Masaru vs Samael

"H- He deflected Samael's attack?" Issei stared at Masaru with wide eyes,

Azazel chuckled as he realized what Masaru did can't win against the poison but he should be able to keep Samael at bay.

But Masaru had a different thought in mind, 'Perhaps killing Samael will ease his sufferings and Hades will have no choice but to give himself up' Masaru thought but shortly he shook his head believing that skeleton would use many excuses and cover his tracks, he was a long-living god of death after all. He noticed Cao Cao and Georg were getting ready to join in on the fight.

"Could use a little help here to deal with those two fake heroes" Masaru called out as the Gremory team began to prepare themselves for combat,

"hoho I will be against the Governor again" Cao Cao spoke with a smile as he and Azazel fight in close combat,

"Hmph! Things won't go the same as before" Azazel said,

"Sensei!" Issei who equipped his Balance Breaker joins in the battle since he had experience facing Cao Cao, he could now dodge more efficiently. Georg himself was occupied dealing with the rest of the Gremory team who assaulted him.

With the two fake heroes occupied Masaru sprints towards Samael who began to attack him by unleashing its tentacles to attack him from a distance while spitting out corrosive poison,

[Damn boy! This poison is stronger than the purple pigs of your territory!] Drago cried out, yet Masaru could sense the exciting emotion that was emerging. This was the original Drago, who loved facing death head-on.

"Let's go," Masaru said with a wry smile, his divine dragon aura emerged from his body as he started to use the trackless step to shift between Samael's consciousness, however, Masaru realized that Samael was not the opponent he could use this movement since it fights based on its instincts which prompted Masaru to take his distance again after deflecting of Samael's attacks with his sword.

"I need to get close but carefully too" Masaru muttered as he teleports behind Samael, but he was assaulted with tentacles that sprouted out from Samael's back instantaneously.

"ARGH!" Masaru roared as he slashed down the sword with both his hands, inputting his divine dragon aura into the blade to allow it's dragon / God Slaying attribute to burst in full throttle, enhanced with dragon / God slaying properties a massive gash cut was left on Samael's back.

"GRAAAAROAR!!!" Samael roared while violently shaking it's body, this was probably the first time in a very long time that it experienced pain, it knew instinctively that this kind of attack could threaten it's life.


The bindings on Samael's body gave off a soft melody which alerted Cao Cao and Georg who looked towards Samael who was trying to break free from the seals.

"ROAR!!! ROOOOAAAAARRR!" Samael attacked Masaru furiously like a wild beast who lost all of its reasoning, sending light spears made from it's fallen angel counterpart towards Masaru.

"Hmph!" Masaru snorted as he gripped his sword in a reverse grip, twisting his body while dragging the sword in a full power swing.


The spears were redirected straight back towards Samael, with a powerful roar leaving Samael's mouth it shattered its own attack before it could reach him. This exchange caused it to look towards Masaru warily, shaking its body as it wanted to devour Masaru in fear.

"Control!" Even with Georg who ordered it to stop trying to break free, could only gnash his teeth in frustration when he noticed that Samael was not listening to him at all.

"Haah---" Masaru could feel something was wrong as his breathing was becoming ragged, Avalon vibrated as it leaked out its aura to combat against the foreign substance that enters Masaru's body.




With the help of Avalon, Masaru continued to fend of Samael's relentless Tentacle attacks. However, Samael was not going to allow Masaru to recover so easily, opening its mouth, Samael suddenly unleashed a massive poison dragon breath towards Masaru.

"Merde!" Masaru cursed as he teleports out of the way, he could see that Cao Cao and Georg were losing control over Samael who went berserk from being injured by Masaru,

[Papa, papa... Sister wants to talk] Byakko called out with her cute voice,

Masaru tilts his head wondering what Byakko was talking about, suddenly he heard another feminine voice

[Nice to meet you, current Host of Kouryuu, I can see you are in quite a pinch] a female spoke, yet her voice contained her desire to fight. Even Masaru flinched in surprise to know that there was another strange being in his body, 'Just how many does it make now?' he thought

Masaru had an urge to roll his eyes at this black turtle talking to him in his mind all of the sudden, however, he felt grateful since he could use help to deal with Samael's poison so he could get close for the kill.

'Well you have any suggestions?' Masaru asked as he moved back for a breather, he could feel his body was acting strange but he had to remain focused on Samael who was coming out for him.

[Well I have only recently awakened but, with the help of Drago and Byakko-chan we can activate your Genbu Mode to seal Samael] Genbu suggested,

Masaru snorted as he wanted to kill Samael, but facing off against Samael with a huge disadvantage was different from how it was against gods who he could taunt.

"Very well" Masaru answered reluctantly, the reason he gave in was that he thought of making use of Samael for his own purposes.

[I did not expect to have a chance to show my form to the outside world again, so let's make the most of it okay?] Genbu winked in Masaru's mind, Masaru chuckled as he found this Genbu to be a good partner just like Byakko and Drago who supported him to this day.

[Black Tortoise Guardian Protector: Balance Breaker!]

Masaru stood still as his body suddenly began to give off a black pulse, soon his body was engulfed by black smoke.

"Grah? ROAR!!" Using this chance, Samael unleashed another attack upon Masaru.


However, the attacks came to a halt as several layers of rainbow coloured barriers surrounded Samael like a Dome, when the black smoke dissipated Masaru stood wearing black scaled armour with his chest and back had the form of a turtle shell. This turtle shell can come off his body and work as an independent barrier caster, his defence increase was equal to that of Seiryuu's increase in strength.

With only his face was exposed, as he looks at Samael who was hitting the barriers while roaring with a frustrated voice.

'Byakko is speed, Seiryuu is Strength, Genbu Defence, Suzaku Magic?' Masaru thought as he found his sacred gear quite amusing,

"Genbu? Just what is your sacred gear really? First, it was the White Tiger Hunter Mode, Azure Dragon Warrior and now Black Tortoise Guardian Protector mode? Could it be the Phoenix and Yellow Dragon is included?... It really is out of our calculations" Cao Cao twist his spear as he chanted, Georg used the instance Samael was being restricted to send him back to Cocytus.

Samael roared out of rage for being forced back to Cocytus as it glared at Masaru one last time before it disappeared,

"Balance BREAKER!" Cao Cao called out as he activates the true Longinus balance breaker for the first time in front of Azazel and Gremory team. "This is my True Longinus's Balance-Breaker, [Polar Night Longinus Chakravartine]. It seems I misjudged the Yellow Dragon God of Centre's unique existence so I will no longer play around"

Still holding the spear in his hand seven orbs floated around Cao Cao, Masaru speculated that each of them had a peculiar ability. Several Magic Circles surrounded Cao Cao, "Hmph! I will not destroy them" He snorted

Masaru smirked since this time used active scanning magic to scan each orb before he moved forward [White Tiger Hunter Mode!] His attire changed back to his first balance breaker while he was sprinting towards Cao Cao with his speed passively increased explosively.

Azazel conjured several Light magic spears sending them flying while Issei launched his Dragon Shot, Cao Cao smirked "Mala Ratana"

Suddenly the orb redirected Azazel and Issei's attacks towards the girls who were facing off against Georg who was using his Dimension Lost Longinus to nullify most of their attacks.

Masaru snorted as he teleports right in front of the approaching attacks, he had scanned Azazel and Issei's power wavelength long ago.

"What a cliche technique, taste this" Masaru snapped his hand as the attacks were swallowed within black holes, however, instead of sending it out fro mthe same hole another set of holes appeared around Cao Cao attacking him from all directions.


"Thanks, Masaru!" Issei called out as he jets straight at Cao Cao who managed to miraculously dodge the attack using his spear, Masaru stood silently glancing at the seven orbs around Cao Cao

"I will not allow you to study me! Atsusa Ratana" Cao Cao suddenly appears in front of Masaru thrusting his spear at Masaru,

"Heh" Masaru smirked, his eyes following the strike while his body dodging the strike at a hair width before he thrusting a fist of his own towards Cao Cao who manipulated a peculiar orb to intervene.

"Balinayaka Ratana!" Cao Cao cried out,

"Worthless" Masaru muttered with his divine dragon aura mixed with his bloodline power, he slams his fist against which was believed to be the strongest of the seven orbs, Destruction vs Worthless.

Masaru tilts backwards from the aftershocks caused by their attacks forcing to overpower each other, while Cao Cao flew back several meters away and if it was not for his orb Hatsutei Ratana he would have crashed into the ground from this attack just now.

"I see, so that second orb that is lurking around the women is the reason they can't fight Georg with their usual prowess?" Masaru muttered with a smile, he was quite interested in Cao Cao's balance breaker.

"I can only admit that seeing someone studying me like how I study others, feels strangely unpleasant" Cao Cao muttered with his cheerful face being gone,

"Guess that makes two of us, now allow me to give you a reward for realizing it" Masaru smirked, with a wave of his hand he materializes several hundreds of magic circles around Cao Cao unleashing several attribute attacks all at once.

"Atsusa Ratana" Cao Cao teleported away but Masaru already teleported towards Cao Cao swinging down his sword, Cao Cao managed to block the attack on time using his spear shaft as a shield.


However, under the sheer force of the blow, Cao Cao crashed into the ground creating a crater.


"Cough Cough!" Cao Cao stood up as Georg appeared next to him, Georg kept his eyes on Masaru filled with fear. If he did not know this, then he would not have believed that Masaru was not taking them seriously. And in truth, Masaru was more focused on the god that was protecting them from behind the scenes.

"We have to retreat! We can't take on Masaru, his change is too unpredictable, unlike the two heavenly dragons!" Georg cried out,

Cao Cao nodded but just as they were about to teleport away suddenly the surrounding was filled with Grim Reapers which emerged from the ground.

Masaru sneered 'Finally the bastards I want to capture is biting the bait' Masaru thought as he looks around but so far only weak Grim Reapers were emerging.

Masaru immediately teleported everyone back into the restaurant room, he decided that he would need to act accordingly so he could fool both the Gremories and the grim reapers since he is seeking the mastermind behind the grim reapers.

"We need to alert the people outside, Who will do it?" Masaru asked as he glanced at Rias, she turns to look at Ravel.

"But I---" Ravel wanted to say she wanted to stay and fight but Issei cut her off,

"You are my manager and a guest Ravel, I can't have you get hurt for my sake. Please let Sirzech know of this" Issei said with a voice filled with determination, he really wanted Ravel to escape as he had his hands full facing the grim reapers.

Ravel nodded reluctantly, Azazel convinced Irina and Xenovia to head for heaven to get reinforcements from them as well.

"I will deal with the devices, use that instant to teleport through," Masaru said,


"Why is Masaru Belial here!? This is not part of our agreement with the hero faction, they should have told us"

"I see your leader has not shown up" Masaru spoke with a disappointed face, he turned his gaze away before ssending several dragon compressed aura spheres towards the devices destroying them instantly.

"You dare look down on us!?"


"Goons like you all, should not last longer than a single chapter," Masaru said,

[Damn you stole my line!] Drago complained,

"Secret Sword: Seeking Shadow" Masaru muttered, his broadsword slipped into the sheath on his back. Masaru grips the katana at his waist cloaking it with holy attribute power before drawing it in a flash. a Sword wave beam was sent towards the grim reapers who did not have a chance to scream at the end of their lives, the sound of oil burning on a pot could be heard as grim reapers were burnt into nothingness by Masaru's holy attack.

"Now!" Masaru called out, several magical circles materialized around the three selected people before he teleported them. Ravel, Irina and Xenovia were sent out of the dimension back into the underworld so they could get reinforcements, right now they had to remain here so they could keep the Grim Reapers here for proof of Hades involvement.

"I actually hoped that the skeleton will be smarter than this" Azazel muttered as he glances out the window where the Grim Reapers were all emerging from, they did not even flinch when they noticed the first batch of grim reapers were already gone. They were here to kill off Masaru, Azazel and the Gremory team to suppress the news of Samael.

Meanwhile, outside far in the distance. "I see, so that is how Shalba repaid our help huh?" Cao Cao spoke as he looked at Georg,

"Do you have a spell to switch places with Siegfried, I have to see if Ophis is with Vali" Cao Cao asked,

Georg nods as he began to chant an incantation which swapped the places with Siegfried,

"I would have never imagined you would use a new spell you created using Dimension lost as the base for it" Sieg spoke towards Georg with a smile.

"Be careful, Masaru is far stronger than we anticipated---" Georg spoke but was interrupted by a series of explosions.


Suddenly the surrounding Grim Reapers were assaulted by a massive amount of elemental attacks from Masaru and Azazel who flew out of the window, the Gremory team followed after them.

Seeing them, Siegfried smirked "I see my two swordsmen are here"

Sieg left Georg behind as he followed the Grim Reapers in the direction where Kiba was fending off the grim reapers.

"There is too many of them" Azazel complained as he and Masaru attacked the grim reapers with wide-scale magic attacks,

[Promotion: Welsh Blaster Bishop!] Ddraig announced as Issei transforms into his Bishop form of his Triana and unleashed another wide-scale attack.

"I will be troubled if you look down on Grim Reapers like cannon fodders" a mysterious voice appeared from above Masaru who smirked.

Wearing a black robe with a hood over his head and a clown mask on his face, Masaru speculated this Grim Reaper was an Ultimate Class.

"I presume all the pieces are here now?" Masaru spoke towards the grim reaper who snorted

"You have been a thorn in our side for a while now Wonder Child Masaru Belial, this Pluto will surely transcend if I were to kill you" Masaru chuckled when he heard what Pluto said.

Taking a deep breath Masaru stretches his neck a bit before a massive amount of dragon aura burst out from his body, his eyes becoming slits as he releases his balance breaker mode. He was going to face this useless bones with his divinity alone.

"I will be keeping your body here" Masaru spoke with a cold voice, with a single wave of his hand Masaru conjured an uncountable number of magic circles that rained down attacks killing more than half the grim reapers clearing out a space between him and pluto as well as around the two of them

"You..." Pluto took a step back, he did not expect Masaru's strength to be this high.

Masaru smirked, using earthen steps. He appeared right in front of him with dragon aura enhanced with Worthless attribute, he slammed his fist into Pluto's face.



Cracks appeared on the mask on Pluto's mask while he was sent flying.


Seeing that their target has arrived Azazel began to fight earnestly, right now the existence of Pluto was more required than these low-level grim reapers which Hades could discard. But discarding an ultimate rank will not be so easy even for that God.


Pluto was anxiously trying to block Masaru's attacks but none of them managed to block, each and every one of his attacks was connecting against Pluto's body.

"You--- Why have you not fought with this power against Cao Cao!?" Pluto screamed feeling that his treatment was unfair, he thought Masaru was a weak ultimate rank Devil Dragon but did not expect him to be this powerful.

"Well that bastard has a High-Class God above him so right now I can't deal with him, but you are a different case. Everyone is after your boss and you presented yourself to us like a cake for a birthday" Masaru answered sarcastically.

Georg felt shaken when he saw how powerful Masaru really was, but hearing Masaru's words sent a shiver down his spine 'If we did not have Lord Indra behind us... He would have killed us long ago' He thought,

Under Masaru's fierce aura the dimension was cracking.

"Retreat!" Pluto called out as the Grim Reapers all began to flee

But Masaru sealed Pluto in a barrier the moment he reactivated his balance breaker going into his Guardian Protector mode "You are not going anywhere my friend" Masaru spoke with a smirk.

Seeing the Grim Reapers were fleeing, both Georg and Siegfried pulled back, but above them, Shalba appeared holding Leon the Annihilation Maker Longinus host in his grasp.

"LEON!" Georg called out to which Siegfried growled: "This is how you repay us for saving you Shalba! Let go of Leon!"

Shalba laughed happily "Hey Siegfried. I certainly did get lots of assistance from you people. You have my gratitude. Thanks to that, my wounds have healed. And I am having this boy assist me by doing this"

Shalba activated a strange blackish magic circle causing Leon to scream out a terrifying painful scream, beneath Leon a massive shadow expanded endlessly as Masaru could feel an enormous amount of power was flowing out from the boy's sacred gear.

"You devils are all crazy!" Pluto was shaken seeing how crazy Shalba was to forcibly make the Annihilation Maker go berserk, soon a massive monster emerged from the shadow.

The size of the monster was incredible, but it did not stop there as several smaller monsters began to emerge from the shadows. Shalba activated the Magic Circle sending them off, seeing this Masaru already contacted his girls to move out in case those were sent to the underworld.

"It has been a while Shalba, you still acting like a fool you do?" Masaru spoke with a smirk on his face as the surrounding Dimensional space was breaking down.

"I will have the last laugh since I have sent the monsters to kill off the devils, that includes the children and everyone else who denied my birthright!" Shalba screamed out with an excited face,

"You bastard!" Issei flew towards Shalba as the two of them began to fight,

"We should move everyone from here, unlike Me and Issei the others can't survive long in the dimensional gap" Masaru suggested as Azazel nodded, suddenly Ophis emerge from Masaru's body appearing before him.

"Ophis?" Shalba became excited but Ophis glared at him sending a shiver down his spine as he turns around to flee, he did not expect to see Ophis displaying her rage so openly and it made him fear her.

"I will not let you go!" Issei flew after him,

"Wait! Issei!" Rias wanted to stop Issei but Issei turn and look

"I will be back soon, I can survive in the Dimensional Gap with my armour" Issei called out,

Masaru felt a bit insecure about Issei heading off to face Shalba alone but his priorities are to see to his family and people is safe. He could feel how the barrier was breaking down, Masaru glances at Ophis "Can you look after Issei? The rest of us can't last long in the Dimensional Gap and I fear that fool will do something outrageous"

Masaru felt a bit concerned for his friend and disciple who left but he needed to keep Pluto in his hands, and see that the girls were fine as he was not certain how powerful those monsters Shalba had sent off was "I will perform the dragon gate summoning in a while, so be ready"

Ophis nodded as she disappears after Issei, Masaru turns to face the rest of the people teleporting them to the Gremory Manor.

"I will be taking this prisoner to Sirzech" Masaru spoke to Azazel who nodded before he teleported himself and Pluto who was sealed in a box barrier into the offices of Sirzech.

But this time Grayfia was not in the office, this meant the monsters were more of a problem than Masaru expected.

"You finally came! Who is this grim reaper?" Sirzech was happy that Masaru arrived on time after the entire Capital Lilith was filled with the remaining of Shalba's old satan faction devils that filled the streets, even some of the Heroes who were brainwashed by Shalba are attacking.

"This guy here is Pluto, he is proof that Hades collaborated with the Hero Faction to unseal Samael, which the Hero faction used to attack us a while ago" Masaru explained while pushing forward the sealed Pluto who was shivering, he knew that he screwed up big time.

Sirzech glared at Pluto who felt his soul going colder than normal, Sirzech was quite furious to hear his sister was attacked by a High-Class god's subordinate. "I see, I will handle him. You will need to lead your team to safeguard Belial Territory, try to finish it fast as possible to support the main army protecting Capital Lilith"

Masaru nodded as he undoes his Genbu transformation while Sirzech restrained Pluto himself. "Understood but I would like a raise in my salary for being your agent" hearing Masaru's request Sirzech chuckled but his eyes were coldly fixed on Pluto.

Just when Masaru came out of the office Ophis contacted him, [Issei is dying...]

Just when Masaru was about to say something, but mysteriously Ophis knew what he was going to ask so she continues [I can save him with Great Red, will be quiet for a while]

Meanwhile, in the Dimensional Gap Ophis and Great Red were talking while they decided to save Issei together because Issei was the friend of Masaru. The initial processes made some sacrifices but it all went well, Ophis glances at Issei's soul which is enclosed in his balance breaker armour,

'Maybe Masaru will pat my head when I come back after doing a good job?' She thought


Masaru just arrived near the Belial Territory, one of the monsters Shalba sent to attack their Capital City Victory.

"Welcome home" Akeno welcomed Masaru who entered the house with a stern expression, but he still gave her a smile and kiss.

"Where is my father?" Masaru asked finding that his father was indeed not here,

"Current he took his peerage to help prepare the defensive line for Capital Lilith" Akeno explained,

Masaru began to rub his forehead "Can you call all of the girls except for Sona to come? We need to start planning to evacuate our people from Capital City Victory"

Masaru kissed Akeno gently on her lips before she left to call the girls, when Akeno was out he immediately spread out the map of the Belial territory as he started to plan several key locations that required protections.

"Is it about the monsters that appeared all of a sudden?" Calfa came through the kitchen when she heard Masaru's voice,

Masaru raised his head glancing at his grandmother who arrived, he nodded "Yes, I never expected Shalba to lose his mind like this. Those monsters are equipped with abilities specifically designed to deal with Devils, so it will not be easy"

Masaru smiled wryly, he returned his sight to the map spread before him and used chess pieces placing them at the north, south, west and east of the capital city and the king piece in the centre. Looking at the map some more, he started to place the pawn pieces at several places before nodding.

Diana soon came in carrying two glasses of Juice, she knew her son was doing quite well as the heir of the family. The fact he immediately took charge of the situation and even came up with a defensive strategy made her feel proud of him.

"Mother" Masaru went closer to take the glasses from Diana to place them on the table before hugging her.

"Welcome back Masar" Diana hugged her son gently, Masaru led her to sit on his chair while the two of them began to discuss the plans to save Belial Territory from a monster that had the appearance of a chimaera.