You've never changed do you ? Second commander appears.

" auch..."

I woke up in an unfamiliar room looking at ceiling. It looked like I'm on a bed. I shake my head a bit and tried to move my body.

Surprisingly i was being tied to the bed.

I thought for a seconds and recalled what happened before when i fell unconscious.

as i thought about this a footsteps can be heard slowly coming over.

I keep thinking what should i say at a moment like this.

then the door opened and revealed the cute girl before.

" Hey, how are you? "She talked while holding a tray of food.

" Well , didn't you already do a detailed examination on my body when i was sleeping? "

" Hmph... Which maiden will do something like that? " The cute girl retorted.

" Haha, i wonder which one is it? "

I said with a joking tone.

" Anyway , now that I'm here you must listen to me." She stated while walking closer to the bed.

" Wait wait, before that i want to ask. How did you come here? "

" With a ship of course, dummy." She put the tray over the table close to bed.

" Okay, my turn. Why you didn't release yourselves and ran? "

" It's because running is useless and my body had been being defiled after all. "

" Hmph... , it's your honor to be defiled by beautiful clever girl like me. "

" hmm... okay good argument there . My turn then, Miss clever . Please tell me why you come here and how'd you find me?"

" Pfft.... Seriously? of all people you asking that? " She holding her cute laugh while holding her stomach.

" Even if i know this is a question i must ask. "

Not even answering she just laugh at it.

" Hahaha.... You've never change do you? "

She released her melodious laugh that soothing my heart. Even though it might be ordinary in other people ears.

" That's also the same to you ,ain't it? "

" Hahaha.... that's why i can keep living like this. "

" Yes, that's why i liked you . "

".... " My eyes suddenly being closed and a something soft touching my chest. Two sodt hands were on my eyes for sure. I can feel the heat even though it wasn't much.

I keep my eyes closed to feel it more better.

I hope that it is what i hope to be.

Well i can use my ability to release my self and see it or directly see it. But this girl had the power to know whenever i used my power or not. So i didn't want to make her feel any negative emotions .

" I really want to know what are you thinking about. Yonkou, all things i did, and our future.

Recently i keep thinking about it and i can't cast away this uneasiness , also.... "

[ Cut ]

I cut the rope that tied me and said.

" Don't worry ( While holding the hands that were on my eyes. ) everything will be okay.

Even though right now I'm jot strong enough but as long as 2 or three years passed , I'll become someone that can contend with yonkou." As I've said this my hand follow the hands and hugged her . And she really was on top of me, at least the upper half .

" Really? are you strong enough if they allied?

And there's also World Government. "She asked once more to be more convinced

I hold her body tighter.

" At least even if they're ganging up on me , i can have confidence to take them all on and let you guys retreat. And if something that i expecting become reality is happening early.

Even if the world government and Yonkou working together , they'll still won't be able to deal with us. "

" ... "

Silence filled the room while water dropped to my chest. It was more like my chest become wet.



After several hours.

I swept the hair of the cute girl who slept on my side.

" As my second commander and my wife you hold to much burden. Please rest and rely on me if you feel anything again. Take advantage of me as much as you can. Being happy is what i want. "

" You've never changed do you? "

" Hmm... i better eat this. " While taking a tray on the desk beside the bed.



Morning comes once more.

"Diabsol, Where will we go this time? "

" Sei , we need to pick up superb chef that i recruited and find Ace and the others. "

" Haaaa..... i feel something else is there... "

She looked at me af if observing something interesting.

" Hahaha..... there's just that. Why would there be something else. "

" we'll put it that way then . For now at-..." The last past was being said in small voice but Diabsol could hear it.

Then we walked to the Fire and Ice Inn and hopefully that She's still there.