A gaze for a fool

"How many times will you make me repeat the same story?"

I was munching the contents of the decorative fruit bowl as breakfast, while my sister's angry face glared at me from my monitor.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Anne said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "I'm just trying to understand how you managed to antagonize Elessa Blackblood on your first day?!"

"I have no clue. Sin said he's not to blame." I shrugged.

"And you believed him?"

"Well…yeah. Why not?"

I quickly rinsed my hands and threw every book in my backpack. Someone left my schedule on the counter, but I was too lazy to check it. If I have everything I'll be good, right?

"Why not? Do you hear what you're saying Ava? Cain Blackblood is known to be cunning and manipulative. I think this whole setup's just an elaborate ruse to make you succumb to his dastardly desires."

Do what to his what?

"Whoa, someone's throwing a dictionary at me." I said, equally as sarcastically. "Chill sis, I can handle it."

She took a deep breath, no doubt to continue lecturing me. But I had enough already.

"I have to go to class, rain check."

I hung up, then shut down the computer, making sure that my phone was also on silent. Angry texts were inbound.

I tailed a group of girls to the campus, trying to stay out of sight. I wasn't sure they saw my little stunt yesterday, but better safe than stared at.

I semi-confidently wandered back to the same room as yesterday. Some of my classmates were already inside, helping a woman arrange the desks in a circle. But none of the trouble trio were present.

I slowly stepped back outside, dampening my aura and pulling up a barrier, to be harder to notice. I had no real reason to try and socialize with people. I doubt they had any info on the ID of the killer. Also, I wasn't in the mood for boring chitchat.

"Ava!" I heard J's voice calling out from the hallway. He just stepped out of the elevator.

"Hi, J." I answered when he got close enough that I didn't had to shout.

"Lizzie said you had a fight with the Empress." J looked oddly unfriendly, but I guess the story made his gossip-senses tingle. Stupid nosey vampire.

"No, nothing like that. We just had a misunderstanding, that's all."

"About what?"

He won't let me go without the full story, I know it. Question was, how much did he know already? Did he talk to Sin? Or Elessa?

Why am I panicking?

"Witchy women magic stuff." I finally said. That kinda covers murder threats, doesn't it?

I knew this wasn't the end of his questioning, so I looked around for a way out.

J snatched my chin before I could react. I felt my heartrate jump into fight mode, and I had to concentrate on not burning his face off accidentally. I'm not saying I'm ruling out face burning as an option, but I'd rather do it on purpose.

"Stop evading my questions little girl. Now come and answer me. What happened yesterday?"

His cold, vampiric powers encircled me, forming a silky cocoon at the edge of my shield. I let my power flare up, but it felt like trying to get rid of cobwebs. There was always more.

I was warned that domination was a scary power to mess with, but no stories could've prepared me for a warlock's gaze.

I was trying shake off his influence, while thinking of the stupidest, least meaningful thing I could, to prevent mind reading. It happened to be a coffee ad with its stupid jingle. If J broke through, he would instantly reveal the full extent of my powers, and my identity as a huntress.

His powers weakened, but I knew that he was preparing for another attack. I steeled myself and closed my eyes, focusing on the googly eyes of the dancing coffee cup.

"That's enough."

I only heard Damian's voice after I was already grabbed by him, and pulled a couple steps away from my attacker. His powers swept over my barrier, battling J's. Fresh, soft snow covered the cobwebs, making them ineffective.

"What are you doing J?"

Dam put his arm around me, and I didn't object. I felt like I was in a snow globe. It was a step up from the cocoon, that's for damn sure.

"She attacked Lizzie and had a fight with the Empress. I'm just trying to get the details." J said defensively. I noticed he was slightly panting. Had he used all of his power on me? I couldn't feel it fully because of my shielding.

"I don't care." I felt Damian's anger building, but he didn't shout at J. He said every word tightly pronounced and menacing. "This is no way to treat someone."

"You don't understand." J started walking back and forth, and Dam pulled me even closer, keeping me as far away from him as possible.

"Then explain."

"Lizzie came back yesterday with her eyes cried out, still sobbing. I could only figure out that she blamed herself for something." J stopped, looking Dam in the eyes. "I just got so angry, I didn't know what to do. I thought… Ava hurt her. Or someone."

J returned to his route.

"I called everyone, trying to figure out what happened, but they just had vague info about a pissed off Empress and smoke coming out of the pool. I sort of figured out the attack thing after that."

I was fairly sure Damian would release me after these accusations, but he didn't budge. I guess I would've done the same, in case the deviant decided running was a good option.

"That's not at all what happened." I said.

"Then explain." Dam repeated.

"I had to boil the water of the pool as an exercise. So it wasn't smoke, it was vapor. I got into an argument with Elessa, that ended in me getting a heavy shower of pool water and Liz getting dragged outside by her, to leave me alone.

J stopped, thinking about what I just said, turning to me after a few moments.

"Why was she blaming herself than?"

I thought about it.

"I guess since she was the one to set up the training session with Elessa, she felt responsible." I tried to shrug, but I was still bound by Damian's arm.

"That's so like her." J said endearingly. He calmed down enough for Damian to lift his power-blockade around me. I felt good to be free again.

"That's much better." Dam smiled at his friend. "Now how about an apology, so we can get back to business."

"Oh, yeah. I'm so sorry, Ava. I can get a bit defensive about my girl."

"That's an understatement." I said sarcastically. "But good for her, I guess."

"If there's anything I can help you with, do tell. No charge. I feel like an ass for attacking you."

J smiled at me, but I still felt the aftereffects of his pervious attack echoing on the outer wall of my barrier. Anne warned me that vampires were dangerous. I finally started to get the memo.

"I'll keep that in mind."