Family Story - 011

After the two of us arrive at AJ's house, she decides that she has enough time to have a shower, as well as changing clothes.

Her house isn't all that large. Apparently, she lives here with her mum and her brother, though her brother's staying at his dad's place since their argument last night. The house seems quite old. It has wooden floorboards and tacky wallpaper everywhere, and though it isn't as bad as my home, it's a little draughty.

This house feels kind of cosy. Though all the rooms are rather small (still bigger than at my place), it doesn't make it feel cramped. But I get the feeling that being so close to people all the time would get to you. You would have to get along very well to keep living with two other people in such a small space all the time. Maybe that's part of what led to the current situation. Where AJ's brother has decided he can't be here, following that argument.

Her mum is also out, so I have the whole house, save the bathroom, to myself. Though it was tempting to, I didn't go around looking around the house. The only parts of the house I'd seen were the hallway, a quick glance into the lounge as we walked past, and AJ's room, where she'd left me before going to the bathroom. She said that she didn't know when her mum would be back, so I should stay in here with the door shut.

Her room was quite small. Well, it probably wasn't much smaller than mine, but it looked tiny because of how full of stuff it was. She had a collage of photos of people, presumably friends of hers, up on one wall. Though she wasn't in any of the photos herself. There was her bed (only a single), a bookshelf, a desk, drawers, and a currently vacant dog cage, though I had spotted the occupant in the lounge as we walked past.

AJ didn't take long in the shower. Probably only ten minutes. I could hear the shower turn off from the room.

I was sitting down on her bed when AJ opened the door, and stepped through.

"That was quite quick-"

My eyes opened wide when I saw AJ's attire, or rather lack of it.

I gasped and instinctively evaded my eyes, looking down and away. I would be lying if I said that I didn't see anything, but it was just a flash. I was probably looking at her naked body for less than a second, if that. And it wasn't like I focused enough to really see anything, so…

No, I should probably just stop thinking about it, but-

But, but, but!


I just saw a naked woman's body. Sure, she's skinny and quite flat, but she's got quite nice curves around her hips and waist. I wouldn't say it's a dream come true or anything like that, but I think any teenage boy has probably wished that something like this would happen to them, though not really expecting it to actually occur.

"W-what are you doing walking in like that?" I said, still averting my gaze by looking at the far wall.

"Hm, pretty good reaction. About what I expected from a virgin."

"Nuh. What does that mean?"

"I knew you wouldn't look. Because you're a virgin."

"Why would that mean I wouldn't turn around?"

"Because virgins, especially honest ones like you, aren't greedy."

"What if I wasn't a virgin?" I replied.

"No, there's no way. I can tell just from the way you and your girlfriend act. It's obvious you haven't had sex."

"Is that so?"

I was still looking at the back wall. I could hear behind me that AJ had opened her drawers, and was probably now putting on fresh clothes. She'd really shocked me then, walking in like that without any warning. I feel like I lost an extra year or two of my life just now.

"Wait, you never answered my question."

"Hmm? Oh, I forgot to bring a change of clothes with me into the bathroom."

"Isn't there other ways you could've gotten around that issue?!"

"Like what?"

"Putting your old clothes on? Covering yourself up with a towel?"

"Are you complaining?"

"This feels like a trick question," I replied cautiously, after a pause.

"Tch, your no fun."

I sigh loudly. Talking to AJ is even more demanding than with Tayla. If Tayla was like this all the time, I might not be able to cope. It's almost more stressful than fun at this extreme.

"Sighing like that's rude to the host."

"My bad."

"What, you really do sound pissed off?"

"No, I'm not angry, just… thought I was going to have a heart attack."

"Hmm? Were you that mesmerised by how I look?"


"Did you perhaps, get aroused?"

"Of course not, just leave me alone. Are you done getting dressed yet?"

"Oh, yeah, I finished ages ago," as if she'd really forgotten. Not that I believe she did.

"You should've said something then…"

Looking around, I saw that AJ was dressed in what Tayla would call 'grunge'. Flannel and denim. Something nineties.

I recognised the shirt. Tayla owned the same one. It was an album cover of one of her favourite bands, Sonic Youth, as it says on the shirt. I can't remember what the album is called, but I recall Tayla saying that her favourite song from the album is Dirty Boots.

She's almost as full of surprises as Tayla was when we first met.


"What is it?"

"Nothing, I don't know. I guess it's just not how I'd expect you to dress."

"How would you expect me to dress? You've only seen me in work clothes, so why would you know?"

"I don't know, it's just…" I sighed again, "so, you're a fan of Sonic Youth."

"You've heard of them."

"Yeah, Tayla's into them."


"My girlfriend."

"Who's girlfriend?"

"You know who I'm talking about! You mentioned her before."

"Did I?"

Exasperated, I sighed for the third time, "what's your favourite song of theirs?"

"Hmm… depends on the mood I'm in, but I guess right now… it would be Cinderella's Big Score."