high levelled grounds. The enemies he was about to face, would be god class.

Without concerning himself with her surprise, he continued "You here to walk with us to the Hyoudou Residence?"

Le Fay nodded "Yes! I can't wait to meet the Oppai Dragon"

Hearing her words Masaru began to think this girl was a secret fan of such a perverted anime series, although he could not help but agree that it was quite "interesting".

"Well give us a moment, come in our home in the meantime" Masaru invited Le Fay into the house,

Masaru and the girls got themselves washed and dressed before they head out again with Le Fay. Fenrir was left at home to spend some time with his two sons, apparently, the father Fenrir wants to teach his two sons the arts of Divine Wolf Fang and claws. This father sure was worried about his sons' survival.

"So Ophis have been staying together with you?" Le Fay asked as she watched how Ophis was clinging around Masaru's neck on his back,

"Well, she is searching for her heart this time" Masaru answered, this caused Le Fay to feel confused as she knew Ophis was searching for a way to return to the Dimensional Gap.

'Since when has it become a search for her heart?' She thought, but then again she realized that Ophis manner of speaking has always been odd at times so she shrugged it off.

After a while of walking the crew arrived in front of the Hyoudou Residence, it was comparable to their own home. Akeno went ahead to press the bell,

"Coming!" Issei calls out from inside the house as footsteps approached the door, when Issei opened the door he was surprised to see Masaru and his peerage along with an unfamiliar girl. But when Ophis stuck her head out from behind Masaru's back Issei almost fell on his butt when he pulled back

"OPHIS!?" Issei screamed out loud almost wetting himself, Masaru did not blame him since this little dragon loli God was at the top of the power ranking like Samsara. He did not have regular meeting with such amazing beings like Masaru did, hench his surprise was justifiable.

Hearing Issei's scream the rest of the Gremory team rushed to the entrance door, only Rias had an amazed look on her face when she saw Masaru was carrying the number one strongest being on his back as if he was carrying a child.

"Yo! I came here as per agreement with Azazel" Masaru said with a smirk on his face, enjoying the shocked faces of everyone as he knew how shocking it was for him to carry Ophis on his back.

The girls behind Masaru smiled wryly as they knew he was playing with Rias, however, Masaru himself felt too tired to explain it so he intends to push it all off on Azazel. 'The right person for the right job' He thought