Tayla Story - 004

When the two of us arrived at my house, neither of my parents were home. Dad was gone to hang out with old high school friends of his, and Mum had gone shopping, so it was just the two of us when we arrived.

I assured Kayla that it was fine for her to stay, and my parents would be okay with it when I explained the situation after they return.

I showed her to our guest room.

The room… that used to be my sister's before she passed away.

It's in the southeast corner of the house, where we get the least sun, so it's quite cold, even though it still feels like summer outside. The bed, at least, is quite nice after we changed the sheets. Most of the mess is located along the walls and corners, so there's no problems moving around the room. Kayla only has a single backpack with her. Just a single change of clothes, toothbrush, and a few other essentials.

For some reason, I find myself relieved. That she really is only here for a single day.

What she said: that Alexander used to be in love with her… that scares me.

She's clearly someone that Alexander knows very well, and did (or does) care a lot about.

There's a thought in my head that I try to dismiss, but I can't keep it out.

Does Alexander still feel the same way about Kayla that he did seven months ago?

No that's impossible, is what I first think, but I can't get that niggling thought out of my mind.

What if he was still in love with Kayla now?

If he saw her, would he want to return to Wellington with her?

Would he leave me to be with her?

We have similar facial features. I can vaguely remember him asking if I had any relatives in Wellington when I first met Alexander. Was he thinking of her when he asked me that?

When he saved me?

When we started going out?

I know I shouldn't doubt him that much. I'm certain that Alexander loves me, but I'm starting to wonder whether that's entirely for me. Or if it's because he saw something that reminded him of the girl that he loved, in me.


Kayla started to speak.

The two of us were sitting on my bed, cross-legged across from each other. I'd sat like this with lots of other friends of mine on many occasions, but it seems different with someone that I don't know that well. Like the privacy and security, I usually have in my own room is missing. It's been invaded.

"… how did you and Alex end up meeting?"


I'm surprised at first that she asked that, but then I think about it, and of course she would be interested. Alexander used to be in love with her, and now he's going out with me.

"It's kind of a long story, but he saved me."

"He… saved you?"

"Sorry, I know it isn't helpful to say that. But I was in a horrible situation and he helped me when anyone else would've just walked by."

"Really?" Kayla's eyes widened in disbelief, "that doesn't sound like him at all."

"Hmm… well, he does say all the time that he's changed a lot since he left Wellington."

"Huh. Well, I guess anyone would with that big of a change to their way of life."

Our conversation came to a standstill.

I'm sure it isn't difficult to imagine why. We don't know each other, and I have no clue what to talk about with her. The only thing I know about her, is that she's a friend of Alexander's, and that he used to be in love with her. I don't know anything else about her.

What kind of person she is, or anything like that. I don't know.

"Sorry, I know this is awkward," Kayla spoke up, as if reading my mind, "we barely know each other so of course this is weird. Not even considering the situation."

"Yeah, I'm sorry," I end up replying, "I don't know what to say."

"I know I'm imposing. If you want, I can leave. I'll be able to find a place to stay. Like a motel or something."

"No, I couldn't do that. You're Alexander's friend, of course you can stay here. It's just I don't know anything about you other than that. So, I don't know what to talk about with you."

"Then…" Kayla pondered, "what about we play a game?"