Forbidden Spell: Samsara

"You have already defeated other nine of these monsters?" Brynhildr asked Masaru while the two of them were flying at high speed to the last location, Masaru did not answer immediately while thinking back how it went against the first monster.

"Well after my girls unleashed their full attacks, I came to realize these monsters will not die easily. It survived because there were traces of Demonic Energy within their attacks," Masaru said with a wry smile, although the monsters were not immune and could still get hurt. They simply become more of a hassle when they use power they are resistant to.

So I decided to try out using Norse, Greece, Yokai and a few other magic system curses along with Human technique to create a strong explosion that carries the cures to annihilate the monsters all in one shot." Masaru thought for a moment when he remembered that first explosion he caused that made too much work for Hiei to cover for him, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"But what you used was not any of those back there," Brynhildr said as she was surprised that Masaru conducted an experiment during combat, although she did not like such mentality during the war but it did aid their battle so she was grateful towards him.

Masaru chuckled, then he glanced at the horizon 'After the first time, I somehow remembered when teacher once taught me his technique, Kankara Formula. It was something I could use, yet my being rejected this formula as it was not something I believed in.'

'Thus using it as a base, I have been working on a formula technique of my own. Codex of the worthless, it is no longer a demonic bloodline power but something closer to that of a law that some gods use. It's a good thing I became a mid-class god or I would not have been able to realize it through trial and error during the battles' Masaru smiled thinking about it,

"Well, it is a technique I have realized for myself" 'So I won't become too dependent on my grimoire from this point forward' Masaru turns his head to look at the lady who was able to keep up with his speed, Masaru had some hints that this girl reminded him awfully a lot of that pitiful Valkyrie who does not have a boyfriend.

"What about you? Coming along with me?"Masaru asked curiously, he might not pick up the real reason however he could still figure out that this girl was following him with a purpose in mind. He did not mind it since it was Odin's daughter, and she did not hold any ill intent to him.

Brynhildr blushed as she could not tell this man she was following him to see what her father sees in him. 'I can't tell him my father wants me to date him... Well, I won't mind if it's him.. huh? Just what am I thinking!?'

Brynhildr blushed became deeper red as if she was turning into a tomato, a sly smile appeared on Masaru's face when he noticed this girl was as pure as that pitiful valkyrie. 'Could it be the legends of Valkyries being virgin maidens who had not held hands with a man be true!?' He thought

"Am I flying to fast? There is no need to push yourself to keep up with my speed" Masaru spoke while glancing at Brynhildr with a sly smile, he stretched out his hand towards her as a test.

"EH!?" Brynhildr cried out in surprise when she saw how close his hand was to her, her face became redder by the second that it could explode any moment while she felt her mind haywire with thoughts 'Was he just concerned for me? what is this feeling? I never had a boyfriend before? Is it love?'

"Are you okay?" Masaru asked Brynhildr again, he noticed that he was pranking this pure girl for long enough so he stopped playing around and glanced at her with real concern.

"N-Nothing! I am fine it's not like I am worried about not having a boy---" Brynhildr held her mouth feeling shocked at what she just said before she blasts off flying far ahead of Masaru who shook his head,

Masaru smirked, "Heh, I should go talk with Old Man Odin, I wonder if I can take the valkyrie squad from his hands to make them my personal guards. according to Sirzech once I reach his realm will be the time I can no longer make movements as I do"

Masaru sighed, once a being comes to power equal to those at the top then his every move will be monitored and should it threaten any factions it could lead to all-out war without waiting for reasons. 'Then with the guards moving to deal with minor things, I can consider visiting Peru to find out about the gate'

Masaru increased his speed keeping up with Brynhildr who felt her heart was in complete chaos, she never had such an interaction with a man. Vidar was her brother and boss, all the other men could not keep up with her serious personality and her requirement for them being able to defeat her had dropped the number of men who tried to court her to zero while those admiring her form the distance was numerous.

"You should conserve your energy Hilde!" Masaru warned Brynhildr, he even gave her a nickname causing the Valkyrie to falter in her flight.

Brynhildr glanced at Masaru with shock at the nickname he called her with, but she heard his warning as she sheepishly slows down while holding her head down not daring to show him her face. Masaru used communication magic "Girls update"

Akeno: [North is clear]

Shirone: [South is clear]

Kuroka: [East is clear]

Yui: [West is clear]

Kuroka [Capital City is clear]

Roygun: [All the remaining devils that attacked Belial Territory have been dealt with, we can conclude that the territory is safe]

Masaru thought for a moment while Brynhildr glanced at him, seeing his serious face made her heart beat faster. Masaru was considering how he should deal with this, he once again realized he really did need another elite team under his direct command other than his peerage. Hiei was there, but that was something in the shadows and the mercenary was another group he could not personally link with.

"Split into two groups, I need one group to head to Capital City. Prepare to face off against Hero Faction leftovers" Masaru warned the girls before he closed the calls, after taking a breath Masaru made a decision to create another team that would be publicly known as his shadow guards that will act as his hands and feet.

"Do you always operate like this?" Brynhildr spoke looking at Masaru who smiled wryly, she was really impressed how Masaru was dealing with the situation. It was known that his peerage were all monsters, the fact they finished up the battle so fast was a testament to their prowess.

"Only when I am certain the girls will be fine, their important to me after all" Masaru spoke filled with love he held for his girls.

Suddenly Azazel's magic circle materialized next to Masaru's ear, [We confirmed it, Indra is the God who had been supporting the Hero Faction] Azazel said with a gloomy voice, even he did not want to believe such a high standing god would do such a thing.

Hearing this Masaru's eyes had a flash of killing intent, "Good, once everything is over we can go meet that little bugger"

Masaru was furious at this God, he clenched his fist 'You best get ready to compensate me for your failure Indra, even if I were to destroy your pawns for it. If not, the day I gain strength I will not hesitate to kill you, even if your fellow gods stand in my way'

When Masaru came to the last destination he immediately increased his speed using earthen steps, with a single slap he used "Codex of the Worthless: Face Slap" that sealed the senses of the monster, followed by "Codex of the Worthless: Worthless Punch" that sealed it's regeneration capabilities.

"Codex of the Worthless: Judgement" Masaru muttered as he sent a sphere compressed with worthless power penetrating the beast before it began to decompose, the energy that connected the cells all were disrupted by the nullification power causing the monster to collapse and die.

Masaru glanced at the surroundings before waving his hand creating a massive magic circle, "Codex of the Worthless: Denial of the future" Suddenly the damage caused by the monster was instantly reverted to how it was before the attacks causing the surrounding people to feel shocked and awed at Masaru's prowess.

Brynhildr supported him by talking with the people in charge to fill them on the details before the two of them head for the Capital.

"You make a fine manager, are you perhaps available for hire? Permanently?" Masaru asked causing

Brynhildr to flinch 'Permanent? Is he proposing!?' She thought, she was honestly considering this proposition.

"W-What is your o-offer to employ me?" Brynhildr asked,

"hile Masaru thought for a moment before answering "Well you won't have to deal with a perverted old man's trouble" Hearing this Brynhildr giggled as she knew he was talking about her father,

"I can pay you several times your current salary, this includes several insurances, a piece of land in my territory you can call your own. And I want you to become the leader of the personal guard team I am about to set up" Masaru said with a serious face,

"You want me to be the leader of your personal guards!?" Brynhildr looks at Masaru with surprise as she knew what it meant for Masaru to start searching for personal guards, it meant that he would someday soon reach the stage of her father where they can't recklessly act as they please.

Masaru smiled broadly, "Hehe, I have been considering who to take the leader position along the way after all. It may take a while for me to reach that stage, however, it will be best if I could set up the guard squad as soon as possible with a requirement. Since the work I do requires the people that join, must be strong physically and mentally"

"L-Let me think about it" Brynhildr stutters as she felt a bit overwhelmed that he would even take the initiative to bring her into his personal guard which means she will have a chance to learn more of him.

Masaru himself knew he was taking his chances as he heard about the strongest Valkyrie, yet from seeing her expression he felt relieved that the chances of gaining her were still there. Having her in his personal guard will allow him to guard his home at all times even if he and the girls were doing something else, or when he needs a team with him and the girls were busy with something else.

But more importantly, he trusted Brynhildr to act on his behalf.


"Dear Valhalla... That monster is huge!" Brynhildr stops mid-air glancing at the Jabberwacky the Lucifer Group and Diehauser Belial group was currently facing. Masaru kept flying ahead causing Brynhildr to shake out of her stupor following after him in a hurry.

"Are you serious Masaru? that is a monster far above their league!" Brynhildr felt anxious as she did not want Masaru to get hurt but she also did not want to stop him from shining.

Masaru smiled feeling happy that she was thinking of him but he was more worried about the people in the city, "The only reason that monster is strong is that its resistance to Demonic Power and bloodline power is incredibly high... But not towards other attacks, or attacks that have mutated and became something different in essence"

Masaru answered her question, not far from them they saw Grayfia was attacking from the distance while giving orders to the rest of the peerage members.

"Huh!? What the hell!? Aren't you too fast you brat!" Okita Souji sensed Masaru who just arrived,

"You are just too slow old man, are you still the same teacher I once had" Masaru mocked Okita with a sly smile causing Okita to almost trip over his feet from shock, Okita was his once swordsmanship teacher.

"Do you have any plans?" Grayfia asked since they have been trying many things so far but this monster was not stopping,even Masaru had to take this monster seriously since it's resistance was several levels higher than other monsters. Otherwise, a single slap from Grayfia would have killed it already.

{Looks like your in a pinch} Samsara said while looking at the situation with a smile, her legs was waving forward and backwards while she floated within his soul space.

'You mean that you have a way I can deal with this?' Masaru asked,

{That is if you accepted me from the bottom of your heart} Samsara said with a playful smile, but Masaru could sense she was absolutely serious.

Masaru thought for a moment before nodding, a wry smile appeared as he realized that he did not have much time to learn of Samsara. However, someone who was willing to help him was definitely within his circle, and she devoted herself to him and not accepting her was wrong.

"I do" Masaru smiled as he glanced at the skies, suddenly his body exploded with a eye-piercing light.

[Balance Breaker! Azure Dragon Champion!]

Masaru stood tall wearing azure coloured baggy pants and azure coloured shoes all made from Draogn skin. Dragon scale gauntlets covering his fists right up to his shoulders leaving his torso exposed, his amber coloured eyes became slits and his body was cloaked in azure coloured dragon divine aura. His back was facing towards the east while glaring at the monster.

"I, who stands on the scale between life and death"

[Man forbids it]

[But the World needs it]

Masaru chants an incantation from the forbidden spell form his spellbook which was unlocked because of his connection with Samsara, it was a spell granted by Samsara who allowed it to be recorded into the grimoire.

Swiftly he sprinted towards Jabberwocky dodging the monsters attempt to keep him away till he was right below the monster, the voices that we're responding to his chant were souls who work with and for Samsara herself.

Grayfia and everyone else felt their hair standing on the edge from just hearing this chant, they shivered unconsciously not due to fear but due to instincts whenever they faced death up close. Looking at Masaru, made them feel like they were looking at both life and death in essence.

"Just what is he planning?" Brynhildr felt awe in the display of Masaru's magical power, it was unlike anything she had ever seen.

"I don't know but we better back up" Okita Souji turn and ran for a distance as his instinct as a swordsman said whatever that spell was, it was awfully dangerous.

"Command thee to unlock the gates of Taboo"

[The law of the living forbids it]

[But the law of the dead approve its}

Manipulating his dragon aura to cloak his entire right fist


Soon his body was filled with a massive amount of aura which was drained from plants and trees in several hundred miles radius because of Masaru pushing the limits of the Sacred gear. His azure gauntlet turned white from the dragon aura that cloaked it,

Masaru leaps upwards slamming his entire dragon aura into the abdomen of Jabberwocky, the force of the attack contained the Codex of the Worthless power that slowly began to nullify it's regeneration effects, an air explosion resounded followed by Jabberwocky that was sent flying into the skies while roaring in both surprise and pain.

He thrust both of hands towards the flying Jabberwocky who was flying into the sky as a massive eery magic circle materialized in front of Masaru, souls of the dead crawled out of the magic circle but could not leave it. Skeletons began to emerge around the borders of the magic circle.

"Smite the Taboo that should not exist!"

[The gate of Taboo has opened]

[That which should not exist will be shredded]

"Call of the Samsara!" Masaru cried out, it was not a spell to unlock the sacred gear. But a spell that allowed Masaru to use Samsara's abilities.

Suddenly all the skeletons and the soul's empty eye socks lit up with a golden light with a tint of black before the entire magic circle unleashed a massive beam of dark holy energy towards Jabberwocky into the air.

The monster gloated as it knew that any attacks would not kill it, it had absolute confidence in its resistance and regeneration capabilities. But the spell was not meant to kill it, when the beam touched its body it was only then it realized it was not an attack but something else.

"ROAR!!! RO... RO... ROAR!!!" Jabberwocky began to smack its own body as the dark holy began to grab onto its body with such a fierce grip that it's flesh tore at places without being able to heal, little by little it was being dragged in mid-air towards the magic circle.

Everyone in the surroundings felt this back having a cold sweat from the sight of this spell, Grayfia who was more knowledgeable was even more shocked 'He-- He used a forbidden spell of Samsara?' She could not share this information with anyone because it means Masaru being able to cast that spell would only be possible if Samsara allowed him to.

"Phew!" Masaru cancelled his balance breaker with his body a bit sweaty, he has not had any rest for a while now after facing the beasts one after the other. There was many ways to deal with the monsters, but to achieve fewer casualties he chose the extreme path in eliminating the monsters at the fastest speed even if he was drained in the end.

Brynhildr came to support Masaru who felt a bit drained from his active workings, when she sensed how low his energy reserves were she could not help but cry out in surprise. 'To think the ability to use another god's spell would be so draining'

"You should rest little brat" Okita clasps his hand over Masaru's shoulder,he felt proud of Masaru even if Masaru no longer trains the sword actively it was still something to be proud of seeing how powerful his disciple became.

Okita added on, "You did us a huge favour, thanks Masaru"

Okita thank Masaru before looking at Brynhildr "You really have good luck with woman, take care well of him for me. He may be a little strange but he is a good disciple of mine"

Brynhildr blushed furiously as Masaru fell asleep, she glances at the sleeping face of Masaru but had no idea where to take him. She had no idea where the Belial Territory was since she came to support the devils in a hurry, this was why she did not appear in the capital city but somewhere else instead.

"You can take him to the Gremory Manor" Grayfia helped Brynhildr carry Masaru before the three of them teleported away.

But suddenly the capital Lilith was covered with a cloud that began to pour rain ever so lightly, this is why it was a spell that only the one Samsara approves could cast.

The spell first kills the targetted enemy and,

"Healing?" Sairaorg who just finished his battle against Heracles was looking at his body that had recovered, all over the capital of Lilith all the injured people Masaru considered allies were healing when the raindrop touches them. And this continued to expand till it covered the entire Devil lands

"Wahh!!!" a Child was crying, yet mysteriously he could suddenly hear Masaru singing, calming down the child causing the child to stare blankly into the skies while the rain was dropping.

/Come stop your crying/

/It will be alright/

/Just take my hand/

/And hold it tight/

Each of the raindrops held the desire of Masaru who felt he had to protect the hope of the powerless, Sairaorg glances at the skies smiling

"My goodness, can't you let your friend off while keeping some injures for having a good fight" Sairaorg complaint at Masaru but he still felt grateful, even now his friend continued to support him.

/I will protect you/

/From all around you/

/I will be here/

/Don't you cry/

Sona wiped her tears as she could feel the warmth of Masaru touching her heart, "You worked hard" She muttered as she glances at her peerage "Let's go!"


Sona and her peerage continued to rescue the civilians while being grateful for the rain who kept those alive who would have been dead long ago, the people who were touched by the rain could somehow know who it was that gave them this chance to survive.

/For one so small,/

/You seem so strong/

The children who were once shivering across the lands somehow found courage, even the adults who feared began to stand tall after they were healed by the rain. All of them could hear Masaru's song within their minds transmitted through the raindrops, the drops that contained Masaru's feelings for the common and weak people.

/My arms will hold you,/

/Keep you safe and warm/

A Mother hugged her child that had been healed crying,

/This bond between us/

/Can't be broken/

A Father patted his son's head glancing at the skies, somehow he felt his eyes were too misty.

/I will be here/

/Don't you cry/

The girls in Masaru's peerage, the family in Belial territory all began to cry a little after hearing this song that reverberated through their souls. It was a song of reassurance, and a promise Masaru made since he came to love this world even with its dangers and flaws. This world was his home right now.

/'Cause you'll be in my heart/

/Yes, you'll be in my heart/

/From this day on/

/Now and forever more/

The people in the Belial territory gripped their chest tightly, their eyes were burning as they tried hard to kept themselves from crying. An intense feeling of pride filled their chest listening to this heavenly song, 'THIS WAS OUR YOUNG MASTER!' They all felt proud to cheer it out loud.

/You'll be in my heart/

/No matter what they say/

/You'll be here in my heart/


Serafall who was fighting far away was glancing in the direction of Masaru, her eyes filled with tears.

Sirzech who was watching the battle with no way to make a move, felt emotional.

Ajuka from a small smile on his face, his eyes gleaming with a trace of pride while looking at the direction where he sensed Masaru.

Even The valkyries who followed Brynhildr all stopped fighting for a moment, their hearts were filled with fighting spirit feeling that they could fight even more.

"Hoho" Odin caresses his beard with a smile, he too was near for in case something happened. Witnessing this scene, he could only discribe it as a miracle.

An intense feeling of faith has been born at this moment.

/When destiny calls you, you must be strong/

/I may not be with you/

/But you got to hold on/

/They'll see in time, I know/

/We'll show them together/

"Tsk, that annoying Masaru... he keeps irritating me" Cao Cao muttered, he glanced at the devils that were once brainwashed were slowly recovering, even the heroes under his command's morale was affected by the song.

"Could this be what he was trying to tell me?" Cao Cao muttered glancing at the phenomenon with interest after he thought of this question, but shortly his attention was attracted elsewhere.

It was not long after space began to crack apart as a familiar Dragon Pulse could be sensed from the skies. The children who had the dreams felt excited that both their heroes has finally appeared to save them, while the wives, mothers, girlfriends and ladies were more grateful for Masaru who unleashed a blessing upon their loved ones and kept them save.


The birth of faith to the Wonder child Masaru, Protector of the people and the Oppai Dragon Issei protector of the children's dreams have been realized.

Inside the guest room, Grayfia had arranged for Masaru, Brynhildr was sitting next to the bed where Masaru was currently sleeping. She was looking at the satisfied face Masaru had on his face, she had many questions she wanted to ask him, many things to say for him...

"Just what motivates you?" She asked as it contained almost everything she wanted to know about him.

If Masaru were awake, he would say "Because It's fun to fight strong enemies and to show off" Although the latter would have been a joke... probably

Despite him saying it while recklessly pushing his life close to death, he truly wanted to do what he wanted in this world. If he wanted to keep people safe, he will do it. If he wanted to beat someone up, he will do it. Because although he was not at the top of the food chain, he still had the capabilities to do as he wished.