A spirit for a fool

"I can't allow that Avalynn. It would be unfair towards others who worked hard to get in. Also I'm not the one in charge of the magic devision."

The King was unmovable and really busy. I rushed here before school started, but he was already buried in an enormous amount of paperwork, and clearly didn't enjoy my interruption.

"Just tell me who's in charge then!" I snapped at him impatiently.

Gaediel's sudden anger cut into my barrier, like sharp claws. It made me shiver.

"Avalynn Thorn. I asked you to leave off honorifics, not your manners." He got up from his chair, towering over me.

"I hold the reins of the strong and I protect the weak, this you should not forget. Everyone must abide by my rules. Or leave."

He looked at me meaningfully, too bad I was shit at deciphering looks. Should I be scared? Apologetic? When my dad did something like this I'd bare my teeth, spew some flames in his direction, then leave laughing. I never waited for the answer. Now I wish I did.

Gaediel sat back down. I must've took too long.

"I taken you in my defense once. Don't make me regret that decision." He cautioned me in a low, menacing voice that reverberated in the small room.

An angry presence stirred in me, whispering in my soul: 'How dare some kindling threaten me. I can't be controlled and I needn't be protected. I devour everything. I devour everyone'.

My lips twisted into an awful grin, so I quickly bowed my head.

"I'll go back to my lessons." I whispered, as I was afraid I'd start to howl in laughter if I did anything more.

"Yes, that will be the best."

I quickly rushed out of the King's office, keeping my head as low as possible. I knew this grin too well. It was terrifying. Cleo, my best friend once saw it during our training. She shrieked, then shot me…

I found the biggest statue in the hall and pushed my forehead against it. Thoughts of fire and heat still pulsed in my skull like a migraine, but the cold stone helped.

I was sweaty and out of breath. This was the first time in the last ten years that I came this close to losing it. And from what? A slightly awkward talk? No…

I wrote a quick message to Mary-Anne: 'Fia's up. I have to make a move.'

I got a call within a few seconds.

"What are you doing Avalynn?"

"Getting somewhere. Anywhere." I growled.

"We are already getting somewhere." She tried to hush me, but the flames still burned bright in front of my eyes.

"That's not what you told me yesterday."

"I was just concerned that you were not doing anything useful. But you were, so it's all fine. And I'm certain whatever you are planning to do right now is just the demon's doing. So calm down."

"She's a spirit, not a demon. I've told you..." I whispered.

"Focus, please, your voice is fading. You can't let it rule over you." She begged me. "Imagine that you are in water with rain pouring in your head. Or a waterfall. Or something that cannot burn."

Anything can burn.

The flames in front of me were dancing seductively, in red, blue, green and orange dresses. They called me to dance with them, I'd just have to extend my arm, and touch them…

"Snap the fuck out of it!"

The flames dwindled. I don't think I've ever heard my sister curse before, but it was enough for me to close my eyes and chase the temptation away with images of rivers, lakes, and shower gel commercials.

"I'm better sis, thanks." I said when the magic was mostly gone.

Just how many close calls will I have to avoid these days? I guess it would help to sleep more than half an hour a day, but I've got a crime to solve!

"Great." She let out a sigh of relief…or disappointment. You can never be sure with her. "Now, care to inform me what made you so angry?"

"I'm not angry." I insisted. I was excited and powerless, but not angry.

"Just tell me what happened, please."

I took a deep breath.

"They have a magical school here, all exclusive and whatnot. With like… special invitations. So I can't get in. But I have to get in. What if there's something important there? I can't fail my first mission."

She went silent.

"Anne? You're here?"

"Yes, I was just… thinking. Are you in a safe place? Can anyone hear you?"

I looked around. The hall was empty, as the lessons have started, but I took a moment to mask my presence.

"I've put a wall up."

"Good. Now what are you talking about?"

I recounted her all that happened yesterday. From J's teleportation to the four mages.

"That's… interesting." She trailed off, clearly still lost in thought.

"I'd call it either terrifying or blood boiling."

"It's definitely news… but that's not in itself a reason for fear or anger." She sighed deeply. "So what's our plan of attack?"


"You were planning to do something before I called. What was it?"

"I wanted to tell J to get me in RA." I said.

"Hmm… do you think this J can do it?" She wondered. I wasn't sure.


"If so, what are you planning to do? Break down his door and demand to do it or else?"


The conversation was getting a bit lopsided.

"Why not ask that Sin of yours? Maybe he can help."

"Yeah… he kinda threw me out last time we talked. I'm still not sure why though."

"And when did that ever stop you, you social battering ram?"

She was right, I should just tell him to shut up and do his job. Still, it felt… weird.

"I want to know why he's angry at me." I realized out loud.

This was a first to me. I don't usually care why people act in a way, as I've learned a long time ago that changing people's feelings towards me is near' impossible. So why do I care now?

"Then ask him."

"I've tried."

"Ask again. And Ava, try to actually hear him out. Maybe show some remorse? I know it's not easy, but a little bit of empathy goes a long way."

"Thanks for the generic advice, sis. I'm sure it'll help a lot."

"You're welcome. Now go back to your room and take a bath."

"See? Now that's a much better advice."

She sighed.

"Just…take care Ava."

"You too sis."

I stuffed the phone back in my pocket and took the shortest route home, silently making a five point plan to reconcile with Sin.

I only got to the first one. It was cookies.