A clash for a fool

The first thing I noticed waking up was the throbbing headache in my temples. The second was the suggestively burgundy ceiling and the surprisingly large bed I was lying on.

This wasn't my room. More alarmingly, this didn't look like any room I knew in this place. So unless they were very quick at redecorating, I was in uncharted territory.

I scouted around and found a big bottle of water and some pills beside my bed. I quickly gulped the liquid down ignoring the meds, then as I went in the bathroom to refill the bottle I tried to recall whatever happened to me. It was a challenge. Something about Dam? A tea? Oh yeah. My memories were slowly seeping back to my brain.

"So you're finally up. I thought you'd be out for good." I spun around, but my insides didn't appreciate the sudden movement. Things turned and shifted, as I held on to the edge of the bathtub, waiting for the sweet release of death at this point.

Sin leaned against the bathroom door's frame, with a harsh look on his face. He was wearing gym clothes; a black muscle shirt with a Sex Pistols print, long black sweatpants and running shoes. He didn't look like he's been at the gym though.

"Stop staring at me and move over." He pushed me out of the way and started messing with his hair. "If you're fine then go back to your room."

"Where am I?" My voice was rough and alien.

"In my room."


"'Cause I've no clue where yours is."

That made sense. But something else didn't.

"This isn't your room."

Sin looked at me, annoyed.

"It's my room on the dark side. Now get out, take the elevator down to the basement. There'll be signs showing the path to the dorm."

I stared at Sin's back for a while, puzzling the puzzles and greasing the gears. Sin was applying tactical amounts of hair product to make it look like he didn't do anything. This time he ignored my gaze.

"You're angry." I came to the conclusion.

"What a fucking great observation."

"And you're grumpy. But why?" Was he angry about having to sleep on the couch?

"Don't know. Go and ask Damian about it."

"What? Why? And didn't you like knock him out last night? Or day? Or whatever?"

Sin turned to look at me, his hair half real messy, half fake messy.

"Yeah I knocked him out. And then I carried your drunk ass around half the school trying to find your room, but you stuffed your fricking bracelet up a black hole apparently."

I expertly fished the bracelet out of my bra. Sin grunted.

"Because that's where you're supposed to put it." he grumbled.

My headache was still present so I really didn't want to deal with Sin right now, but I finally had a lead worth following. So I focused myself, gathering the last of my magic to dull the headache and dizziness. I'll have to get some food and a good sleep before I could do much else.

"I just had some questions for Damian." I tried my best to stay calm. I can convince him.

"Yeah. In a guest room. On a sofa. Drunk. Right."

"I didn't want to get drunk. He told me it was tea."

"And you couldn't smell the booze."

"No, in fact I couldn't." Sin looked unconvinced. "I'm an aural witch, my smelling and tasting is shitty."

"Well, that's new. Took you long to come up with?" he asked with a fake smile.

Why can't he just accept the truth? I was getting more and more frustrated.

"I'm not lying. Look it up or something. Auras affect senses."

"And you somehow never told this to anyone before? You know, 'Hey, guys, I don't know what the fuck I'm eating' or something. Why were you picky with your food at lunch?"

"Because before there wasn't a rickety-ass shield around me, blocking half the world out just to keep my flames in."

At this point we were both shouting at each other. Sin took a firm stand in the bathroom while I squeezed the door frame.

"Isn't that convenient. A nice explanation to tie up all the loose ends. But tell me this: if you like Damian so much, why the hell did you tell me about yourself? And this mission or whatever. I didn't want to be involved."

"Because you asked me." I answered frankly.

This reply must've been the wrong one, because Sin just pushed me out of the frame and into the living area, shutting the door in my face.

"Get out."

I took a deep breath. Sin's right. I can ask other people. He was just… I don't know. Nice? And I call myself a good judge of character…

I walked towards the main door, feeling drained. I didn't even know what day it was.

As my stomach growled I looked towards the kitchen, but I stopped myself from grabbing anything. I should have some sandwiches in my room still. I turned to leave, but a small pink shine caught my attention. It was the dainty cup from yesterday, washed and on the drying rack. I grabbed it on the way out.

You never know.