School Story - 004

The rest of my school day continued without incidence. Arthur Davies wasn't in either of my afternoon periods for the day, so I didn't end up seeing him again after lunch.

I decided against talking to him at lunch, mostly because I didn't really understand what I had or hadn't seen. In any case, it doesn't seem like the kind of thing that needs to be dealt with the same sense of urgency that Tayla's situation began with.

I almost laugh to myself. When did I become such a busybody?

Back in Wellington, something coincidental like that with no bearing on myself, wouldn't have bothered me at all. In fact, I wouldn't have let it bother me.

Back then, I would've actively done my best to pretend nothing of the sort had been seen. I know I'm not the only one, either.

I take the bus back from school to the area around my home, without any waiting around. I have work starting at five, and it would take my until about four to make it home. There wasn't any time to wait around. The bus was busy, packed until there wasn't even any spare standing room, when it first left from the station closest to school. By the time I got off, however, there was maybe half a dozen kids left.

I was the only one to get off at my station.

"You, Chosen Child of Our Mother."

Although I hadn't noticed her until after I got off the bus, but there was a woman balancing on the bench by the stop. There was also a man standing next to the bench.

But getting back to the woman who spoke, she was balancing, as in standing, on the back of the bench, where one might usually rest their head or sit back against.

Furthermore, the woman was dressed barefoot and in a vivid green dress that came down just to her knees. When she moved, swaying slightly on her perch, her dress almost seemed to blend in with the leaves of the newly blossoming tree behind her. It was Spring, after all. Usually I wouldn't bother to give even this much detail when describing a person's choice of dress, but she certainly caught my eye.

The strange dress that seemed to blend into her surroundings, the bare feet, and unusual choice of vantage point, I think are all reason enough on their own, let alone brought together by a single individual.

Whilst the man's dress was less noticeably strange, perhaps worth noting was the choice of all white which seemed to only extenuate his female companion's ability to blend in with her choice of dress. His vivacious golden hair, however, caught my eye. It was a very bright and full colour. He gave off the impression of being disinterested in his surroundings. And he wore dark sunglasses that kept his eyes completely hidden, despite the fact it wasn't even that sunny a day.

The two of them both gave off an aura that was distinctly… ominous.


I got the sensation that it would be best not to get involved with the two of them. That was the kind of aura that they gave off. Especially the man.

"You, Chosen Child of Our Mother," she repeated.

"Are you talking to me?" I replied.

"Yes, who else could I be referring to, Chosen Child?"

I didn't reply to that. She spoke with an accent that I couldn't place. Perhaps Eastern European?

"I was hoping to ask you where I might be able to find a convenience store. I need donuts. I just had a sudden craving, and my companion here refuses to tell me," she points absentmindedly toward the man, "you seem like you're busy from your demeanour, but I only require a moment of your time, Chosen Child."


I was left feeling somewhat perplexed. I couldn't tell a thing about her from that, other than that she has an unusual craving for donuts.

"Sorry, excuse my manners. One should name themselves before asking such a request," she smiled, but it did not make me at all relaxed, "I'm called Kiss Duskdancer. That isn't the name I was born with, but I doubt you could pronounce my name anyway, Chosen Child."

I think my first intuition, that I shouldn't get involved with these two, was probably correct. I can't relax around them at all. The woman especially, is… intense.

The man hasn't even opened his mouth, but he doesn't concern me any less.

I explain where the nearest convenience store is, just two blocks away in the opposite direction than where I'm headed, and begin to make my way to leave. I don't want to talk with these two any longer than I have to. That instinct seems correct.


The woman's voice is cold and sharp. I wouldn't dare pretend to have not heard her, though I kind of wanted to. Instead, I simply turned around to hear what she had to say.

"I was wondering about your opinion on-"

"Stop playing with the boy."

The man speaks for the first time.

"He is clearly in a rush, and it isn't like we have all the time in the world either. Is it, Miss Duskdancer?"

"H…oh, I suppose your right," the woman looks visibly upset, "well, Chosen Child, it has been a pleasure. I'm sure that we will meet again."

And with that, the woman leapt down from her perch on top of the bus stop bench, which she had remained standing on for the duration of our conversation, and landed with grace on the pavement.

There was no sound upon her touching the pavement. Whether that was because she was barefoot, or simply how elegantly she landed, I was not sure, but it was clear from the way she carried herself… she was powerful, I guess.

I guess that's the only way to put it. If I were to want anyone on my side in a fight, it would be her.

She walked off without another word, and the golden-haired man in sunglasses followed close behind, leaving me to watch them walk off on my own. Though I didn't stand there for long. I had to get to work soon, after all.

As I began to walk away, however, I realised something strange that for whatever reason I hadn't questioned at all whilst we were talking. The woman, Kiss Duskdancer I believe she called herself, had kept calling me 'Chosen Child', or something along those lines. In fact, the first time she called out to me, I believe she said, 'Chosen Child of Our Mother'.

That line… despite not making me suspicious at first, now fills me with dread, because surely, I know what that entails. I don't understand 'Chosen Child' maybe that's just a regular greeting of hers, but 'Our Mother', that I do understand.

I understand that that is most probably the Mother revered by the Mother's Order.

The same cult-like organisation that indoctrinated Tayla and her family.

The same people that the group who planned on assaulting Tayla are from.

The same people that protected them.

No wonder I got that aura of intensity, and that urge to escape from them. The Mother's Order…

I had thought of it as some phony group when I first ran into it, but now I'm convinced. If weirdos like those two are involved… though I guess there isn't any guarantee that they aren't. And the aura that they gave off… it wasn't like they seemed inept or deceitful, in fact they seemed quite capable.

Perhaps I'm judging the two of them too much solely on appearances. I'll have to ask Tayla about those two the next time I see her. I don't think I got the man's name, but the woman told me what she's called: Kiss Duskdancer.