The Investigation Part 3

Desmond dried his tears than continued telling detective Leon everything he knew " I was locked away in a cell in the back before everything happened so I did not see the fighting all I heard was the gunshots and screams of other people are they died one by one in the other room. The fighting didn't last long until that man decided to come into the other room. I never saw his face or any other discernible features he was cloaked head to toe in black and wore a mask made of wood carved with the face of a demon on it.

Detective Leon fervently jotted down everything that Desmond was saying " what happened after that?".

"When the man with the demon mask came in he immediately saw me then threw a knife he somehow pulled out of thin air right at me. I thought I was going to die and so did he. so he left me alone and proceeded to ransack the place let the place on fire and left I was playing dead on the floor in the cell the whole time".

Leon glanced at the magic bell that's had not rang once then continued writing down what Devin told him " is there any other information you can remember that may be of any help"

"No" Desmond replied

"Alright than were almost done I just need to ask you a few questions about history, geography, and a few other misalliance stuff"

Desmond found what Leon said quite odd "why do you need to ask those things it has nothing to do with this situation"

"Its something that we have to ask everyone that gets arrested now or is acting suspiciously it only started a few weeks ago so not surprised you don't know. Either way, I have no choice one the matter also if you get too many answers wrong I am required to immediately detain you until you are cleared of your suspicion by official magi".

Leon asked Desmond a few more questions and what he felt he had enough thanks Desmond for his cooperation and left.


Alone in the hospital room again Desmond had a sigh of relief, while that magic tool that Leon brought did scare him a little Leon would never get the truth out of Desmond that way. While Desmond is the one piloting the body it was never his, to begin with, the body is simply a convenient vessel and home for Desmond.

Ever since his soul got stronger he has gained much greater control over his body to the point switching facial features is a sinch for him. His ability to control his body like that allows Desmond to have amazing acting skills. But, the trick that allowed Desmond to not set off the bell that could detect lies was him drawing back his spirit huddling it away deep inside him.

This shutdown Desmonds body completely even his heart stopped beating this left Leon to interview a lifeless corpse. By using hundreds of spirit threads Desmond effectively maneuvered his body fooling detective Leon.

"Finally gone now I can get back to what I was doing before".

While Desmond has been chained in the cell Underground and cuffed to the hospital bed he has been doing two things one was thoroughly inspecting his soul along with his body. the other was experimenting with the new ability he gained.

After feasting on all those Souls Desmond could now see all the magic flying around him. He wanted to try cultivating again but he knew it was a bit risky. That's why he spent most of his time inspecting his soul and trying to master his new sight.

"Maybe I should try learning what Ingram did and give my soul more of a physical form that does sound nice, but I can't do that here who knows what kind of monitoring system they have set up here".

Left with little options Desmond sat in bed watching the world around him change color and flash as frequently a disco ball and strobe lights.


Eclipse Association, Delmar city

Sitting at his desk in the Eclipse Association mage tower was Nisus bell Delmar City's strongest magi, manager, and guardian overseer.

Nisus was rubbing his temple trying to relieve the headache he had after finishing today's documents when a knock came from his door.

He wanted to be left alone right now, but he knew to push his work back would only leave him with more the next day so he reluctantly let the person in.

"Come in"

Opening the door was lord Velar Kadyn in a three-piece black suit, he was holding a newspaper from Titled The Astral Messenger as he approached Nisus.

Velar slammed the magic newspaper on the table that had moving pictures and words advertising different things.

"Nisus did you learn about what happened over at the Elven Kingdom Kingdom and the Magi Empire"

Nisus looked at Velar while still rubbing his head " of course I have it's one of the reasons why I have such a migraine"

"I just can't believe what's going on right now the rank 5 dragon Heilbron that guards the elves western side has gone completely wild. From the looks of things, The Thorn Mountains has already turned into an active volcano range, it doesn't look like Heilbron is gonna stop anytime soon so it won't be long till Solaris Kingdom's west side Is a sea of flames. Not to mention what happened at the Starling Empire's Coast almost half of the Loran isles sunk into the sea millions of people died no one knows the cause right now all they know it was not natural.

"That's what pains me so much only those that are rank 4 and above can cause that much damage. So, many things are happening all around us and I know you can see it too we don't even have the right to know let alone participate for one reason alone we are too weak. Many people see us as strong they are all mistaken it is only when you come this far that you become enlightened on how insignificant you are.

It is only at rank 4 that we have the right to call ourselves cannon fodder. Anything below that is just Mages in training. back in the day when the God's we worship walk the earth ranks 4 were everywhere, they were the most common soldiers filling the ranks.

It was only those truly devout soldiers that had received the blessings from there god and rose to the ranks 5 and 6 that actually mattered in battle.

While powerful they were all nothing, but slaves completely at the mercy of their 'God'. Their nothing like Magi they had to have their power gift it to them they could only have it rise the whim of who they serve.

The death of the Gods was the best thing that ever happened in this world because of that humans found the path the true freedom and enlightenment. We use that knowledge to break free from the shackles that are the crystal cores inside of us all. So that we may walk our own path in forge our own destiny.

Velar nodded his head agreeing wholeheartedly with what Nisus said: "Oh by the way what information did you manage to gather from those souls found in Clover Forest?".