Sweet to the taste...

"What did you chant?" Kazumi looked at Li Yong's hand intently trying to figure out the runic language utilized to cast the flame.

Li Yong paid no heed to what she asked and continued to prepare the rabbit on the fire 'well that was rude' she didn't voice her thoughts but before she could probe any further Qui Tou jumped in front of her.

"Oi female, look I brought a crimson fruit it's sweet!!" Qui Tou looked at her as if waiting for the moment she bit the fruit. She leaned forward and bit into the fruit, what met her mouth was a very sweet and soothing flavor.

She looked at the fruit and started biting into it, she had not eaten for days and the moment her mouth met with the fruit it seemed that all the hunger she had accumulated during the past days released at once. Of course, most cultivators had gained grain liberation meaning that they had no need for the consumption of food, and she did practice it...

She just liked eating and by the time she was banished to the mortal realm, it no longer held importance to the fact that she ate or not.

Once the fruit in her hand was no longer she looked up and saw that Qui Tou had a grin on his face, Kazumi blushed feeling a bit ashamed at the fact that she ate with no matters at all.

"It has been a couple of days since my last meal" looking at her hands they felt sticky thinking of going to clean them Bai suddenly licked them as if it were natural. She retracted her hand and looked at her hand that had been cleaned of the stickiness.

"Um... I could have washed my hands ..." Still not knowing how to react, Li Yong handed her a piece of rabbit. "Oh thank you"

Li Yong just sat across her as he handed a piece to each of the cubs leaving very little for him to eat, observing this she cut her piece in half and handed it to him, once the piece reached his sight, he gave her a strange expression but none the less he received it.

Once their meal was finished Li Yong asked her if she needed anything, seeing that she had sat he went for water to fill the tub for her.

"Li Yong was it? how is it that there are only beastkin here? are there no more races?" Kazumi probed her question as the only scent and auras she perceived were those from beastkin and not humans.

"This is our village we do not interact with other races as they have the same problem as we do, as to prevent stealing females from each other's tribes we simply avoid interaction" Li Yong explained while making a frown as if he disliked the idea of other races.

"May I know what other race's are there?" Kazumi had been among several races in the past. Li Yong gave her a strange look, thinking to himself that she had to be a female that grew up with a lot of protection

"There is us, beastkin, Demonkin and also the pointy ear tribe they rarely come out of there villages so they don't have an official name to their tribe" Li Yong observed Kazumi's expression as afraid that she'd leave if the other tribes caught her attention.

"Pointy ear? are you referring to the Elven kind? ahah to think.." Kazumi stopped on her tracks as she looked around "Thank you for telling me"

As she was about to ask something a surge of energy engulfed the room...