Night 2 Part 2

[3 AM]

After snapping out of his daze he looked around the room to see them fully focused. Feeling a bit useless now he tapped Blake's shoulder and pointer her to the left door. Nodding she got off her chair and went beside Yang.

Yang was confused on why she was there but she only said that Mizu ordered her to come there. Yang glanced Mizu and saw he was sending her a secret thumbs up. Feeling her face heat up she shook it off and focused.

[4 AM]


A scream rang out again but this time they stayed focused and ignored the scream. Mizu glanced at the power percentage and saw it was 43%. Clicking his tongue he yelled, "Guys we need to conserve energy so don't go and waiting it!"

"Okay/Sure/Roger/Fine" Each said in affirmation, Mizu looked back at the monitor and saw Freddy twitching a bit in the stage before going static. He then switched it to the right hallway amd saw Chica running, "Right door close!"

Weiss closed it blocking Chica from entering, before they could relax metallic steps was heard on the left side, "Yang Now!!" Closing the door a hook came into view.

Mizu looked at the power and saw it was 27%, "Sh*t" he cursed startling the girls, he glanced at them, "They're making us waste the power! Ruby open the door!"

"B-but Chica" Ruby stuttuered, Mizu said hurriedly, "Is not there, open it!" Ruby opened the door and saw an empty hallway. Blake then did the same for the other side and saw it empty aswell.

"How are we in time" Mizu asked as he looked intently on the screen, "30 minutes to 6" Blake said, "Good almost there" Mizu switched frim camera to camera and noticed Freddy and the others were back at the stage. Exhaling a breath of relief he said to the girls, "Relax a bit guys their back in their positions" The girls relaxed a bit and sat down.

"This is too stressful" said Weiss, Mizu handed them bottles of water as they drank it, "Thanks Z" said Yang, Mizu looked at her "What? Mizu is a mouthful so I will call you Z from now on, Aren't I Yangtastic?" Everyone in the room groaned, Mizu then looked back at the screen and saw Freddy gone.

Hearing a deep chuckle from the left side instead of the right he ran towards the door and shined it's light, "Freddy is too idiotic why would he give away his situation by chuckling" said Weiss, "Don't know but atleast we know when he comes" Ruby said.

Mizu looked at the clock and saw it was just a few seconds before 6, "Thank you for the hard work guys" And right on que the clock rang signifying the end of their shift.

two portals opened behind them as they all stood up, "Ngh!! Finally can get some shut eye" Yang said as she stretched, "Mizu our weapons?" Ruby asked.

Mizu looked at her and went to the locker beside their portal. Opening it their weapons came into view, "They teleported here when I threw them" The girls then get their weapons and bid Mizu goodbye.

Sighing Mizu went inside his portal and plopped down onto his bed deep asleep.