Training Camp

The ride on the train to district B took a full hour it was a long ride on a train for public use so it wasn't the nicest yet the scenery was. When the train passed by the towering apartment buildings, clock towers, and monuments inside district C Desmond didn't think much of it. when the train headed out of district C Desmond eyes stayed locked outside the window.

Between district C and B was hundreds of acres of farm and grassland with people working in them it wasn't that Desmond had never seen farming done before what caught his eye was the big white obelisk's scattered everywhere around the farms.

They released large amounts of magic energy over a wide area that gets soaked into the grounds. Desmond soon found out on the way that they increased food production which was interesting for him. Since it helped make the amount of human labor needed minimal.

The farming was done by golems that sent the goods off to factories to be processed. A passenger on the train even informed him that the obelisk act as a bug repellent in addition to speeding up plant growth.

Finding out what kinds of things magic could be used for made Desmond happy. His joy lasted the whole train ride to the city guard training camp where he disembarked at district B's train station which was much nicer and bigger than the ones at district D and C.

The train station had marble floors and Decorative stone columns with warriors and giants etched into them. Desmond saw this and knew immediately what it all meant "it looks like the class divide here is much more obvious they don't even try to hide it". Desmond looked at everyone wearing a fancy suit or dress looking as fashionable as possible like they were going to a banquet or a ballroom to dance.

Then he looked at himself wearing brown trousers, a caramel color shirt, and a pair of stucker plain shoes. Desmond had nicer clothes in his closet he just didn't feel like wearing them even if it was to fit in with the fashion trend. All those layers of cloths would just make him sweat through them then he would be forced to use his magic to dry his armpits every five minutes.

With that thought in mind, Desmond started looking around at all guys around him who are most likely dying in secret to get those constraining clothes off. While doing this Desmond started laughing at those fools going through such discomfort for the sake of fitting in. It's fine some of the times, but if you take it overboard like everyone is doing now there's simply no point.

Passing through the horde of fashionable fools Desmond arrived outside where he saw the buildings were nicer. They had a bit of resemblance to homes in the Victorian era on earth while also mixed with another style Desmond couldn't identify.

The streets were wider in district B than the other places he had been there were even more cars driving on the road. Desmond hailed a carriage that was a bit nicer than the one he had seen at district D even the coachman was dressed nicer. He didn't doddle long before he set off towards the city guards training camp.

The ride was smooth and only took another 20 minutes to arrive at the city guards' training camp. The training grounds were massive it covered a few acres and had from what Desmond could see there were 20 different brick buildings that littered the place, multiply different fields for various things, and even though Desmond wasn't at the gate he could still hear explosions.

Desmond knew he wasn't the best at taking orders or giving them, but this was necessary so he wouldn't end up torn apart again by someone like the mirror man.

Inside of the city guard's training grounds, Desmond came across a peculiar sight he knew many of the city guards were bodybuilders, but what he saw was ridiculous. There was a long row of people pulling huge warrior statues across miles on a dirt field. Each statue was about the same size as the one of Abraham Lincoln in Washington.

When Desmond saw the kind of training they were doing at the camp he started having second thoughts about joining, but eventually, he forced his butt to the main building to talk to their secret at the front.

The main building was decorated with pictures of various soldiers, medals, trophies, and the magi empire flag. Which were two swords plunging into the earth with a book open in the middle.

Desmond made his way to the counter where brunette secretary in a pants suit was sitting down talking on the phone with someone. Desmond waited a few minutes till she was done before speaking to her.

"Hello miss my name is Desmond Gillies I'm here to apply to join the Delmar city reserve unit may I know how I might go about applying and any info you may have on the unit along with potential benefits" Desmond spoke clearly with the composer of a gentleman to the woman.

The woman served Desmond with a sweet smile as she explained everything as best as she could. "Thank you for your consideration in joining Desmond City's reserve unit before we proceed further may I see your ID". If Desmond was asked that question a few months ago he would have been stumped and had to aquerdly ask were to get a new ID.

In this world ID's are placed inside a persons body which a person can summon out anytime they want. The seam that the card was placed was so well hidden and small Desmond had a hard time locating it even when the info popped into his head.

After summon his ID that had his picture, name, address, and a bit more info on it. Desmond thought about how much of an easy time he would have had finding his home if he knew how to do that earlier.

Checking Desmond's ID the lady went on with her introduction "As you might already know the reserve unit is a special unit only used in a time of need when Delmar city is attacked by a large wave of monsters or under siege when we fight for ownership with the elves.

The reserve unit does not fight directly in battles they are all stationed inside or on top of the city walls where they are responsible for managing the guns and cannons. Everyone is trained on how to do this inside the camp and will be brought to the walls to run practice drills. The training session isn't long for the reserve units it only lasts 4 months after that you are only required to come train here 3 times a week.

As a member of the reserve unit you will be official seen as part of Delmar city's military so you are allowed to use many of our facilities that required military access and when you are apart of the military if you break laws within Delmar city you may not be subject to a regular trial but court marshaled instead.

The yearly salary for a reserve unit on stand by is 7 magic crystals and when you are called to duty your pay ofter the battle could range from 100 - 500 magic crystals depending on the situation".

Desmond was stunned by the shit pay even if the reserve unit doesn't do anything for long periods of time why would people be ok with such a salary. "Madam can you tell me the salary for official soldiers".

The lady quickly replied "regular soldiers Depending on their Military rank, skill set, and depending on whether they are at apprentice level strength or have broken through to rank 1 makes their salary differ greatly. Mages often get paid a much higher salary than others especially if there potion grandmasters, golem grandmasters, seal masters, good at divining, and other professions as well.

Those below rank 1 receive around 100 - 1000 magic crystals a year, at rank 1 the salary is around 50,000- 250,000+ magic crystal crystals a year, rand 2 salary is 750,000 - 3,000,000+ a year, Rank 3 salary is 7 million - 15+ million.

There are no rank 4's in Delmar City they are typically leaders of large clans or the main combat unit of super large clans. Money doesn't interest them anymore and you would have to really piss a clan off for a rank 4 or anything higher to come after you.

Desmond felt the salaries these people were getting were crazy you can get a decent home for 1 mage stone a month yet there are people that rich walking around. "What do they even spend that money on hell what do their houses look like? How is their economy not broken, where do they even get the money to pay all those people?".

In light of this new information, Desmond wanted to dig up Vincent from whatever grave he was buried than punch him for being so poor.

"If you wish to join there is a vetting process so you will have to wait 2-3 months for a reply while we dig into your background".

Desmond didn't mind he had nothing to hide except the thing about those people he killed, how he is just a random spirit taking a dead old mans body for a joy ride, how he impersonated Secret Visage, then almost got killed by one of their members, and how he is most likely still on their hit list and will come after him again when they find out he is alive. The more Desmond thought about what he had to hide the more worried he got about the inspection.

He talked with the woman about a few more things than signed up, paid the registration fee and left the camp "3 months guess I should get back to practicing my magic".