One day something felt different as though something was happening.For some reason the food started to taste bad.Something started pulling us out of the darkness then me and my siblings thrown out of the darkness and into the light. The scene we would see surprise us. Because a young male that resemble us was beating up an old male that resemble him.Then the young male said "brothers sister I Zeus today you have been freed,now help me conquer these bastards who dare swallow you". Then we escape from mount orthys we heard the scream of the old male.When we got out of that region i notice that everything outside of that darkness was beautiful. Everthing down was green with wildlife and valleys, everything up was blue with birds and fresh wind,And when we cross the sea everything was blue with fishes and some sea monster. But then a giant serpent came out of the sea and started to attack us but we easily dodge.We kept calm and back away but Poseidon on the otherhand felt angry by this attack and started dashing at the serpent. Although Poseidon didnt have a weapon he dashed at the serpent. And he was ethically swallowed. Seeing this Zeus sighs "stupid" and he turn into a giant eagle to rescue Poseidon. Unlike Poseidon he didnt dash forward but instead flying up high and when he saw an openning he attacked and send the serpent into a nearby island.The serpent would try to escape but was block by hera,hestia,demeter,and of course me. Several minutes later the serpent was ethically defeated and poseidon was saved. Zeus said to Poseidon "never do that again ok, you wouldnt want end up in someone else stomach again would you" Hearing this Poseidon sadly nodded. Then we headed to the island crete.