Fortunately, it isn't late enough that the bus services have ended for the day. If I'd had to walk the whole way into town, I don't think I would've made it to the cathedral in time. If I was completely functioning, it might not have been a problem, but I don't think that what I am right now can be called completely functioning.
It's a struggle not to fall asleep on the bus. In fact, I think I did multiple times. For once, I'm glad that the roads here are full of potholes.
I get off at the central bus exchange, and make my way to the abandoned cathedral. It isn't too far to walk. Just three blocks or so, and yet it feels like a marathon. My legs feel like lead. It's painful just to walk. So, sluggishly I make my way to the cathedral.
It isn't far outside of the rebuilt parts of the town centre. There are some newer buildings around, but they've all been abandoned. The cathedral itself stands alone in a large open square. There are signs that a marketplace or the like used to be here, but it seems like it's been empty for a while now. Construction fencing rings the cathedral, though there clearly hasn't been any construction on the building for years. Well, I know for a fact that it's been decades. Since that earthquake. There's moss growing up the sides and roof of the building, and even from a distance it's clear that many birds have made it their home. The spire is missing, presumably collapsed in the earthquake, and one side of the structure is gone.
As most would expect, there's no sign of human life. There's also no sign that anyone broke in. But, then again, I get the feeling that Kiss Duskdancer is used to this kind of thing. I doubt that she would leave any sign that an amateur like me could pick up on.
I clamber over the fence, and approach the decrepit structure. Walking around, I find the entrance, but it doesn't budge when I try to open the door. Even when I lean on it and shove, there's no movement.
Luckily, there's another point I can enter from, however. As I mentioned, one entire side of the cathedral is completely blown off. And whilst struggling through the rubble of the bricks proves a challenge, especially in the low light of late evening, I manage to find a way into the cathedral. Once I'm inside, it seems surprisingly well lit. There shouldn't be any electricity running into this building, and yet…
And yet, there are candles. Hundreds of them. They line the aisles, and sit up on the walls, and the benches, all the way up to the pulpit.
And there she is. Kiss Duskdancer. It's the first time I've seen her since around Christmas, but as far as I can remember, nothing about her appearance has changed. She has the same ominous aura, that sends chills down my spine. I know, not the most original, but how else can you describe that sensation? The creeping sensation of dread that seems to emanate from your brain, and makes its' way down the length of your back. Just looking at Kiss Duskdancer was enough to make me feel that way.
She sat lazily, her back against the pulpit. Even after spotting me approaching, she didn't appear at all concerned. As far as I could tell we were the only two in the room.
"I thought you might take a little longer, Chosen Child," Kiss spoke to me, "but then again, you are the Chosen Child."
"Where is she? Where is Kayla?"
"The girl is fine, Chosen Child. She's nearby," Kiss smiled, "I told you that nothing would happen to her before midnight, right?"
"Exactly. And I'm here. So, hand her over."
She laughed. It echoed off the high stone archways, making it extenuated and shrill.
"You must know that there's no reason I would have to give the girl to you, Chosen Child."
"But… you wanted me to find you, right?"
"Yes. So that we could talk."
"Yes. I want to answer your questions if I can, Chosen Child. It is still three hours to midnight; we are in no rush. No harm will come to the girl before then.��
Something instinctive tells me that this is a bad idea. That I should not trust this woman in the slightest. And yet, I'm curious. There's so much that I don't understand.
About the Mother's Order. About her. About why this is happening. Kiss Duskdancer is the key to understanding all of this. What all of this is, and what it all means. She's clearly a high-level figure within the Mother's Order. It seems to me that she was above even Ray Starcrawler in authority, and he was the leader of the chapter here in Christchurch. So, she must have some connection to the central leadership of the Order. The ones who are really in charge.
The people who are responsible for all this. All that the Mother's Order did to Tayla's family: taking advantage of her sick sister to take money from them, and initiate them. Even if he was acting against their wishes, Ray's drug dealing was at least to some extent because they put him in a position of power, right?
So, I need to know. To understand.