
City Guard's Training Grounds, Delmar City

Inside building 12 room 132 was Derek who was currently still disguised as Sergeant Joe Freeman. He was still wearing his pure white formal uniform as he stood in the middle of his office with an expression on his face that none of the reserve unit members that he trained has ever seen before. This was a rare occasion were Derek while disguised as Sergeant Freeman had a smile on his face. His joyful smile was birthed from the sudden misfortune of Andrea Briggs who stood in the room with Derek while wearing plain civilian clothes with her arms crossed in annoyance as she waited for Derek to be finished mocking her.

A gentle stream of tears dripped down Derek's face as he laughed at Andrea, "this is too precise I always knew that this was going to happen to you because of your temper I just didn't think it would happen like this. So, how does it feel being suspended for excessive use of force, damage to the city and civilian property, and a huge pile of other things Andrea".

Andrea didn't take Derek's words in any bad way they were both each other's rivals but ultimately friends in the end.

With a smirk of her own on her face, Andrea replied, " honestly it feels great. Being suspended was probably the best thing that's happened to me recently because now not only do I not have to fight in the war I get paid not to do it as well. If it was any other time it might have been bad but now it's basically a vacation. Which is a lot better then what you have to do".

"Fighting in this war is an honor and unlike you, I'm fine risking my life for the sake of others. It's one of the reasons why I joined the army and not a clan in the first place".

With a devilish grin, Andrea replied, "I'm so happy to hear you say that because its that kind of mentality that you're going to need to have right now if your gonna want to survive".

"Survive what?".

"Well, you see because I got suspended they need a person with a very particular set of skills to fill my position for a very important mission and while I am suspended I still have some authority. It wasn't enough to change their decision but it was enough for them to allow me the honor of presenting this message to you".

Andrea took out a fancy glowing letter that was magically sealed and presented it to Derek for him to read. After Derek read the contents of the letter his eyes became wide like saucers as he struggled to make sense of the letter he just read.

"This can't be right they want me to do recon. Why would they as me to do this? Did they not see the horde of magical beasts outside the wall? One wrong move out there and I could actually die. The letter even has Emma Von Cooler's emblem of approval. How in the world did I get so unlucky".

"Don't worry about how it happened just focus on completing that dream of yours. You know fighting to protect the weak and all that good stuff".

With a gleaming look in his eye, Derek realized something.

"It was you wasn't? you got me put this mission".

"How dare you make such an accusation did you not just hear what I said I'm suspended I can't go I must repent for my action. Clearly, I'm not welcome here if you're making such outrageous comments. I'll be taking my leave then".

Andrea sped out of the room before Derek could stop her leaving him alone and furious. Derek is fine fighting for the sake of others but he doesn't like being thrown to his death like this. Derek furiously shouted down the long hallway at Andrea's quickly fading figure.

"Get back here Andrea and explain this".

In the long corridor Andrea's voice echoed into Derek's ear, "it was you or me".

Andrea's response made Derek angrily slam his office door and walk around in his office in a humph. As Derek trudged around his eyes glanced out of his window for a second allowing him to catch a glimpse of a certain insubordinate old man that's been A-wall for a little over a month. His figure was surrounded by 3 other soldiers who he also recognized because he was the one that had to train them for a year straight.


In the courtyard, Desmond was surrounded by his 3 closest friends Roy, Lance, as well as John, and was happily chatting with them. They were some of the few people Desmond had met in the world that didn't want to spontaneously kill him or use him in some way. Desmond was grateful to see their faces because it helped alleviate much of the pain and stress that has accumulated over the past couple of weeks. As they chatted Desmond couldn't help but feel at ease.

"Desmond where the bloody hell have you been you've been gone for a month and left me alone with these two idiots. Do you have any idea the amount of pain I've been through?".

Lance complained to Desmond about his untimely disappearance when suddenly Roy interjected.

"What do you mean by idiots were the best kind of company a person could ask for. Ain't that right John".

John had a rifle attached to his back with the same upbeat smile plastered on his face as he replied, "of course we are if it wasn't for us you would have been beaten black and blue in that fight we had a few weeks ago"

"If it wasn't for you guys there wouldn't have been a fight in the first place since you started it".

"That's because Roy didn't have a chance to participate in the last one. We've got to look out for our own".

Roy grabbed the side of John's shoulder and in a tone full of brotherly love, "thank's buddy".

John replied back, "don't mention it".

Lance looked at both of them while shaking his head then said to Desmond, "you see what I mean".

Desmond shook his head vigorously as he said, "ya, I do I see just fine. I see that ya'll trying to exclude me. Not cool bro's rise or shine if there's a fight I wanna be in it".

"Oh come on"

While Lance lampooned Desmond huddled together with the other idiots in their group. As that was going on a disgruntled figure made his way towards the group. The group quickly noticed who was approaching and stood in a line at attention in moments.

Everyone clearly saw that their drill Sergeant was pissed and exactly who he was pissed at.

"Sergeant Freeman sir, Desmond Gillies reporting in for duty sir".

Sergeant Freeman continued to walk towards Desmond and only stopped when he was inches away from his face. Desmond while he didn't show it had his emotions heavily suppressed it was because he was a fairly decent actor that it was a bit hard to notice. But Desmond could still feel things and people like Sergeant Freeman definitely made Desmond's emotions stir which was quite bad because Desmond keeping his emotions in check was the difference between life and death.

When Sergeant Freeman arrived in front of Desmond he could instantly tell the difference between Desmond a month ago and Desmond before him today. He was a rank 2 practitioner it would be weird if he couldn't sense such differences. While Desmond had gotten stronger and he secretly commended Desmond for it didn't stop him from chewing Desmond out.

Sergeant Freeman grabbed Desmond by his skull with both hands and lifted him up above his head. While it would be difficult for average people to do such a thing to someone who's a similar weight and hight Freeman wasn't an average person.

"Reporting for duty what do you mean by reporting for duty. Because from what I understand you should have reported ages ago. What in the world was more important than informing your superior officer of your absence".

Desmond didn't say anything because he knew it was a trap.

"That what I thought you poor excuse for a soldier. There ain't nothing more important in this world than fulfilling your duty. Yet, you don't seem to understand that so not only are you on latrine duty for the foreseeable future you also have the honor to be deployed as close to the front lines as I'm allowed to put you. That also includes the rest of you grunts as well. You will also be deployed to the top of the wall under the command of Captain Tusk because you're all equally guilty by association. Now, are there any objections to my decision".

"Sir, no sir".

"Then get moving those toilets aren't going to clean themselves".

As Sergeant Freeman what the four musketeers rush away terrified of him. It brought him no joy because he's gonna have to start running for his life very soon too.