The Path Forward Part 2

Little Soul could see the questioning look that man was giving him since but he didn't care he simply wanted to know more.

"What are the people there like?" this was an important question because someone that joined the clan, Guild or whatever you want to call it typically as people of a similar mind.

"What they're like? well um ... I'm not entirely sure since I'm not a magi or anything like that but I did hear a few rumors. They say everyone there is a masochist or something similar. They are a unique breed even amongst other Magi. Not only that I hear all of them are super strong even amongst Magi of similar rank and their tattoos have a weird ability.

Their selection process and training of future Magi are said to be really hard. They're willing to accept anyone but out of a hundred people who apply to be a magi's Apprentice 10 might pass and out of those 10 only one might become an official Magi. Even amongst other clans their methods, entry rate, survival rate, and success rate are brutal".

Little Soul was not expecting to hear that but at least he heard good news Clan was willing to accept anyone so he had a chance. You could see the light shining in Little Soul's old eyes if you looked closely enough.

"Do you know how to become someone like him a mage". He didn't hold back at all when questioning the lanky man. His childhood dream wielding magic will come true.

"They say there's a bunch of different ways but all of them are hard especially for people like us. You could join a clan and they invest in you afterward you have to serve them for a hundred years or so it depends. You could become a rogue magi but, I highly don't recommend that it's far harder than the other way. You could also get lucky exploring a ruin and obtaining some ancient magi's legacy but, that one has a one in a billion chance of happening. But, knowing all that's meaningless if you don't have the talent for magic". While waving his hand dismissively to the old man he had a knowing look of regret on his face from a shattered dream.

The old man took in every word that missing a syllable "how do you know if you have the talent for Magic?".

"That's easy the Magi has already popularized the usage of crystal balls that could show a person their affinity and talent for Magic they can be found at any Park, School, or government office. You can go to the Nightingale park right now right up the road there should be a crystal ball next to the swing set. He then pointed in a direction to the closest crystal ball he knew of at the time.

Little Soul was visibly happy that a crystal ball was so close to him. "One last question do you know how to cast magic?".

The lanky man was truly wondering why this old man was asking him all these bizarre questions shouldn't he already know the answers to them? " I don't know how to use magic but, magi have officially released a few beginner books so some people could have a head start like meditation and stuff like that. Their so cheap even poor people like use can buy them using for a few drachma instead of the usual magic crystals.

You could find them in any book store anything a higher grade than that is tightly locked up by the magi especially grade 1 knowledge and above. You want anything like that you might get lucky at a black market but unless you know some people there is low chance of success".

Every sentence filled Little Soul with energy, he felt like a kid again experiencing Christmas for the first time. "Thank you, truly thank you words alone could not convey the gratitude I feel" In a perfect 90-degree angle little soul bowed.

The lanky man was weird out by this old man now bowing him after answering those simple questions. Some other people even looked over at the two with questioning looks but, didn't say anything.

"Come on there's no reason to do that It's not like I did anything special" scratching the back of his head in confusion he tried to get the old man to stop.

"But you did you pointed me to the direction of the path that I must walk and for that, I am truly grateful this comes from the bottom of my heart". Still bowing in a perfect angle little soul notices something in the corner of his eye it was that magi that can shoot lightning he was going to leave.

Little Soul could not let such a great man leave without asking one question to him.

Seeing this he quickly stopped bowing and took off in full sprint as fast as an Olympic runner toward that magi now dragging two people on in his hands.

He shoved the people in front of him out of his way. Ran past the still-burning building and prostrated himself on the ground behind the magi as he was walking away down the road dragging those two people.

Shouting loudly " oh great magus I wish to gaze into the abyss of magic please tell me what must I do?". These words were said as tears streamed down his wrinkled cheeks.

Stopping and turning around what he heard the old man the Magi was silent for a good moment starring at the old man looking at him directly in the eyes before he spoke.

"What is your name?"

"My name well it's ugh ..." Little Soul was at a loss for words when it hit him. "The names Desmond Gillies sir"

"Well than Desmond let me tell you that the path of magic is a long and difficult one where you can experience death or Madness at any moment it is not for the faint of heart and it may not be something you could handle". This was said without a lick of emotion in his tone.

But, he did not care what it was had to face if magic was not made for him then he will make it work for him.

Selling his soul to a devil becoming a hideous fiend of twisted proportions was all worth it to him because this was magic he was talking about he would gladly die to obtain it. To experience what superheroes and villains did in all those TV shows he watched, and books he read.

Now that he has a chance of making it real he'll never stop pursuing it. That's why he listened intently to every word the man who's walking the same path he will be pursuing the future.

"But, while there is little hope are you becoming a mage it is not entirely impossible. I Have seen many strange things in my LIfe so the probable of you because a mage is still there even despite your condition". The Magi said no more as he walked off a little further down the street. He did not even turn around as the old man slammed his head hard into the ground thanking him for his words of wisdom before bursting in a loud flash of thunder.

The old man was still prostrating himself until the great magi left. When he stood up he had some scraps on his forehead from slamming and his head into the pavement. "What did he mean by my condition?"

The people on the sidelines we're discussing to each other about the weird old man who actually dared runup to magi and Live.

From the crowd, the lanky man who he had been discussing with previously started shouting at him from the crowd.

"What the hell do you have have a death wish old man" he shouted with obvious fluster.

He looked over in confusion at that statement "death wish?".